Saturday, 18 October 2003

I do very little today. I feel lethargic and nothing seems of great importance right now. Everything has come to a standstill while the trial is ongoing.

Ray and his brother are together here today and watch some horseracing on the television to while away the hours. I am concerned that Ronnie is missing his wife and family back home in Wicklow. They are not used to him being absent for any length of time, but he is in constant touch by telephone.

Our plan is to eat out this evening. I am sure Ronnie is starving. He is a giant of a man with an appetite to match, normally. I haven’t been the best or most conscientious of hostesses up to now. Ray goes out to fetch the local evening paper and what a shock! After a lot of coverage yesterday, we weren’t expecting anything further over the weekend. How wrong we were. A picture of Marc Fuller takes up much of the front page with the headline: WAS THIS MAN THE KILLER?

We read on and are stunned to see how the media have reported the case. We feel very let down that they have chosen to do this, even though they are entitled to report things in whatever way they please. It seems to be pure sensationalism but it is very unfair to Marc and it seems to us to be a travesty. It is very disappointing for us, after so much good publicity has gone before. We can hardly believe that our own local newspaper would do this. It is almost like a betrayal.

Not only that, it is grossly unfair to Marc to use these particular words, since he has done nothing wrong. He has never been considered a suspect nor charged with any offence. I wonder how he and his family will feel should they see this story. Very uncomfortable, I would imagine.

Perhaps there will be no respite for us this weekend after all. This article can only damage the case.