Don’t be a pussy
they said
Suck it up
they told me
Like a man
they repeated
until walk it off, it’s only
a scratch, I’ll give you something
to cry about became a simple
tourniquet. As a toddler,
stitches closed shut my scalp.
I hung from a dog’s mouth,
flaccid as a rooster’s wattle.
I was mauled. Still scarred by
teeth. Like any good secret,
I was carried for only so long.
Eventually after trauma
you’re expected to laugh, build
a birdhouse, collect stamps.
I used to have to get drunk,
watch Twilight or When Harry
Met Sally to cry. A name
contains destiny and history.
My name means beloved
but some things can’t be
loved. Liar, liar teepee
and pants on fire, all my
Yaqui beads traded. Nick
nack paddy whack, dogs
fight over the bone. Wee wee,
Piggy cried all the way home.
Memory nips my head. Hush
lil baby. What punctures child
hood quicker than being
bathroomed, whispered to
suck it.