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Acaau, Louis Jean-Jacques

Adams, John

Adams, John Quincy


African Americans

African Institution

Afro-American (newspaper)

agriculture. See also lakou system; land ownership; métayage; plantations; rural population; tenant farmers; and specific crops

Boyer and

Christophe and

cooperative model of

Dessalines and

Duvaliers and

Louverture and

Pétion and

stagnation of, in 1950s

subsistence vs. export crops

taxes and

U.S. occupation and

Alaux, Gustave d’. See Reybaud, Maxime

Alexander, emperor of Russia

Alexis, Jacques-Stephen

Alexis, Nord

Allen, John H.

Alliance for Progress

American Federation of Labor (AFL)

Anderson, Marian

Anglade, Georges

Anthropological Society of Paris


Araignées du Soir, Les

Ardouin, Beaubrun

Ardouin, Céligny

Aristide, Jean-Bertrand

arms aid and sales

Artibonite Valley

authoritarianism. See also presidency, power of

Báez, Buenaventura



Banks, Joseph

Banque National d’Haïti (BNH)


Barbot, Clément

Barnett, George

baseball production

Batista, Fulgencio

baton-lamnò treatment

Batraville, Benoît

Bawon Samèdi (Vodou lwa)

Beauvoir, Max


Bellegarde, Dantès

Belley, Jean-Baptiste

Bennett, Michèle

Benoît, François

Betances, Ramón Emeterio


Black Bagdad (Craige)

“black communism”

Blackhurst, James

blacks. See also elites, color and class and

Blaine, James

Boas, Franz

Bobo, Rosalvo

Bois Caïman ceremony

Bolívar, Simón

Borno, Louis

Bosch, Juan


Boyer, Jean-Pierre


Brokaw, Louis A.

Brooks, David

Brouard, Carl

Brown, John

Bryan, William Jennings

Buffon, Comte de (George-Louis Leclerc)

Butler, Smedley Darlington

Button, William R.

Caco wars


Calice, Caliska

Cambronne, Luckner

Campbell, Chandler

Candio (August de Pradines)

Cannibal Cousins (Craige)

cannibalism, accusations of

Caperton, William

Caribbean Confederation


Carter, Jimmy

Casimir, Jean

Catholic Church

Catlin, Albertus

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Césaire, Aimé

Chabert prison camp

Charles X, king of France

Chauvet, Ernest

Chicago Defender (newspaper)

Christianity. See also specific denominations

Christophe, Ferdinand

Christophe, Henry

death of

Duvalier and

indemnity and

as king

Pétion vs.

war of independence and

Christophe, Jacques-Victor-Henry

Citadelle Laferrière, La (Citadel)

Cius, Jean-Robert

Clarkson, Thomas

Clinton, Bill

Clyde, William P.

coaling depots

Coanabo, Cacique

Cochinat, Victor

cocoa crops

Code Henry

Code Rural


Cold War

colonial militia

Columbus, Christopher

Compagnie Nationale des Chemins de Fer d’Haïti (National Railroad)

Congress of Arcahaye (1803)

Congress of Panama (1826)

Congress of Vienna (1814–15)

Conrad, Joseph

Conseil National de Gouvernment (CNG)

Conzé, Jean-Baptiste

Cook, James


Corsican immigrants

corvée labor


counter-plantation system

Craige, John Houston

creoles. See also elites; mulattoes

Crête-à-Pierrot (Haitian warship)

Crisis (NAACP magazine)


expelled from OAS

immigration to

revolution of 1959

U.S. occupation of

Cuban refugees


customs. See also taxes and tariffs

Dalmas, Antoine

Damien agricultural school

Daniels, Josephus

Danticat, Edwidge

Darfour, Félix

Dartigue, Maurice

Dartiguenave, Philippe Sudre

Declaration of the Rights of Man



Déjoie, Louis

Déjoie, Louis, Jr.

De la littérature des nègres (Grégoire)

Delorme, Demesvar

democracy, struggle for

Democratic Party (U.S.)

Denis, Lorimer

Dessalines, Jean-Jacques

assassination of

Duvalier and

flag and

Hispaniola and

memory of

rule by

war of independence and

Diagne, Blaise

Díaz, Porfirio


Dominican Republic

border and

coup of 1963

massacre of 1937 and

migrants to

independence of 1844

independence of 1865

restored to Spain

Soulouque invades

treaty of 1874

U.S. and

Dominique, Jean

Dorsinville, Roger

Douglass, Frederick

Du Bois, W.E.B.

Dulles, John Foster

Dumesle, Hérard

Boukman and

exile of

Dunham, Katherine

Duvalier, François “Papa Doc”

background of

constitution of 1957 and

constitution of 1964 and

death of

election of

U.S. and

Vodou and

Duvalier, Jean-Claude “Baby Doc”

Duvalier, Simone Ovide Faine

“Duvalierism after Duvalier”


of 1842

of 2010



Eisenhower, Dwight D.


of 1810

of 1842

of 1902

of 1917

of 1918, constitutional referendum

of 1930

of 1935

of 1946

of 1957

of 1961, referendum on Duvalier

of 1964, constitutional referendum

of 1971, constitutional referendum

of 1990

of 1995

of 2005

constitution of 1843 and

constitution of 1846 and

U.S. occupation and

electoral commission


Acaau uprising and

Christophe and

color and class and

Dessalines and

Liberal Party vs. National Party and

mass population and

Price-Mars and

reformers and

Soulouque and

U.S. occupation and

English language

Episcopal Church

Equality of the Human Races, The (Firmin)

Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (Gobineau)

Estimé, Dumarsais

ethnographic movement

evangelical groups

Everett, Edward

exports. See also taxes and tariffs; and specific crops


extended families

Farnham, Roger


Féry, Honoré

Festival of Agriculture

Fignolé, Daniel

finances (budget, debt). See also indemnity

Firmin, Anténor

anthropology and racial theories of

constitution of 1889 and

Cuba and

Duvalier and

elections of 1879 and

elections of 1902 and

exile and death of

Hyppolite and

Puerto Rico and

Sam and

uprising of 1888 and

U.S. and

U.S. Môle cession rejected by


Forbes, William Cameron

Forbes Commission

foreign aid

foreign investment

foreign merchants

Fort Dimanche prison

Fort Liberté

Fort Rivière

Fourcand, Jacques

Fourier, Charles


Britain and

Christophe and

Christophe and Pétion negotiate for recognition by

colonial rule by

cultural links with

Dumesle on

Duvalier and

economic dominance of

Firmin and

indemnity paid off

Price-Mars and

recognition by, and indemnity

Revolution of 1789

slave revolt of 1791 and

Soulouque satire in

threats by

U.S. and

war of independence vs.

Freeman, George

free people of color

French banks

French Code Noir

French Direction de la Monnaie

French language

French merchants

French National Convention of 1794

French priests

fruit plantations

Gaetjens, Joe

Gaillard, Roger

Garde d’Haïti (formerly Gendarmerie)

Geffrard, Fabre

Gendarmerie (later Garde d’Haïti)

German immigrants

German merchants


Lüders case

World War I and

Gherardi, Bancroft

Gobineau, Arthur, Comte de

Goman (Jean-Baptiste Perrier)

Gompers, Samuel



Grant, Ulysses S.

Great Britain

Grégoire, Henri (Abbé)



Guantánamo Bay

Guerrier, Philippe (Duc de l’Avancé)

guerrilla warfare. See Caco wars

Haiti. See also Saint-Domingue

Alexis presidency (1902–8)

Aristide presidency (1991)

bicameral legislature replaced with single Congress

Borno presidency (1922–30)

Boyer presidency (1818–43) and reunification of

Christophe monarchy (1806–20) in north

civil wars. See uprisings and civil wars

Columbus and

complex history and culture of

constitutions. See Haitian constitutions

Dartiguenave presidency (1915–22)

Dessalines presidency (1804–6)

divided between Christophe and Pétion

Dominican Republic and

Dumesle’s history of

Dumesle’s leadership of (1843–44)

Duvalier fils presidency (1971–86)

Duvalier père presidency (1957–71)

Estimé presidency (1946–50)

Europe as model of governance

Firmin-Alexis campaign of 1902

Firmin and U.S. and

Firmin on racism and

flag by Dessalines

flag by Duvalier

flag by Pétion

foreign influence in contemporary

foreign threats to

founding ceremony of

French banks and

French colonial rule

French exiled planters and

French priests in

French Revolution and

future of

Geffrard presidency (1859–67)

Guerrier presidency (1844–45)

Hérard presidency (1843–44)

Hyppolite presidency (1889–96)

indemnity to France

indemnity to Germany

independence declared by

Légitime presidency (1888–89)

Lescot presidency (1941–46)

Liberal Party vs. National Party and

Louverture rule in (1791–1802)

Magloire presidency (1950–56)

map of

Martelly presidency (2011– )

names of

negative stereotypes of

NGOs and

official language of

Pétion presidency, in south (1806–18)

political instability of central, vs. local stability

Préval presidency (1996–2001)

recognition of, by foreign powers

recognition of, by France

recognition of, by U.S.

recognition of, by Vatican

reform in, post-Duvalier

religions and (see also specific religions)

Roosevelt Corollary and

rural culture of

Salnave presidency (1867–69)

Salomon presidency (1879–88)

Sam fils presidency (1915)

Sam père presidency (1896–1902)

“Second Independence” of 1934

sesquicentennial of independence (1954)

social infrastructure of

Soulouque monarchy (1847–59)

U.S. attempt to control customs in

U.S. Civil War and

U.S. convention of 1916 and

U.S. fear of slave revolt and

U.S. Marines land in

U.S. occupation of (1915–34)

U.S. seeks naval station in

U.S. takes Navassa from

U.S. threats to, in nineteenth century

U.S. trade and

U.S. withdrawal from (1934)

Vincent presidency (1930–41)

World War I and

Haïti (ship)

Haitian American Development Corporation

Haitian-American Sugar Company (HASCO)

Haitian army. See also Garde d’Haïti; Gendarmerie; Tontons Makouts

Aristide and

constitution of 1816 and

constitution of 1987 and

Duvaliers and

elections of 1902 and

local administration and

president as commander in chief of

uprising of 1843 and

uprisings of 1911–15 and

U.S. occupation and

Haitian Boy Scouts

Haitian Bureau

Haitian Catholic bishops

Haitian Chamber of Deputies (later combined into Congress of Deputies)

Haitian Congress of Deputies

Haitian constitutions

of 1801

of 1805

of 1816

of 1843

of 1846

of 1843–89

of 1889

of 1918

of 1932

of 1935

of 1957

of 1964

of 1971

of 1987

death of Dessalines and

Haitian emigration and diaspora

Haitian League of Human Rights

Haitian National Assembly

Haitian Red Cross

Haitian Revolution (slave revolt)

Dumesle visits sites of

Firmin on

impact of, on U.S.

memory and promise of

Sans-Souci as hero of

Haitian Senate (later combined into Congress of Deputies)


Haitian War of Independence (1801–3)

Haïti Intégrale (newspaper)

Hakim-Rimpel, Yvonne

Hanneken, Herman

Harding, Warren

Harlem Renaissance

Harpers Ferry

Harrison, Benjamin

Hayne, Robert

Hayti; or, The Black Republic (St. John)

Haytian Agricultural Corporation

Haytian Pineapple Company

Hazard, Samuel

health care

Heart of Darkness (Conrad)

Heinl, Robert

Hérard, Rivière



Holly, Joseph Theodore

Hooker, Richard

Horoscope (magazine)

