by John Maxwell
Todd Duncan’s desire to help people discover their purpose and develop their God-given potential is apparent in everything he does, and his latest book is no exception. Over the last few years Todd has become a wonderful friend. We have spent many hours sharing our hopes for our families, vision for our companies, and our goals in life. It is obvious to me that Todd is a great leader, and as you read the pages of this book I know you will also benefit from his leadership insights.
High Trust Selling is not only a reflection of who Todd is, it is a clear portrait of who he desires you, the reader, to become. Todd’s words will empower you with the tools necessary to become a great leader in selling. But more than that, they will also compel you to maximize your potential in life. This book can take you to the next level, and I believe it will become one of the cornerstone books for your business as well as the sales industry. Regardless of your current position in the world of sales, High Trust Selling is a must-read. But I encourage you to do more than just read this book. Commit to live it.
New York Times bestselling author of
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,
Failing Forward, and
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork