amaranth seeds: red mullet, amaranth, fennel, broad beans 54

apples: five minute salad 104

apricots: grilled apricots and peaches, couscous, mint, serrano ham 64

artichokes: marinated chicken, artichoke, grilled lemons, red quinoa 72

asparagus, poached egg yolk, radish, pecorino, speck 23

aubergines: barbecued lamb, aubergine, peppers 86

nduja, burrata, burned aubergines, slow dried cherry tomatoes 75–6

avocados: white crab, chilli, avocado, red onion 97


bacon: roast quail, bacon, sprouting

broccoli, crushed pistachio nuts, radicchio 119

basil: basil and rocket pesto 160

basil-infused oil 178

salsa verde 168

beef: grilled rump steak, daikon, watercress, carrots 24

grilled sirloin, endive, Guinness, caramelized red onion, blue cheese 145

salted brisket, honey roasted swede, pearl barley, cavolo nero 153–4

beetroot: beetroot and gin cured salmon, pickled cucumber 67

beetroot and tomato gazpacho 99

five minute salad 104

grilled halloumi, golden beetroot, orange, red chard 135

smoked mackerel, roast beetroot, quinoa, pea shoots 92

blue cheese dressing 174

bread: garlic croutons 27

broad beans: red mullet, amaranth, fennel, broad beans 54

broccoli: five minute salad 20

roast quail, bacon, sprouting broccoli, crushed pistachio nuts, radicchio 119

bulgur wheat: roast pumpkin, bulgur

wheat, dates, red onions, spinach, goat’s cheese 106

butter beans: roast cauliflower, breadcrumbs, butter beans, pomegranate 114


cabbage soup with almond oil 157

cannellini beans: crispy pancetta, cannellini beans, brussels sprouts, prunes 148

capers: salsa verde 168

carrots: grilled rump steak, daikon, watercress, carrots 24

cauliflower: roast cauliflower, breadcrumbs, butter beans, pomegranate 114

venison carpaccio, pickled mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli 142

celeriac: five minute salad 132

cheese: blue cheese dressing 174

figs, blue cheese, pecans, cracked wheat 81

five minute salad 20

grilled halloumi, golden beetroot, orange, red chard 135

nduja, burrata, burned aubergines, slow dried cherry tomatoes 75–6

ricotta and parmesan gnudi, nettles, spinach, pine nuts 37–8

ricotta and sultana stuffed courgette flowers, watercress 68–70

roast pumpkin, bulgur wheat, dates, red onions, spinach, goat’s cheese 106

roasted root vegetable, taleggio, tarragon 137

warm goat’s cheese, lentils, pear, sultanas, chicory 146

chicken: marinated chicken, artichoke, grilled lemons, red quinoa 72

chickpeas: chickpea gnocchi, fennel

sausage, purple sprouting broccoli 42–4

grilled poussin, sumac, rocket, chickpeas 82–5

grilled squid, stewed chickpeas, tomato, paprika, morcilla 120

smoked paprika and lime hummus 173

chillies: spicy romano red pepper pesto 165

chorizo: grilled chorizo, fresh corn,

black beans, avocado 94

chutney, green tomato 50–3

citrus dressing 174

clams: sea bass, clams, prawns, seaweed 41

coconut yoghurt 181

corn on the cob: grilled chorizo, fresh corn, black beans, avocado 94

courgette flowers: ricotta and sultana stuffed courgette flowers, watercress 68–70

courgettes: five minute salad 62

grilled prawns, courgette ribbons, mango, chilli, grilled pitta 78

couscous: grilled apricots and peaches, couscous, mint, serrano ham 64

mustard marinated pork fillet, couscous, caramelised grapes, radicchio 32–5

crab: white crab, chilli, avocado, red onion 97

croutons, garlic 27

cucumber: oven roasted river trout,

new potatoes, cucumber 91

pickled cucumber 67

pickled herring, cucumber, fennel 139–40


duck breast, red cabbage, kale, sultanas, orange 122–5


endive: grilled sirloin, endive, Guinness, caramelized red onion, blue cheese 145


fennel: five minute salad 62

pickled herring, cucumber, fennel 139–40

figs, blue cheese, pecans, cracked wheat 81

five minute salads: autumn 104

spring 20

summer 62

winter 132


garlic: garlic croutons 27

garlic yoghurt 166

gazpacho, beetroot and tomato 99

ginger and sesame dressing 181

gnocchi, chickpea 42–4

gnudi, ricotta and parmesan 37–8

grapefruit: confit salmon, mangetout, pink grapefruit, green beans 47–9

five minute salad 20

green beans, peas, broad beans, runner

beans, hazelnuts 31


ham: grilled apricots and peaches, couscous, mint, serrano ham 64

hazelnut and thyme dressing 183

herrings: pickled herring, cucumber,

fennel 139–40

hummus, smoked paprika and lime 173


jerusalem artichokes: scallops,

jerusalem artichoke, crispy parma ham, lamb’s lettuce 117


kale: five minute salad 104


lamb: barbecued lamb, aubergine,

peppers 86

lamb, sweet potato, turnip, crispy kale 151

leeks: rabbit and leek terrine 50–3

lemon: citrus dressing 174

lemon and dill dressing 166

lemon sole, rocket, kalamata olives,

spelt 27–8

lentils: sweet potato, red lentil and

chilli soup 127

warm goat’s cheese, lentils, pear, sultanas, chicory 146


mayonnaise, watercress 177

mullet, amaranth, fennel, broad beans 54

mushrooms: sautéed wild mushrooms,

wild rice, roasted garlic, rocket 109–10

venison carpaccio, pickled mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli 142

