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Lockhart stopped pacing and turned to address his behavior with Grace. However, Grace fled from the study as if the demons of hell were on her heels.
“Grace,” Lockhart yelled, hurrying after her.
He must explain himself before she informed his mother about his behavior. If his mother learned about any intimacy between them, she would insist he make right by Grace. He planned to find Grace another position before he sent her on her way. In a different household far away, where temptation never lured him toward her.
Before he reached her, his siblings came flying down the staircase. Grace paused, glancing over her shoulder at him. Her eyes widened at his expression, and she gathered her skirts in one hand and raced up the stairs to get away. His siblings prevented him from chasing after her. They pleaded with him to listen to their excuses for their unruly behavior.
“’Tis our fault,” Finlay declared.
“Do not blame Miss Penrose for our misdeeds,” Hugh pleaded.
Effie tugged on his suit coat. “Do not be mad at Grace.”
Lockhart sighed. His youngest sibling, Euphemia, held the ability to soften his stance through every debacle they found themselves in. The children’s defense showed him how much they cared for Grace. They had tortured every governess before her with their wild behavior and allowed the governess to take the fall for their actions. If he didn’t dismiss them, they fled in the middle of darkness to avoid caring for the children another day.
But not Grace. They defended her as if she were one of their own. Even from the beginning, they had accepted her into their fold. Never once pushing her limit. Probably because she allowed them to be themselves, while still dispensing discipline when needed.
He narrowed his gaze at the twins, Geordie and Gayre. “Do you agree with your brothers and sister?”
“Aye,” Geordie answered, and Gayre nodded her agreement.
“Very well. Follow me and we shall discuss your punishment.”
The children hollered with excitement, running toward his study with eager anticipation of the punishment he would dwell out. He lifted Effie into his arms and carried her to join them. When they reached the study, he found his siblings sitting with impeccable manners, waiting for him. Quite the opposite of their usual behavior of acting unruly by not keeping their hands to themselves. Grace’s influence was the reason no less.
Effie patted his cheek. “Can we keep Grace forever? I love her.”
After Effie declared her love for Grace, she pushed against his chest for him to lower her to the floor, not waiting for his response. Could they keep Grace forever? A conflicting question he avoided answering without a deeper introspection into his feelings, an act he had fought against every single day since she first arrived.
Because he feared he loved her too.
GRACE RUSHED TOWARD her bedchamber, pressing her hands against her cheeks to cool herself. The rush of heat coursing through her at Lockhart’s touch inflamed every one of her senses. She had almost foolishly given in to temptation by throwing herself at him and begging for his kiss. She may portray herself as bold with her words, but she never stepped out of character with a gentleman. But his touch undid what remained of her common sense.
She realized why he demanded her dismissal. Not only because of today’s fiasco but also because of the attraction simmering between them. His gaze reflected her desires. While she thought he was indifferent to her, she now saw how Lockhart fought the temptation himself. At least nothing had transpired while she was alone with him in his study. It was a brief touch and nothing to feel ashamed of. She had never reacted but only waited with anticipation for more from him. At least he had the good sense to pull away and put distance between them.
Grace stopped near the foot of the bed and sank onto the mattress in defeat. She had feared this day since she arrived but held out hope it would never occur. Of course, she pushed the issue whenever she defied Lockhart. But with Lady Lockhart’s support, Grace had felt secure in her position. However, Grace agreed with Lockhart about her imminent dismissal.
She needed to send a message to Vivian to ask for her help. Her friend was always reliable in a crisis. Perhaps Vivian would allow her to stay with her and Lord Courtland until Grace secured a new position. Lord Courtland cared for his cousin’s children after a horrible carriage accident had caused their parents' deaths. She could assist Vivian with their education.
Grace moved to the small desk in the corner. Lady Lockhart had provided the piece of furniture since she needed to plan the children’s lessons, a luxury she had never had before in her other governess positions. Most of the chambers held the barest minimum of furniture, a bed, and a wardrobe. However, this bedchamber befit a guest visiting the Lockhart family. When Grace voiced her objections, Lady Lockhart had explained how they wanted to offer her a peaceful oasis to recover in every night since she cared for three boisterous children throughout the day.
When Grace worried about how unfair it was to the other servants, Lady Lockhart had given her a tour of the servants’ quarters and shown how they treated them just as fairly. An unusual occurrence in most aristocracy households but, as Grace soon learned, a necessity to keep the servants from leaving.
Even though the children were a delight and everyone spoiled them, they were a handful to keep under control. They tried the patience of a saint. So keeping morale positive, the Lockharts offered the servants comfort they would not find in any other household.
Because Grace was always on duty except for Sundays and needed to have her quarters near the children, her bedchamber held a few extra treasures. Besides a desk, the bedchamber was outfitted with a chaise and a bathtub in the other corner, separated by a screen for her privacy. They even allowed her access to the library, a privilege she indulged in with a weekly visit.
She thought the other servants would treat her differently because of the difference in their quarters compared to hers. However, they were not in the slightest envious. They showed their gratitude for her influence on the children with a kind word or smile whenever they crossed paths. Usually, there was a divide between the servants and the governess in a household. However, the servants at Lockhart Manor welcomed her as part of their family, as did the Lockharts themselves.
Well, except for Lord Lockhart. While polite, he kept his distance, except for when they disagreed about the children’s need to play and not study at all hours. Now Grace understood his aloofness after the exchange they had shared. He fought to keep temptation at bay. After their encounter, it would be a struggle not to give in to their desires.
Grace shook herself from her musings. She must write her message to Vivian and plan her immediate departure. The further she distanced herself from Lord Lockhart, the better.
