Chapter 25

As darkness fell, Alayna’s nerves stretched to the breaking point. She tried to distract herself by preparing a meal for the girls and the FBI agents still waiting for news. Her stomach pitched and nearly heaved again at just the idea of food, and after setting out plates for the men and the female officer Tanner, she wandered into the living room and paced the small space.

She returned to the kitchen and approached Agent Ferguson. “We can’t just sit here and wait for a phone call. We have to do something.”

She’d had enough of waiting. Her heart was still pounding from the sound of gunfire ending Bowie’s conversation with them. He was in trouble. Her baby was in trouble. “Can’t the police there commandeer a boat from the marina and follow them?”

“I promise you, everything that can be done is being done, Ms. Wieland. The San Diego Harbor Police, the US Coast Guard, and our hostage rescue team have been deployed, plus Lieutenant Rivera is a SEAL, and he knows how to handle himself in situations like this.”

Alayna shook her head. His attempt to sooth her fears didn’t work. “Bowie doesn’t have his team with him. He doesn’t have body armor.” She nearly lost her composure. “Two of the most important people in this world to me are there, and they’re in trouble, possibly hurt. I want to be there when they bring them both off the boat.”

“They won’t be there, Ms. Wieland. They’ll be airlifted immediately to a local hospital to be checked out. I promise you, as soon as we receive word they’re at the hospital, we’ll take you to see them both.”

Alayna tugged at her hair and pulled it back from her face. She was going to go crazy.

Addie looped her arm around her leg. “Bowie will bring her back,” she said, with such conviction Alayna had to fight back the sobs.

“Yes, he will.” He’d give his life to make it happen. And that’s what she was grateful for and terrified of. She’d done without him for ten years. She didn’t want to ever have to do it again.

Rosa was safer in the cage, but he didn’t trust Tim Asher not to come back and try to shoot her through the window again. He wrestled the cage out of the closet one-handed, dragged it across the hall to the other stateroom, and shoved it into the closet there. He stopped to search Frank Asher’s body for the key to the padlock. Aside from his wallet, his pockets were empty.

Night was falling in earnest, and the interior of the galley kitchen was shadowed. His foot hit his phone and it slid across the floor and under the edge of a walnut-stained cabinet, where he retrieved it. He called Alayna’s phone again, but only got the busy signal of being out of range. With his gun in one hand and his other hand tucked into his belt to keep from moving his shoulder, he cautiously climbed the steps and peered out to the deck above.

Tim Asher had turned on the yacht’s running lights. A blood trail smeared the wood where his brother had dragged him clear. The ladder leading to the flybridge was smeared with blood.

The whomp-whomp-whomp of a helicopter came from the darkness overhead, its large searchlight scanning the water and coming in fast.

With the coast guard close by, Bowie went back to searching the galley for something to beat the lock off the dog cage. Finding an aluminum meat tenderizer, he hurried back into the stateroom. His left arm and shoulder knifed with pain every time he moved them.

He laid his Sig on the floor and used his right hand to grip the hammer-like instrument and beat at the lock until it sprung and released. Shoving back the cage door, he touched Rosa’s neck and found a pulse. It seemed strong and even. Anger rebounded from his relief, and he picked up the lock and threw it across the room. He wanted Tim Asher to pay for every moment of terror Rosa had experienced.

Bowie closed the cage door and picked up his Sig. Should Rosa wake, he needed to know where she was in case they needed to bug out in a hurry when rescue found them. He shoved to his feet and had to grab onto the edge of the closet to regain his balance. The bleeding had stopped, but he’d lost enough blood to cause him some concern. The mission wasn’t finished yet.

He left the stateroom, and, keeping low, dodged through the galley and cabin to the steps leading up on deck again.

Lights flashed through the windows as a coast guard vessel pulled alongside the yacht and kept pace with it. “Tim and Frank Asher, this is the United States Coast Guard. Cut power to the engine and prepare to be boarded.”

The sound of gunfire came from outside. Bowie kept low as fire was returned.

Bowie holstered his weapon and climbed the stairs to the deck, only to hear a bullhorn announce:

“To all who are on board, you need to abandon ship now. You are headed to shore at thirty knots. You are only a hundred yards from shore.”

A surge of adrenaline hit Bowie’s system and he took the steps in a leap and rushed to the stateroom. He bent to open the cage and eased Rosa free. Her small body lay limp in his arms. If they hit the water too hard, he’d lose his grip on her and she’d drown. Or if he lost consciousness, he’d lose her.

He scanned the cabin for something to tie her to him. The drapes were tied back with decorative rope with tassels. He yanked two of them free. Laying her on one of the couches, he tied the rope around her upper body then created a loop to put around his neck. She hung like a rag doll against his chest, facing out. The other two ropes he tied around his body and secured her against him as tightly as he could.