mustard: wholegrain mustard dressing 170


nduja, burrata, burned aubergines,

slow dried cherry tomatoes 75–6

nettles: ricotta and parmesan gnudi, nettles, spinach, pine nuts 37–8


oil, basil-infused 178

olives: black olive tapenade 163

orange and honey dressing 178


pancetta: crispy pancetta, cannellini beans, brussels sprouts, prunes 148

peaches: grilled apricots and peaches, couscous, mint, serrano ham 64

pearl barley: salted brisket, honey roasted

swede, pearl barley, cavolo nero 153–4

peas: green beans, peas, broad beans, runner beans, hazelnuts 31

peppers: barbecued lamb, aubergine, peppers 86

spicy romano red pepper pesto 165

pesto: basil and rocket pesto 160

spicy romano red pepper pesto 165

pickled cucumber 67

pickled herring 139–40

pine nuts: basil and rocket pesto 160

pomegranate dressing 163

pork: mustard marinated pork fillet, couscous, caramelised grapes, radicchio 32–5

pork chops, new potatoes, apple, spring onion 112

potatoes: chickpea gnocchi 42–4

oven roasted river trout, new potatoes, cucumber 91

pork chops, new potatoes, apple, spring onion 112

poussins: grilled poussin, sumac, rocket, chickpeas 82–5

prawns: grilled prawns, courgette ribbons, mango, chilli, grilled pitta 78

sea bass, clams, prawns, seaweed 41

pumpkin: roast pumpkin, bulgur wheat, dates, red onions, spinach, goat’s cheese 106


quail: roast quail, bacon, sprouting

broccoli, crushed pistachio nuts, radicchio 119

quinoa: marinated chicken, artichoke, grilled lemons, red quinoa 72

smoked mackerel, roast beetroot, quinoa, pea shoots 92


rabbit and leek terrine 50–3

red cabbage: duck breast, red cabbage, kale, sultanas, orange 122–5

red mullet, amaranth, fennel, broad beans 54

rice: sautéed wild mushrooms, wild rice, roasted garlic, rocket 109–10

ricotta and parmesan gnudi, nettles, spinach, pine nuts 37–8

ricotta and sultana stuffed courgette

flowers, watercress 68–70

rocket: basil and rocket pesto 160

root vegetables: roasted root vegetable, taleggio, tarragon 137


salmon: beetroot and gin cured salmon, pickled cucumber 67

confit salmon, mangetout, pink grapefruit, green beans 47–9

salsa verde 168

sausages: chickpea gnocchi, fennel sausage, purple sprouting broccoli 42–4

nduja, burrata, burned aubergines, slow-dried cherry tomatoes 75–6

scallops, jerusalem artichoke, crispy

parma ham, lamb’s lettuce 117

sea bass, clams, prawns, seaweed 41

sherry vinaigrette 170

smoked mackerel, roast beetroot, quinoa, pea shoots 92

sole: lemon sole, rocket, kalamata olives, spelt 27–8

soups: beetroot and tomato gazpacho 99

cabbage soup with almond oil 157

chilled watercress soup 57

sweet potato, red lentil and chilli soup 127

speck: asparagus, poached egg yolk,

radish, pecorino, speck 23

spelt: lemon sole, rocket, kalamata olives, spelt 27–8

spinach: ricotta and parmesan gnudi, nettles, spinach, pine nuts 37–8

squid: grilled squid, stewed chickpeas, tomato, paprika, morcilla 120

swede: salted brisket, honey roasted swede, pearl barley, cavolo nero 153–4

sweet potatoes: lamb, sweet potato, turnip, crispy kale 151

sweet potato, red lentil and chilli soup 127


tapenade, black olive 163

tarragon dressing 177

terrine, rabbit and leek 50–3

tomatoes: beetroot and tomato gazpacho 99

green tomato chutney 50–3

trout: oven roasted river trout, new

potatoes, cucumber 91

tuna: seared tuna fillet, cherry tomatoes, capers, red onion 89

turnips: lamb, sweet potato, turnip,

crispy kale 151


venison carpaccio, pickled mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli 142

vinaigrette: classic French vinaigrette 183

sherry vinaigrette 170


walnuts: five minute salad 132

watercress: chilled watercress soup 57

five minute salad 20, 132

watercress mayonnaise 177

wheat (cracked): figs, blue cheese, pecans, cracked wheat 81


yoghurt: coconut yoghurt 181

garlic yoghurt 166