Hughes, Langston

Hurbon, Laënnec

hurricane of 1954

Hyppolite, Florville


to France

to Germany

to Haiti, by Trujillo

Indépendance, L’ (ship)



International American Conference (1889)

International Monetary Fund (IMF)



Janvier, Louis-Joseph

Jean-Joseph, Josaphat


Jeanty, Occide


Jefferson, Thomas

Jérémie killings

Jeune Haïti

John Paul II, Pope

Johnson, James Weldon

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Jolibois, Joseph

Joseph (Piquet leader)

Kant, Immanuel

Kennedy, John F.

assassination of

Killick, Hammerton

Kingdom of Haiti

Knox, Clinton

Kongo region (Africa)

Kreyòl language

development of

Dumesle poem in

Haitian culture and

official use of

Roumain poem in

Krome detention camp (Florida)

laborers (field workers; agriculteurs). See also corvée labor; rural population

attached to plantations

Duvalier and emigrant



La Gravière, Jurian de

lakou system

land ownership

cultural practices and

expropriation and

foreigners banned from

foreign ban lifted

reciprocal obligations of

redistribution and

state and

whites banned from

Lansing, Robert

Lavalas Party

League for the Maintenance of National Independence

League of Nations

Le Bon, Gustave

Le Cap

chair of medicine

earthquake of 1842 and

railroad and

Leclerc, Victor Emmanuel

Leconte, Cincinnatus

left, the

Léger, J. N.

Légitime, François Denys

Lehman Brothers


Les Cayes

massacre of 1929

Lescot, Élie

Les Frères Parent (musical group)

Liberal Party


Lincoln, Abraham

Logan, Rayford

Louverture, Moïse

Louverture, Toussaint Bréda

abolitionists and

constitution of 1801 and

death of

Duvalier and

revolution of 1791 and

rule by

war of independence and

Love, Anger, Madness (Vieux-Chauvet)

Lüders, Emil

Lugosi, Bela

lumber exports

lwa (gods)

Lycée Pétion

MacDonald, James P.

Machias, USS (warship)

Mackau, Ange René Armand, Baron de

Madiou, Thomas

Magic Island, The (Seabrook)

Magloire, Paul


Malouet, Pierre-Victor

manbos (Vodou priestesses)

Manigat, Leslie



Martelley, Michel

Martí, José


Marx, Karl


Masters of the Dew (Roumain)

McIlhenny, John A.

Medina, Agostino Franco de

Menos, Solon

métayage (sharecropping)


Métraux, Alfred

Miller, Adolph

Miller, Ivan W.

Mintz, Sidney

Moïse, Claude

Môle Saint-Nicolas port

Monroe, James

Monroe Doctrine

Roosevelt Corollary

Moravia, Charles

Moreau, Yvon Emmanuel

Morrison, Herbert

mulattoes. See also elites

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon III (Louis Napoleon)


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Bank of Haiti. See Banque National d’Haïti

National Cathedral

National City Bank (New York)

nationality laws

National Palace

explosion of 1869

explosion of 1912


National Party

National Security Volunteers. See Tontons Makouts


Nemours, Alfred


New Granada



New York Herald

New York Times


Nixon, Richard

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)

North Haytian Sugar Company

Nouvelliste, Le (newspaper)

Obin, Philomé

“The Crucifixion of Charlemagne Péralte for Liberty”

Ogé, Vincent

Ogou (god)

Ogou Dessalines (god)

Oreste, Michel

Organization of American States (OAS)

Orthodox Apostolic Church

ouanga (“new magic”)

Ouiliyanm (Dorcas Lee William)

oungans (Vodou priests)

Pan-African Congresses


Panama Canal


Parti Communiste Haïtien

Pascal-Trouillot, Ertha

Patriote (newspaper)

penal code


Péralte, Charlemagne

assassination of

state funeral of 1934

Pétion, Alexandre

background of

Christophe vs.

