Book 3

Exploring the WordPress Dashboard

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Logging In and Taking a Look Around
    1. Logging In to the Dashboard
    2. Navigating the Dashboard
    3. Arranging the Dashboard to Your Tastes
    4. Finding Inline Documentation and Help
  2. Chapter 2: Exploring Tools and Settings
    1. Configuring the Settings
    2. Creating Your Personal Profile
    3. Setting Your Site’s Format
  3. Chapter 3: Managing Users and Multiple Authors
    1. Understanding User Roles and Capabilities
    2. Allowing New User Registration
    3. Adding New Users Manually
    4. Editing User Details
    5. Managing a Multiauthor Site
  4. Chapter 4: Dealing with Comments and Spam
    1. Deciding to Allow Comments on Your Site
    2. Interacting with Readers through Comments
    3. Managing Comments and Trackbacks
    4. Tackling Spam with Akismet
  5. Chapter 5: Creating Categories and Tags
    1. Archiving Content with WordPress
    2. Creating and Editing Tags