antlers (ANT-lurz)—the large, branching, bony structures on the head of a deer. Antlers have more than one point.
binoculars (buh-NOK-yuh-lurz)—an instrument that you look through with both eyes to make distant things seem nearer
buck (BUHK)—a male deer
certificate (sur-TIF-uh-kit)—a piece of paper that officially states that something is a fact or has been completed
code (KODE)—a set of rules or agreements
firearm (FIRE-arm)—a weapon that shoots
pellet (PEL-it)—the small, hard ball that is shot out of an air gun
platform (PLAT-form)—a flat, raised surface
respect (ri-SPEKT)—treat with care
scope (SKOHP)—the part of the gun that is looked through to aim
trigger (TRIG-ur)—the lever on the gun that you pull to fire it