My Mistress Mother knows I can see things that she cannot. All animals can. We canhearcolors andseesounds. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet: Each color has a frequency, and we canines can hear those vibrations. We alsoseehow sounds vibrate and what voiceslooklike. Our ears and eyes are fine-tuned instruments, just like our other senses. I know when the ocean is disturbed or even angry. I hear and see nature because I am nature. But MM is not in that state of mind, poor thing. She is not a princess of simplicity like I am.
That peaceful way of living is there for all of us, but my MM and her friends are too busy taking care of things they think they have to do in a day. This is why they can’t sleep well at night. It’s also why my friends and I sleep so much. We don’t feel stressed. We’re peaceful. We see things in our sleep-state but we don’t really care if we remember them or not. We know we are perfect just as we are, which is why we have such dignity. Humans marvel at our talent for forgiveness, yet we feel we have nothing to forgive. We know everything is exactly as it should be. Sometimes humans try our patience and upset nature in general. They should be especially careful of what they’re dumping into the ocean because someday the ocean is going to get very mad and hit back. That could really happen, of course; it already did, a long time ago.
As far as shadows are concerned, we know all about them. We know that all of human suffering is based on shadows: shadows in themselves, and shadows in others. We canines play with shadows because we know they are just part of the game. All of life is a game, so we live to be happy. The shadowy fears that humans see as causes for their anxiety are really only parts of themselves. We play with these things.
Humans don’t understand pecking order, either. They don’t realize that they have lived before and will live again; a being who was once leader of the pack may soon be a puppy, clinging to life. We understand that. It makes us humble.
We see many dimensions, including past, present, and future, and we know they are all happening simultaneously. We know that people have invented time. We know that living in every single moment is all there is. It’s so simple, yet my MM and the rest of the humans don’t get it. How can they have time to do those things that upset them when there’s no such thing as time? I sometimes think they invented time so they’d always have something to worry about. I don’t like to watch my MM and her friends fret about silly things, like what to wear. That’s why I sometimes give my MM a hard time about putting on my store-bought coat before going out into the snow and rain. I have my own coat. I am completely naked, but I am also fully clothed and protected.
People are often surprised when they feel our little cold noses, but do they know why our noses are so cold? We are regulated by nature to be warm inside but our noses are never really hot unless we’re taking on a sickness. When my MM is brushing her teeth with her jammies on and she’s leaning over the sink, I like to go and stick my cold nose against her butt so she’ll shriek with surprise.
Speaking of butts, I remember a time when my MM was giving a dinner party and she served spare ribs. I begged and begged for those leftover ribs, and finally she gave them to me. I ate all the meat off of them and then I ate the bones and I was very sick the next day. Nobody should ever feed us bones that splinter, no matter how much we beg. Our bones have to be big and thick, like they were when we were wolves and hunted in packs. My Mistress Mom was very worried about me. I wasn’t just shivering, I really didn’t feel good, and when she saw something was wrong she took me to the doctor. I remember the doctor spent the entire day up my butt getting the splintered bones out of my insides. If they hadn’t come out, I could have been punctured, which is not a good thing for anybody.
I’ve heard my MM and her friends wonder why dogs smell each other’s butts. We learn a lot from sniffing butts. We can tell what our friends have eaten, where they’ve been, and even whether or not they’ve been well. We can also tell whether or not they are nice or threatening. I’ve noticed a lot of people now call each other “ass-holes” on TV, so perhaps humans are beginning to see that we’re right about the importance of butts.
Even though we dogs are perfect, we do have some problems. For example, when males of our species go around lifting their legs and peeing to mark their territory, this is not a good thing. Maybe marking territory is something we learned from the humans, since we’ve been bonded to them for so long. Perhaps by setting a good example, and not peeing on each other, people could stop our males from doing that too. Nothing belongs to anybody, it all belongs to everybody, and all of us and all of it belong to the Great Spirit God anyway. We all justuseterritory. Nobodyownsit.
If any of my friends come along to eat out of my dish, I let them do it and I will always let them do it, although I suppose if I was starving, that might be another story. But instead of people spending all that stuff they call money on weapons to protect themselves, I think they should spend that money to feed everybody; then nobody would be angry or frightened in the first place.
I heard on MM’s TV that a human child dies every seven seconds from not having enough food, and that there are eight hundred million starving children in the world. I’m glad I am my MM’s dog when I hear that, but shouldn’t people’s children be treated as well as their dogs? No wonder so many people are angry. When I feel angry it’s because I’m afraid. Humans will do terrible things to keep from being afraid. And why are they afraid? They’re afraid that they don’t have enough. And why are they afraid they don’t have enough? They’re afraid that if they don’t have enough they will die. But the truth of the matter is, nothing and nobody ever dies, andthatis one of the biggest secrets of all. Nothing ever dies; it just changes form. And that’s the Big Truth.