He exited the cabin and raised a hand to signal to the coast guard vessel and the helicopter above as their lights came to bear on him and Rosa. One of the Asher brothers had deployed the swim platform and he climbed out on it.

The yacht rolled in the wake of the forty-seven-foot MLB keeping pace with them, throwing Bowie off-balance. He gripped the bulkhead to keep from going in headfirst. He put his hand over Rosa’s mouth and nose, turned his back to the water, and jumped.

The water, a cold bitch, stung like hell and took his breath. Rosa woke with a squeal and began to cry.

It was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.

One of the powerful spotlights on the MLB focused in on them as they throttled back and turned to come back to them.

He rolled onto his back to hold her as far out of the water as he could, and rested his injured arm over her. “Bowie’s got you, Little Bit.”

The helicopter bugged out, following the yacht’s course. A sound like a scream vibrated across the water as the yacht struck the rocks along the coast and ran upon the beach. The engines continued to run for a few seconds, then died.

One minute passed, but seemed to last at least five in the cold pacific waters. Two coast guard crewmembers in wet suits swam toward him. “Lieutenant Rivera?”

“Yeah.” His teeth chattered, spiking his concern for Rosa. She was shivering, and she’d gone quiet again.

“How you doing, sir?”

“I’ve been better, and Rosa has, too. You need to get her aboard now.”

“We’re going to take care of that right now, sir. How badly are you injured?”

“I’ve been shot in the shoulder. It’s a through and through, but it’s shattered my collarbone, and I can’t move that arm.” The cold water had ramped up the injury to a screaming ache.

“I’m going to tow you to the MLB. We’re going to get you and the little lady warmed up and transported to the hospital ASAP. Just relax, sir, and let me do the work.”

That was a damn fine idea.

“They’ve transported Lieutenant Rivera and Rosa to the trauma unit of UC San Diego,” Agent Ferguson said as he closed out the call. “They’ll transfer him to the military medical center as soon as they’re certain he’s stable. He was shot in the shoulder, has lost some blood, and has some bone damage that will require surgery. Rosa was sedated the entire time she was in the Asher brothers’ custody, but they said she’s awake now, stable, and doing well.”

Lightheaded, Alayna braced a hand on the kitchen counter to maintain her balance. “I want to go to them right now.”

“Of course. But there’s just one other thing.”

“What is it?”

“Even though the Asher brothers were responsible for Rosa’s kidnapping and possibly your attempted kidnapping, Ms. Wieland, they haven’t been linked to Mrs. Harper’s death. In fact, it would have been impossible for them to attack you at the bank and kill her at the same time.”

Alayna had thought one probably followed the other. If the Asher brothers hadn’t killed Bliss, who had?

That idea had her stomach cramping with worry and guilt. Had she handed her ex-husband over to a killer? She took a deep breath. She’d done what she had to, to save Rosa. Bowie wouldn’t have been aboard their yacht to rescue her if Gilman hadn’t come through with valuable information.

“It’s important you stay close to us until we tie up the last few loose ends.”


The three Agents rose as a unit.

Alayna rushed into the girls’ bedroom. She couldn’t believe how wonderfully behaved they’d been throughout this ordeal. She was going to do something special for all three of her babies as soon as Rosa was home. “Bowie found Rosa, and we’re going to see her. Get your shoes on, girls.”

The two squealed with joy and jumped up and down, then rushed to put their shoes on. Alayna went to the closet and got jackets for them.

In the car, Addie leaned against her and hugged her arm. “I knew Bowie would find her.”

Knowing he was out there trying to free Rosa and bring her home had been the only thing that made it possible for her to hold it together. But would his arm and shoulder be okay? If he’d sacrificed his career for them, after everything else…

The SUV pulled up at the front door of the medical center. Agents Ellison and Cash exited the vehicle and acted as barriers between her, the girls, and the press, as they rushed to the emergency entrance and inside.

It was wonderful to have someone fight through the paperwork and take the lead. All she wanted to do was see her Rosa and Bowie. Once on the eighth floor, Alayna felt the urge to run, but followed behind Agent Cash at a steady pace. When they finally reached Rosa’s room, she pushed past him and dashed over to her child.

“Momma!” Rosa reached for her despite the stiff immobilizer that kept her from bending her elbow. An IV trailed from her small arm. Her eyes looked puffy, as though she’d slept for a long time, and her hair stuck up in wisps and curls.

Alayna hurried to lower the railing on one side of the bed and, mindful of the IV, gathered her close. She’d already shed so many tears, she didn’t think she had any left, but they came in a sudden rush. She held Rosa’s small body close and pressed her lips to her forehead, her cheeks, and smoothed her fine hair. “How’s my Sugar Pop?”

