Savage Salads (Kristina and Davide) would like to say a big thanks to our commissioning editor Zena Alkayat and our agent Marigold Atkey – thank you for believing in us, without you this book would not have happened. We would also like to thank Charles Bell who has been a huge help in the making of this book.
Thanks to Kim Lightbody for the beautiful photography and to Marente van der Valk for the brilliant styling. Thanks also to Kathy Steer and Hilary Bird.
Finally we would like to thank our parents Kerstin, Stiggan, Maria Teresa and Domenico, as well as our brothers and sisters Anders, Ingrid and Lisa, and our partners and friends Irene, Karla, Nagaite, Sumeia, Andrea. Thank you all for your endless support and help over the years.