LOGAN DIDNT SEE judgment in Jessica’s eyes, merely curiosity. “I never drank champagne as a kid, but I ate my share of leftover caviar and truffles,” he admitted. “They were on my mother’s favorite menu for formal dinners and if something was in the refrigerator, I ate it.”

“The way kids in the United States eat peanut butter.”

He smiled. “Something of the sort. My folks didn’t try to give me the normal childhood they’d known, so I didn’t realize what I was missing until I was twelve or thirteen. I craved it after that.”

“But you didn’t choose to lead a nine-to-five kind of life as an adult.”

“Ironic, right? My career got in the way.”

“People can end up in circumstances beyond their control, but our choices usually reflect what we want or what makes us comfortable,” Jessica said. “You chose to be a globe-trotting fashion photographer.”

“Actually, it was supposed to be a stopgap until I could get work as a globe-trotting photojournalist.”

“You never had an opportunity to change direction?”

It would be nice to offer a simple explanation about why he’d continued working in the fashion industry, but he couldn’t. Little decisions had piled up until it wasn’t just one reason but many. The money had been great. He’d earned a reputation and it was flattering to be in demand. The challenge of filming in the range of diverse locations chosen by designers and advertisers had appealed to him. And he’d made friends, the first real friends of his life.

“I discovered I was good at working with models in difficult settings,” he said at length. “So I stayed.”

“Then maybe you aren’t as bad at working with people as you’ve claimed.” Jessica made a face. “I must be the one who brings out the worst in you.”

Instant denial leapt to Logan’s lips. How could Jessica bring out the worst in anyone? She was kind, beautiful and a devoted mother. It was his sense of guilt that made their interaction difficult. From their very first discussion about the Crystal Connection moving, he’d felt like a villain.

“It isn’t you,” he said. “I’m adjusting to my new career as an agent, that’s all. Instead of bouncing around the world constantly, I hope to develop ties with this area and make new friends. I also want to build something to be proud of at Moonlight Ventures. That’s why we’re looking for a way to expand, without hurting your business.”

Her eyelids flickered and then half closed as if she was concealing her thoughts. Logan mentally slapped himself. It was one thing for Jessica to refer to their conflict over the store, quite another for him. He was here on Cyndi’s behalf, not as a landlord.

“So, tell me more about chocolate,” he urged.

“Researchers say it’s loaded with antioxidants. The darker, the better.”

“I’ve heard that, as well. Anything else?”

A deeper pink crept into Jessica’s cheeks. “I once saw a health insurance tip sheet that said chocolate mimics how it feels to be in love. Temporarily. It could be why chocolate is popular on Valentine’s Day. Have you ever noticed getting that kind of reaction?”

“I’ve never been in love, so I wouldn’t know. But I enjoy chocolate.”

“Most people do. Perhaps you’re more like the rest of us than you think.”

“So, a longtime ambition fulfilled by a candy bar.”

Just then parents started arriving to pick up their daughters, pulling Jessica away. Logan swiftly finished the contents of his plate, tucked the laptop he’d brought into a carrying case and went to say goodbye, as well. Cyndi astonished him by throwing her arms around his neck.

“Thank you, Logan. You were fantabulous.”

“Better than the plumber?” he teased.

She giggled. “Bunches.”

Her approval gave Logan a warm sensation in his chest, and it lingered as he went out to his car and called the real estate agent for the Satterly House.

“Ms. Foley? I’m Logan Kensington. I have your flier for the Satterly property. Is there any chance I could see it right away?”

“Of course! I can be there in twenty minutes. And call me Carol.”

“I’ll see you then.”

Logan got there first and had a chance to look around the exterior. The building seemed to be in good condition and the yard was more casual than neglected. When Carol Foley arrived, they went inside.

“Only two bedrooms, I see,” he said after going through the house. It was just as interesting inside as out, reminiscent of iconic Frank Lloyd Wright designs.

