Teaspoon Publishing

About the Publisher

Just like a teaspoon of sugar sweetens your tea, Teaspoon Publishing adds a dash of something special to your words. Whether it’s getting a dose of magic in your fiction, working magic with your words, or helping you find that magical balance of trad/indie/hybrid publishing, we hope you’ll find what you’re looking for here!

To drill down, it’s as simple as a TSP: Traditional: where we source and publish books like a traditional publisher. (Soonish!) Services: where we provide writing-related freelance services such as editing, proofreading, and copywriting. Publishing Hub: where we hold your hand(s) and let you decide how we can help you achieve your publishing dreams.

Why Teaspoon? Teaspoon is a play on our founder’s initials, ATSP. It’s also a tribute to her obsession with all things tea.