Part I

Asthma Basics

In this part . . .

You’re experiencing respiratory symptoms that indicate you may have asthma, but you’re not sure what your problem is. How do you figure out whether your ailment is asthma? Or if you’re diagnosed with this medical condition, what does that mean in terms of your overall health? This part helps you determine what may be affecting you by explaining the signs and symptoms of asthma, the underlying mechanisms involved in this ailment, and how you can — as well as why you should — get a proper diagnosis of your condition.

In this part, you also find out what the vital elements of a successful asthma management plan are and how doctors use severity levels to manage your ailment. I also describe in detail the types of lung-function measurements that are crucial for assessing your asthma’s severity, and how you can check your lung functions yourself at home with peak-flow monitoring. Additionally, this part discusses using a symptom record, monitoring your medication use, and evaluating your inhaler technique.