“The square footage is wonderful, but I can’t deny the limited number of bedrooms has discouraged house hunters with families. More could easily be added, though,” Carol continued gamely.

Logan shrugged. “I don’t have a family, but I need both a studio and a home office.”

The agent’s face lit up. “A studio? This is a perfect retreat for an artist. Every window has an attractive view and the natural lighting is perfect. The property is quite large. You could build a stand-alone studio away from the main structure or add to the existing building. Whichever would work best for your needs.”

“I’m a photographer, actually.” Logan restrained a smile. He didn’t blame her for being anxious to make a sale, especially if the house had been on the market for an extended period.

“You’re still an artist. I think the original blueprints included a plan for additional rooms on the north side. They might still be available if you’re interested.”

She continued chattering about architects, city permits and local contractors. Logan nodded politely at appropriate moments, but he’d already made up his mind. The house felt right and the drive into the city was well within his acceptable commute time.

He was also eager to get the house hunting over and be free to spend his weekends as he pleased. The closer it got to summer, the higher in elevation he’d be able to trek. If his work at Moonlight Ventures permitted, he even hoped to spend a couple of weeks hiking in the back country, getting pictures for the book he wanted to do.

Logan focused on the agent when she stopped to draw a breath. “I want to make an offer.”

She looked dazzled. “Wonderful.”

“My lease will be up soon on my apartment, so if they accept, I’d like to move in as soon as possible.”

“We can negotiate an interim rental agreement if necessary. I have the papers in my car. Wait here, I’ll get them.” Carol rushed out, probably afraid he’d change his mind if given too much time.

Logan could have assured her it wasn’t going to happen, though he did wonder what Jessica would say about his swift decision...then wondered why it mattered.

BY SUNDAY AFTERNOON, Logan’s offer on the Satterly House had been accepted. First thing Monday, Carol Foley called to say a home inspection had been scheduled for late that afternoon.

Did he want to be there for it?

He did, and was pleased when the inspector confirmed that the building was solid, with no major issues except for a problem with the circuit breaker panel. A small negotiation ensued, with the owner agreeing to make the repairs. Logan would have paid for an electrician himself, but he didn’t want to be seen as a pushover in case a larger problem loomed.

He’d soon be a homeowner.

In the interim, he was going to rent the house for a remarkably low amount. He reminded himself that Regen Valley wasn’t Los Angeles or even downtown Seattle, so rents were bound to be more reasonable.

The cramped studio apartment—which had been such an improvement on hotel rooms during his visits to Seattle—would soon be a thing of the past.

Another benefit?

He wasn’t impacting anyone else’s life, unlike what the expansion of Moonlight Ventures might do to Jessica’s livelihood.

ON TUESDAY MORNING Jessica paced around the Crystal Connection, rehearsing what she wanted to say to Logan. She’d arranged an appointment with him through Chelsea Masters, the agency’s office manager, but he hadn’t said anything about it when getting coffee.

“Slow down,” Grams urged. She’d come into town to cover the shop in her granddaughter’s absence. “You’ll wear a hole in the floor and you’re making me nervous.”

“Sorry.” Jessica tried to slow her racing heart and feet. She’d spent the past several days researching and creating a list of pros and cons for her idea to relocate Moonlight Ventures instead of her store. She hoped the suggestion was unbiased, but Logan might think she was being ridiculous.

At five to eleven, she went into the agency and smiled at Chelsea, who was a frequent shopper at the Crystal Connection. Lately she’d regaled Jessica with her stories about the ups and downs of wedding planning. “But mostly ups,” Chelsea had said. It was going to be a garden wedding, hosted by her fiancé’s parents. She seemed to adore her future in-laws, so it boded well for the future.

“Hi, Jessica,” Chelsea said. “I meant to give this to you last week, but I’m getting scatterbrained, juggling all the details.”

It was an envelope made of thick vellum paper holding a wedding invitation. Jessica didn’t know what to say.

“Please come if you don’t have other plans,” Chelsea urged. “We want Cyndi to be there, too. See? It says children are welcome.”