civil war vs. Christophe and

death of

Dumesle and

Duvalier and

education and

France and

Goman vs.

land and labor and

legacy of

as president, Republic of Haiti

taxes and

war of independence and

Petit Séminaire Collège Saint-Martial


Phillips, Wendell

Pierre, Dolciné

Pierre, Joseph


pig slaughter

Piquet uprisings

plaçage practice


Plessy, Homer

political exiles

political participation

politique de doublure

Polverel, Étienne

Polyné, Millery



activists of 1830s in

bicentiennial of 1949

earthquake of 1842

earthquake of 2010 and

first fire company

free people of color and

growth of, in twentieth century


medical school in

other regions vs.

protests of 1946 in

renaissance of 1920s

uprisings of 1911–15 in

U.S. and



Powell, William F.

Pradines, August de. See Candio

presidency, power of. See also authoritarianism

Preston, Stephen

Préval, René

Price, Hannibal

Price-Mars, Jean

private voluntary organizations. See nongovernmental organizations

Progrès, Le (ship)

Protestant missionaries

Puerto Rico

Puller, Lewis

racial hierarchies. See also blacks; elites; mulattoes; whites


Europe and

internalization of

U.S. and


Raimond, Julien

Rainsford, Marcus

Rameau, Benoît

rara music

Reagan, Ronald

regional order


Renan, Ernest

Republican Party (U.S.)

Republic of Haiti

République, La (coast guard boat)

Revue des Deux Mondes (magazine)

Reybaud, Maxime (Gustave d’Alaux)


Rigaud, André

Riobé, Hector


Robertson, Pat

Rochambeau, Donatien

Rockefeller, Nelson

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Roosevelt, John

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosati, Joseph

Roumain, Jacques

Masters of the Dew

poems for son

widow of

Royal Bonbons

Royal Dahomets


rural population (peasants; small farmers)

Boyer and

Catholicism, Vodou, and Protestantism and

Code Rural and

coffee exports and

comfort of, in nineteenth century


culture and autonomy of

dispossession of

Duvalier and

elections of 1902 and

elites vs.


land plots of, and slavery

local governance and

negative views of

post-occupation regimes and

Price-Mars on

Roumain on

taxes and

uprisings of

USAID pig slaughter and

U.S. occupation and

Vincent on

Rusk, Dean

Russell, John


Saint-Domingue (French colony)

abolition of slavery

Christophe arrives in

constitution of 1801 and


export crops and

free vs. slave population in

irrigation and

Louverture as governor general (1794–1801)

revolution of 1791

trade with U.S.

Vodou and Kreyol and

war of independence of 1801–3

St. John, Spenser

Saint-Méry, Moreau de

Saint-Rémy, Romuald Lepelletier de

Saint-Simon, Henri de

St. Thomas

Salnave, Sylvain

Salomon, Lysius

Sam, Tiersius Antoine

Sam, Vilbrun Guillaume

Sandino, Augusto

Sannon, Pauléus

Sansaricq family

Sans-Souci (revolt leader)

Sans-Souci palace

academy of painting and

earthquake of 1842 and

Marian Anderson at

name origin

Santana, Pedro

Santo Domingo (later Dominican Republic)

Boyer rules

colony established

Haitian Revolution and

insurgency of 1821 vs. Spain

rebellion of 1840s, vs. Haiti

Saunders, Prince

Schmidt, Hans

Schoelcher, Victor

Seabrook, William

Seitenfus, Ricardo


Service Technique de l’Agriculture and de l’Enseignement Professionnel

SHADA. See Société Haitiano-Américaine de Développement Agricole

sharecroppers. See métayage; tenant farmers


abolition of

Britain and

fear of return of

France and

U.S. and

U.S. occupation and

zonbi and


brutality vs.

culture of

number of

Price-Mars on

revolt of 1790–91 and

slave trade

social security system

Société des Coeurs Unis

Société Général de Crédit Industriel et Commercial

Société Haitiano-Américaine de Développement Agricole (SHADA)

Society for the Rights of Man and the Citizen

Society of Amazons

Sonthonax, Léger Félicité

So Spoke the Uncle (Price-Mars)

“Sou Lan Mè” (Vodou song)

Soulouque, Faustin


Dominican Republic and

Haitian Revolution and

Napoleon and

U.S. war of 1898 vs.