“Momma sad?” Rosa patted her cheek. The hospital gown she wore fell back to reveal a few finger-shaped bruises.

Alayna kissed her hand. “No, baby. Momma’s crying because she’s so happy to see you.”

Emilia and Addie pressed close to touch their sister. Addie climbed up on the hospital bed like a monkey to cuddle close to Rosa. “I missed you, Rosa.” She began to cry.

Emilia’s cheeks glistened with tears, and Alayna slipped off the bed, set Rosa down, and lifted Emilia onto the bed so she could be closer. The girls clung to their sister.

Alayna held them all. “Everything will be fine.”

“Where Boy?” Rosa asked.

“I don’t know.” Alayna looked to Agent Ferguson. “Has Bowie been transferred to the Naval Med Center yet?”

“I can check for you.”

“Please do. We want to see him.” She couldn’t leave Rosa now she’d been found, but the need to see him and be reassured he was all right warred with her need to be with her child.

Ferguson left to check with the staff. “He’s still on the premises in a room down the hall. They brought them both to the trauma unit because Rosa was dehydrated and suffering minor hypothermia. The doctor will be in to speak with you in just a moment.”

Even as he spoke a tall, gray-haired woman came into the room. She smiled. “You must be Rosa’s mom.”


“She’s doing very well. We’ve put the IV in because she was a little dehydrated, and we wanted to flush the sedative out of her system. Once we’d done that, she bounced back almost immediately. She’s a little raw from wearing a pull-up too long, and we had to cut her clothes off and bathe her, but she shows no signs of any kind of trauma or abuse other than a few bruises, sustained, I’m sure, when she was grabbed.”

Alayna drew a sharp breath. None of the nightmare scenarios that had played through her mind had happened. She closed her eyes against another wave of emotion. “When can she go home?”

“We’d like to keep her overnight. Just in case.”

“That sounds good.” Now one worry had been relieved, she needed to make certain Bowie was truly okay. “All three of the girls and I would like to see Bowie before he’s transferred.”

“He’s resting comfortably. I see no reason why they can’t, but children aren’t normally allowed on this floor because of the nature of the injuries we treat. Rosa will be transferred to pediatrics in a short while.”

“I understand.”

“Agent Ferguson knows the Lieutenant’s room number.”

“Thank you. And thank you so much for taking care of my baby.”

The doctor rested a hand on her arm. “I’m glad she’s back with you and safe.”

Bowie opened his eyes at the soft sound of the door swinging inward. Alayna carried Rosa on her hip while Agent Ellison pushed an IV pole behind her. The five of them crept into the room, probably in case he was sleeping.

“How are my girls?” he asked, his voice a little gravelly.

“Bowie.” Addison broke ranks and ran to his bedside. She eyed the bandage that immobilized his left arm, then stated the obvious. “You’re hurt.”

“Just a little.”

She lay her face down on the bed and sobbed.

His heart turned in his chest. No one had ever cried over him before. He stroked her hair. “The doctors are going to fix me. I’m going to be just fine.”

Emilia leaned in close to Addie and rested her hand on her sister’s shoulder to comfort her. Bowie gave her arm a gentle squeeze.

Her gaze, solemn and intent, rested on his face. “You brought Rosa back.”

“I had a little help from some other guys. I couldn’t have done it without them.”

She nodded.

“Girls, Bowie is going to be leaving in a few minutes. I’d like to speak to him alone.” She handed Addison a tissue. “Tell Bowie ’bye, and we’ll see him tomorrow.”

Addie was still a little tearful as she wiped her face and nose inexpertly and bid him goodbye. Emilia got up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.

“Come with me, girls. I’ll walk you back to Rosa’s room,” Agent Ellison said from the door.

Alayna nodded at the two. “I’ll be right there.”

The door closed, and she set Rosa down on the bed beside Bowie and smiled when he automatically hooked his good arm around Rosa to hold her in place. Rosa wiggled around to lie beside him and patted his cheek. “Boy.”

He kissed her gummy hand.

Alayna leaned down and kissed him. “What you did for Rosa—for me, and the girls…” She kissed him again.

“I did it for me, too, Alayna. I couldn’t lose her either.”

She rested her forehead on his shoulder. “I love you, Bowie. I’ve loved you since I was fifteen. I never stopped loving you. I don’t think I ever will.”

“Good, because I need you. I need you and the girls.” Saying the L word was harder for him, but he’d get there.

The door opened, and a nurse walked into the room. “The ambulance is here to transport Lieutenant Rivera to the Naval Medical Center.”

“Rosa will be released in the morning. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

She bent to kiss him again. He returned the fervent pressure of the kiss, then slipped his arm around her, holding her there, murmuring, “If they ask you about the phone calls to or from Gilman, you don’t know anything. Okay?”

Alayna studied his face, then nodded. “Okay.”