Writing is a lonely occupation. The bulk of your time is spent huddling in your office in yesterday’s yoga pants, drinking gallons of tea, and wondering just how much trouble you can get your imaginary friends into. Publishing, however, takes a team of people. I am hugely fortunate to have a great team in my corner.

Thanks to my previous agent, Rachel Coyne, who represented me yet again with her endless energy and humor. Kudos also goes to my new agent, Barbara Poelle, who has taken me on despite my many writer oddities.

Simon Pulse is full of amazing people to work with, most importantly Liesa Abrams, who edited this book with her trademark grace and calm. She’s my superhero and truly deserves a Batman belt of her very own. Thanks also go out to Michael Strother, who always jumps in to help. Karina Granda deserves applause for a great cover, and as always, big thanks to the Pulse crew for copy edits and support with promotion. I also have to give a shout-out to the Simon Pulse Canadian team, in particular Amy Jacobson, who always seems to have a new great idea.

I owe my family and friends endless gratitude. You can’t choose your family, but if I could I would choose the one I have. For my friends, I have no idea why you all put up with me, but I am grateful.

To my husband, Bob, thank you for listening to endless hours of me trying to sort out this plot. I also have to thank my dog, Cairo, who is my fearless writer companion and snores under my desk while I write.

Lastly, huge thanks to all of my readers. Your e-mails and notes make my day over and over. I promise to keep writing if you promise to keep reading.