MM looks to God above. She should look down at me. I’m the ONE who knows.
Statue of Anubis.
Yes, I am Anubis.
“Oh Wise One of Ancient Knowledge,” MM says to me.
This is an air pirouette.
See my incredible chest capacity? I lift weights.
I’m waiting for a vicious German Shepherd.
This is called a Grand Jeté in ballet terms.
This is called “chase the seagull” in beach language.
This is called “down dog” pose in Ashanga yoga.
MM thinks I can’t climb up the steps myself. How foolish…
MM’s boobies are not too high for me.
I’m even in command of the sun.
My future is secure.
We’re dreaming about long ago.
I like to look taller and longer whenever possible.
My throne under the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
I’m gazing into the past.
I am an expert driver.
I like to make MM think I’m begging.
Do I get a dessert later?
Sheba is a magnificent but older female.
But Daisy is a sweet older woman.
Daisy is waiting for me to come out and order her around.
Daisy and Sandy “kiss talking.”
One blue eye, one dark eye and still Spooky waits to seduce me.
They all succumb to my orders.
My MM is going to dunk her face in the stream.
Domestic bliss.