“The weekend before it is pretty hectic, but I don’t think we have anything scheduled for this date. Let me check and let you know.”

“Great.” Chelsea picked up the phone. “I’ll tell Logan you’re here.”

A moment later, Jessica was heading to Logan’s office.

“Hi,” he said, waving her inside his open door. “I didn’t realize you had an appointment until I looked at my schedule this morning.”

“Oh.” She caught sight of the real estate flier on his desk. “Are you still considering the Satterly place?”

“More than just considering it. They’ve accepted my offer and I’ll be renting the house until escrow closes.”

“That was fast.”

“I don’t hesitate when I’ve decided to do something. Being part of a small town will be a new experience, so why wait to get started?”

Logan gestured to a chair and Jessica sat down, her brain moving furiously.

“In that case, do you want to get involved in a worthy project?” she asked before she could lose her nerve. “I’m leading a committee that’s raising money for an urgent care clinic in Regen Valley. Participating would be a great way to get acquainted with people and become part of the community.”

She didn’t expect him to accept, but he was talented and his public profile could add a lot to their efforts. The clinic was too important to let her discomfort around him get in the way.

“You mentioned a committee on Saturday—the Flash Committee, right?”

“Yes.” She shouldn’t be surprised that he was so observant. “We have doctors in Regen Valley but no hospital, and the closest urgent care clinic is a half hour away. It won’t be easy to change that, especially since we need support from the medical community. But doctors want us to guarantee we’ll have a proper facility, with long-term funding, before they consider it a viable project.”

Logan nodded. “You also have insurance, licensing and other issues to juggle.”

Though he’d claimed to be new to business, he seemed to grasp the complex challenges facing the Flash Committee. A few members had even dropped out after recognizing the enormity of the task. The core group was dedicated, though. They wanted a clinic that operated seven days a week, right in town.

“It’s a huge undertaking,” Jessica acknowledged. “But we’re making progress.”

“I see.”

Logan’s expression was impossible to read, probably because he was thinking of ways to say no.

“Look, I don’t know why I asked,” she said. “You’re busy and from what you’ve told me, you don’t have experience with community projects. Besides, this kind of thing can be intense, with all the people involved offering different opinions about what to do and how to get it done. You’d probably hate it.”

She was giving him an easy out, but she only wanted people on the committee who were sincerely motivated. It would also be wise to avoid too much contact with a man who was both exciting and dangerous to her heart.

THE LAST THING Logan wanted was another responsibility.

He was starting a new career, he was interviewing prospective new clients daily and he’d bought a house that needed renovations. He wanted time and freedom to explore his new state. So his plate was full. But he understood why Jessica was passionate about her project. His travels had taken him from major cities to little-known corners of the world, and more than once he’d been grateful for a drop-in clinic, either for himself or for someone on his crew.

It was also annoying that she’d more or less withdrawn her invitation. He could be useful. After all, he was a hardworking guy and he had contacts with big business. Moreover, you didn’t have to be a born diplomat to contribute to a committee.

Oblivious to his inner turmoil, Jessica gestured to the file she’d brought. “The Flash Committee isn’t why I made the appointment, so let’s forget it and move on.”

“You have an unusual recruitment strategy—ask someone to join and then tell them to forget it.”

Her jaw dropped. “I was being polite. You aren’t even living in Regen Valley yet, and you’re new to the area.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t care. A clinic would improve life for everyone, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, though parents with kids at home are especially sensitive to the need.”

Logan envisioned the happy girl rangers he’d met that Saturday. He’d been working on the photographs from the meetings, isolating the face of each youngster for printing and matting as portraits. He was planning it as a surprise for Cyndi to give her friends.

He didn’t have to be a father to understand how important ready medical care was for those kids.

“I’d be happy to join your committee,” he blurted out, almost as surprised by his words as Jessica appeared to be.