Standard Fruit

Stewart, Duncan

Stoll, Steven

student activists


Sumera, Roséide

Sumner, Charles

swine flu

Sylvain, Georges

Syrian immigrants

taxes and tariffs

Temps, Le (Swiss newspaper)

tenant farmers (fermiers)

Time magazine

Tontons Makouts (National Security Volunteers)



tragédie du roi Christophe, La (Césaire)

triangle trade

Trouillot, Hénock

Trouillot, Lyonel

Trouillot, Michel-Rolph

Trujillo, Rafael

Turner, Nat

Union Patriotique, L’


United Fruit

United Nations

earthquake of 2010 and

military mission (MINUSTAH)

United States

aid and

Aristide and

Caribbean expansionism and

Dominican Republic and

Duvalier regimes and

early nineteenth century

early twentieth century

emigrants from

Firmin and

Haitian finances and

Haitian gold seized by

immigration to

late nineteenth century

loan of 1922

Magloire and

Môle and

Navassa and

political violence and

recognition by

rubber scheme and

Second Independence and

slavery in

trade with

zombies and

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

U.S. banks

U.S. Civil War

U.S. Congress

“Guano Islands” Act (1856)

Haiti recognized by

U.S. corporations

U.S.-Haiti convention of 1916

U.S. investment

U.S. Marines

U.S. National Archives

U.S. Navy

U.S. occupation

abuses under

anti-Vodou campaign

ban on foreign ownership ended by

constitution of 1918 and

education and

elections of 1915 and

elections of 1920 and

end of

forced labor and

Haitian leaders and

lead-up to and landing in

legacy of

martial law and

missionaries and

modernization and

negative stereotypes and

resistance to

Senate hearings on

U.S. Senate

U.S. South

U.S. State Department

U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. trade

“Unknown Maroon” (statue)

uprisings and civil wars

of 1806–7

of 1843–44

of 1844–46 (Piquet)

of 1888

of 1902

of 1911–15

of 1917–29, vs. U.S. occupation

of 1985–86

of 2004

casualties in

costs of

cycle of, in nineteenth century

Duvalier and

“Varieties of the Human Species” (Buffon)

Vastey, Pompée-Valentin, Baron de


recognition by

Vertières, Battle of (1803)

Vesey, Denmark

Viard, Félix

Vieux-Chauvet, Marie

vieux piquet, Le (Janvier)

Vincent, Sténio


Acaau and

Bois Caïman ceremony and

Cacos and

campaigns vs.

Dessalines and

Duvaliers and

exoticized depictions of

Jeanty and

lakou system and

Price-Mars on

U.S. occupation and


voting rights

women and

Waller, Littleton W. T.

Washington, Booker T.

Washington, George

Washington, USS (U.S. warship)

Washington Post

water resources

Wells, Clark H.

West India Line

White King of La Gonave, The (Wirkus)


citizenship and

independence and

property ownership and

revolt of 1791 and

U.S. occupation and

White Zombie (film)

Wilberforce, William

Wilentz, Amy

William, Dorcas Lee (Ouiliyanm)

Williams, Alexander S.

Wilson, Edmund

Wilson, Woodrow

Wirkus, Faustin


education and

foreign marriages and

uprisings and

U.S. occupation and

violence vs.

voting rights and

war of independence and

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

World Cup (1950)

World Health Organization (WHO)

World War I

World War II

WRUL (New York radio station)


yellow fever

Zaïre (Voltaire)

Zonbi (zombies)