The Continuous Warp Method
Warp the Loom
Use this warping method for shorter woven pieces, 71/2″ (19cm) long or less.
1 Adjust the length of the loom to fit the piece you plan to weave. Insert a peg in one of the peg holes in each warp guide beam.
2Secure one end of the warp thread on the winding beam with a holder, and loop the thread around the peg 2–3 times to start the warping process.
3 Place the warp thread into a groove on the warp guide beam and extend the thread to the corresponding groove on the opposite beam, looping it around from left to right. Repeat until you have the necessary number of warp strands. Note: The number of warps strands required will be 1 more than the number of beads you plan to use across the body of your work, so a project 11 beads wide requires 12 warp strands.
4 After placing the required number of warp strands, loop the end of the warp thread around the closest peg 2–3 times. Secure the thread on the closest winding beam with a holder and trim the end.
5 Insert the warp thread stoppers into the holes in the grooves of each warp guide beam. This will keep the warp threads from popping out of the grooves.
How to Start Weaving
1 Thread the weft thread onto a beading needle, leaving a 4″ (10cm) tail. Tie the loose end onto the leftmost warp thread.
2 Bring the weft thread UNDER the warp threads and pick up the beads for the first row.
3 Press the beads up against the warp threads, positioning one bead between each warp thread, starting from the left.
4 While continuing to hold the beads in place against the warp threads, slide the needle back through beads, needle eye first, making sure the needle passes OVER all of the warp threads.
5 Repeat Steps 2–4 to continue adding rows of beads until your design is complete. After you have finished the last row, tie the weft thread to the warp thread.
When you pass the eye of the needle through the beads, always bring it OVER the warp threads.
Hiding Warp & Weft Threads
Method A
Use this finishing method for a project that uses one continuous thread as the warp and has no increases or decreases.
1 To remove the woven piece, release the warp beams. Remove the holders; then remove the pegs.
2 Place the woven piece on a flat surface. Divide the warp threads at the center.
3 Pull strand 1 downward gently, as shown in Figure 1.
4 Pull strand 2 upward (see Figure 1). Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until you reach the left edge of the piece.
5 Repeat the same process on the right side, working out from the center as you did before (see Figure 2).
6 To hide the warp threads that have been pulled through the piece, thread the end of the left thread onto a beading needle. Pass the needle through the second bead from the left side, going through 2 or 3 beads. Pass needle through 4 to 5 rows of the weft threads, picking up the UPPER weft threads. Pass the needle through a row of beads from left to right, going through the second bead from the right side. Then, pass the needle through the next row of beads, going back to the left. Cut thread at the edge of the second to last bead in the row (see Figure 3). Repeat with the remaining warp thread.
7 Hide the weft threads at the beginning and end of the woven piece as shown in Figure 4.
Weaver’s Knot
When you run out of weft thread, join more thread by using the Weaver’s Knot. Make sure the knot slips inside the beads.
We cannot express strongly enough here that if the warp threads do not pull easily STOP. Try following Method B on page 8, which requires the warp threads only be pulled downward through the piece. If it is not possible to pull the warp threads through the piece at all, trim the warp thread loops, keeping the threads long enough to be threaded onto a needle. Then, follow the method described on page 10 to hide the individual warp threads in the woven piece.
Method B
Use this finishing method for a project with a continuous warp thread and increases or decreases on only one end of the woven piece. The warp threads will all be pulled downward toward the increase/decrease end, cut, and then woven back into the piece.
1 Remove the woven piece from the loom and place it on a flat surface. Pull threads 1–3 downward toward the end with the increase or decrease, following the arrows in Figure 1. Do NOT pull on the outer warp threads (labeled A and B). Continue pulling strands 1–3 downward gently until the thread loops meet the beads in the top row without causing it to pucker. Cut the thread loops at the bottom (see Figure 2).
2 Thread one of the outer warp threads on a beading needle. If the piece has increases or decreases, pick up UPPER weft threads for several rows, starting at the first full row. Then, run the needle through the closest row of beads, bringing it out at the side. Cut the thread at the edge of the second to last bead in the row. Hide the remaining outer warp thread in the same way (see Figure 3).
3 With the exception of the threads marked with stars, hide the remaining wrap threads using the method described in Step 2 (see Figure 4).
4 The starred threads are on the last row. To hide these threads, thread them on a beading needle. Then, pick up the UPPER weft threads for several rows, starting with the second to last row (see Figure 5). Run the needle through a row of beads as shown in Figure 3, and trim the excess thread.
5 Hide the weft threads at the beginning and end of woven piece as shown in Figure 4 of Method A on page 7.
When moving the needle horizontally, avoid passing it through the same beads twice.
Glossary of Terms
If you’re new to beading or bead weaving, you might not be as familiar with some of the terms used in this book. Here is a short list of the most important terms you’ll need to know:
Bead tips: These are used to finish the end of a piece by enclosing the working strands. They also provide a way to attach a clasp to a project. See how to attach a bead tip on page 12.
Clasp: This is any closure used to attach the ends of a finished project. Clasps come with two halves, one to be attached to each end of a completed jewelry piece.
Increases/Decreases: A project is said to have increases or decreases when the number of beads per row is raised or lowered, usually at the beginning and end of the project.
Jump ring: These are small metal rings with a split, allowing them to be opened and closed. They are most often used to connect two different items, like a bead tip and a clasp. See how to work with jump rings on page 12.