Her mouth opened, closed and then opened again. “Are you sure? I mean, you just moved, and now you’re moving again. And I know you must be working long hours here at the agency. You can’t have much spare time.”

“Another excellent recruiting technique, telling people they’re too busy to get involved.”

A delicate pink crept up her neck. “I don’t want to feel as if I strong-armed you.”

“Don’t worry, I’m perfectly capable of holding my own.”

“Hmm...okay. Our next meeting is tomorrow, 7:00 p.m., at the Regen Valley Community Center. I try to end promptly at eight—busy people don’t need endless meetings. But I understand if it’s too short a notice. The next one will be—”

“No problem, I’ll see you there.” He leaned forward in his chair. “Now, what did you want to discuss?”

With a start, Jessica glanced at the folder she held and straightened her back as if she was steeling herself for something.

“It’s an idea I’ve been working on since you showed me the empty rentals and the agency offices. I don’t know if you’ll be interested or are willing to consider it. Or if it’s already been considered...” She stopped, looking flustered.

Logan was genuinely curious. At the same time he was trying not to notice charming details of Jessica’s appearance...such as the strands of hair that had escaped her loose French braid and were brushing her cheek.

“Yes?” he prompted.

“Let me start again. It doesn’t seem as if Moonlight Ventures needs street visibility. People who want to become models or actors go looking for a talent agency, usually on the internet. Or else you go looking for them.”

“That’s right,” Logan said, trying to sound encouraging. He didn’t know what she was getting at, but with Jessica, the journey could be interesting.

“Well, you need more space, but if you think about it, my store’s square footage wouldn’t give you that much. You’d only get a meeting room and maybe two or three extra offices, depending on what size they are.”

“That’s true,” he agreed slowly.

Jessica took a sheet of paper from her folder and slid it across the desk. “This is a copy of the building map that Uncle Kevin gave my grandparents several years ago. Originally he wanted all the units to open onto the atrium, but it was too expensive and the space was too large to make it feasible. That’s why there are the large rentals in the back. He hoped there would still be businesses that wanted those spaces, even if they didn’t have access to the common atrium area.”

“But it didn’t work out that way.”

“No, except when Matt Tupper opened his recording studio. The combined square footage of the three empty units is over twice the size of your current location.”

Logan studied the map and the figures Jessica had written along the edge. It was easy to see where she was going. Displacing the Crystal Connection wouldn’t be a permanent solution. But moving to the back of the building would give Moonlight Ventures all the space they currently needed and room for future expansion, as well.

Jessica handed him a second sheet of paper with two columns, one titled “Pros” the other, “Cons.”

“I’m just suggesting this as an alternative,” she said, “and you may have already thought of the idea. Clearly you spent a bucket of money remodeling your current location, and this would mean doing it all over again.”

Logan mentally groaned. Renovations to the back section of the building would make the additions he wanted on his new house look like child’s play.

“Logan?” Jessica prompted.

“Yes, doing it again would be pricey and I can imagine what Nicole would say. We had a general contractor, but she was the one who was here, on-site, having to deal with everything.”

“At least you wouldn’t have to move until the remodeling was done, which means you wouldn’t have any disruption to the business.”


Jessica reached across the desk and tapped the sheet of paper she’d given him. “There are other advantages to consider. You mentioned the remodeling didn’t quite turn out how you’d hoped, so this way you could start with a clean slate. Also, you wouldn’t be losing much rental income back there since those spaces are usually empty. But you could turn around and lease your existing offices for a premium rate. Units in the front of the building are rarely vacant, and never for long.”

Logan was impressed. There were genuine advantages to Jessica’s proposal, though, to her credit, she hadn’t whitewashed the drawbacks, either. The considerable initial expense was his biggest concern. The agency was doing well, but they couldn’t be careless with finances.

He studied the list.

It seemed comprehensive, except for one thing—she’d left the Crystal Connection out of the equation. If Moonlight Ventures moved instead, Jessica wouldn’t need to consider a risky move herself, either in the near future or in three years when her lease ran out.

Logan wasn’t sure if the omission was admirable or cagey.

His gut instincts told him she was too honest and straightforward to manipulate people.

Admirable, he decided.

JESSICA KEPT HER lips pressed together while Logan looked at the pros and cons list.

It had been a bizarre morning.

Much as she liked Chelsea, she hadn’t expected to be invited to her upcoming wedding. Uncle Kevin and Grams were going, but they’d known Chelsea a lot longer.

Then she’d gone and invited Logan to join the Flash Committee. Huge mistake, at least personally. He kept reminding her of old dreams she’d rather forget. Dreams of being loved, completely and wholly. But the problem with wanting something so badly was that you made bad choices trying to get it.

Jessica shook herself. She’d often wondered if the reason Aaron couldn’t handle marriage and impending fatherhood was because her neediness had frightened him. He’d been lousy at expressing his feelings and she’d wanted far more reassurance than he’d been willing or able to give. A baby on top of that must have scared him witless.

And even if Aaron was partly responsible for the divorce, there were no guarantees she wouldn’t slip into the same old pattern with another man.

The rustle of paper yanked her attention back to the present. Logan was studying the floor map again and she tried to be optimistic. At least he hadn’t immediately rejected the idea of Moonlight Ventures moving. She was uncomfortable, having basically suggested they spend a lot of money so that she wouldn’t have to move, but she honestly believed it could be better for everyone in the long run.

Logan looked up. “I wish you’d been around with this idea when we first got started. Of course, there was a renter next to Matt Tupper’s studio when we bought the place, but they moved out a month later, after we were deep in plans for the renovations. That’s probably why taking over those units in the back never occurred to us.”

Her tension eased marginally. “Moonlight Ventures has always been located right here, so it’s hard to imagine it being anywhere else, even another part of the building.”

Jessica decided not to explain that she’d already discussed the idea with Uncle Kevin. She’d worried that he would have reservations about Moonlight Ventures moving, but instead he’d seemed pleased with the idea and had added items to her list of pros.

“No promises about the outcome, but I’ll discuss this with my partners,” Logan added. “Keep in mind, it could be a while before we make a decision.”

“That’s understandable. Now I need to get to the store, since I think Grams has plans.”

It surprised her when he stood and put his hand out to shake. The formal gesture was businesslike, but the contact sent electric tingles up her arm.

Don’t be a ninny.

Logan hadn’t shown a shred of interest in her as a woman and she was too aware of the reasons she shouldn’t get involved with any man, much less one with his commitment issues.

Grateful the meeting was concluded, she hurried back to the shop.

Penny looked at her anxiously. “How did it go?”

“Logan is willing to discuss it with his friends. I couldn’t expect more than that.”

“I suppose. They haven’t been here for long, so it may be too large an investment for new business owners. You’re awfully flushed. Was it difficult?”

“A little.” Jessica didn’t want to go into details. “Dad would tell me to keep emotion out of it, but he has more experience with business negotiations.” She tried to sound as matter-of-fact as possible, since her grandmother didn’t enjoy being reminded that her only child had chosen a lifestyle his parents had rejected.

Only one customer was in the store, a woman deep in the crystals aisle. She approached with her basket and Jessica rang up the purchase.

“Would you like me to stay and help?” Grams asked when they were alone again. “I was going to have lunch with a few friends, but it isn’t urgent. They’ll understand if I don’t come.”

“I’m fine,” Jessica assured her. “Go eat with your friends.”

Grams hugged her. “I’m so proud of you. It took gumption to have that meeting with Logan. You’ve turned into such a lovely, accomplished woman.”

“Gumption?” Jessica laughed. “I haven’t heard that word in a while. Have you been reading some of Granddad’s old Westerns again?”

Penny grinned. “Cheeky kid.”

She left on a happy note and Jessica decided to focus on paperwork for the Flash Committee between customers. It made her think even more about Logan, but she might as well get used to it. He was a member of the committee now.