Dearest Vivian,
I know we are to meet at the park soon, but I plead for your help in providing shelter for a spell. Without explaining in lengthy detail, I have found myself without a position in the Lockhart household. After an unfortunate incident that escalated out of control, Lord Lockhart handed me my dismissal.
Is it possible for you and Lord Courtland to offer me a room while I secure another position? I can assist with Bennett and Leah’s studies. You have my promise not to wreak havoc on your life or to intrude longer than is necessary.
I apologize if this plea places you in an awkward situation. If so, do not hesitate to deny my request.
Your friend,
She sealed the letter and rose to find Douglas, the butler. The sooner Vivian responded to her plea, the sooner Grace could remove herself from the tempting Lord Lockhart. Especially before her desire overruled her common sense.
“There you are, my dear. I thought you were to join me in my chambers after your discussion with Calum?” Lady Lockhart inquired from the doorway.
Just hearing Lockhart’s masculine Christian name sent a race of shivers coursing throughout her body. Another reason to depart as swiftly as possible.
“I apologize, Lady Lockhart. I thought it was for the best that I pack for my departure before I influence the children a moment longer with my unrespectable behavior.” Grace fought to keep the sorrow from her voice.
Lady Lockhart rushed forward and wrapped Grace in her arms, offering her the comfort of a mother instead of a lady in her position. “Oh dear, I feared my son would not keep his irritation at bay and would deflect it onto you.”
Grace enjoyed the warm embrace before she pulled away, swiping at her tears. “I agree with Lord Lockhart. ‘Tis best I leave before any more harm comes to the children.”
Lady Lockhart narrowed her eyes. “Pssh. My son has spoken out of line, and it is not his decision to make regarding your position.”
Grace attempted a smile. “But as their guardian, it is.”
Lady Lockhart waved her hand in the air. “Only by the law of the land. But not by the law of my household. I deem who is fit to educate and care for my children, not Calum. He has forgotten who gave him the privilege of his position. If it were not for me, he would cease to exist.”
Grace covered her smile at Lady Lockhart’s declaration. The lady and her son disagreed on many aspects of how to run Lockhart Manor and about the children’s activities. Typically with Lady Lockhart declared the victor. However, on this matter, Grace agreed with Lord Lockhart. She must convince Lady Lockhart it was in the children’s best interest to find someone more qualified. She refused to be the cause of them not having a proper education.
“Nonetheless, I agree. I have written to Lady Courtland for her support. May I remain until I receive her answer?”
“Will you allow me to speak to my son before you send your letter?”
Grace shook her head. “I see no need to prolong his decision. We must consider the children first. Lord Lockhart has explained the need for a tutor to educate Finlay and Hugh at home.”
“Very well. However, I require you to stay in your position until the tutor arrives. The children cannot have free rein in their time. They will only cause more havoc than what we have endured today. I will make this clear to Calum. Once the tutor arrives and if Lady Courtland agrees to your visit, you may leave. If Lady Courtland doesn’t agree, you will remain as my companion until you find suitable employment. Do you agree, my dear?” Lady Lockhart crossed her fingers behind her back, hoping Grace agreed to her request.
If she didn’t agree, it would show poorly on her character since Lord Lockhart had shielded her from the vicious rumors this past summer, allowing her to remain in her position. Also, Lady Lockhart would convince her son of the necessity not to dismiss Grace immediately. He wouldn’t want to handle the care of the children, nor would he expect the other servants to tackle the impossible. He feared the servants’ mutiny if he passed the care on to them.
Grace nodded. “I will agree.”
Lady Lockhart squeezed Grace’s arm. “Excellent.” She held out her hand. “I will have Douglas send your letter to Lady Courtland.”
Grace handed the letter to Lady Lockhart. “I do not know how to thank you for your kindness.”
Lady Lockhart’s lips lifted into a cunning smile. “’Tis I who owes you my gratitude.” She swiftly changed the subject at Grace’s confused expression. “Please take the evening off to recover from today’s stressful events. My family and I need a private evening to discuss the consequences of their actions. I will have the servants bring up your bathwater. Please join them for a meal. Or would you like a plate brought to you?”
Grace didn’t want to subject herself to the endless questions from the other servants, nor did she want their pity. “I think I will eat alone this evening.”
“Do not despair, my dear. I see endless possibilities paving your way to a brighter future,” Lady Lockhart predicted before leaving.
Sorrow settled in because Grace’s future would never include Lord Lockhart.
LADY LOCKHART CLOSED the door to the nursery. Her children sat at the table, each wearing a frown from the lecture they had received from their older brother. She cringed at their displeasure because they had only behaved unruly today at her request. They understood the consequences of her plan and agreed to make sacrifices to achieve the wishful outcome of Calum asking Grace to marry him. Finlay’s and Hugh’s expulsion from school played in perfectly with her plan. They had acted out because they wanted to return home to their family, and she would never fault them for that. They were a close family, and being separated caused the entire family heartache.
However, it gave Calum the idea of hiring a tutor. He wanted to dismiss Grace because she encouraged the children to continue with their exuberant enjoyment of life, an act he used to partake in before he inherited the role of caretaker. Her husband, God rest his soul, had held the patience of a saint. He had ruled the house with a firmness that still allowed their children to explore their possibilities. Calum had yet to find his footing, and it caused an unstableness in raising the children. Since Grace had arrived, their life had returned to normal. Well, normal for them at least. The children no longer acted out of character for attention, and the servants found relief at no more tomfoolery.
It would break everyone’s heart if they were to lose Grace. So Lady Lockhart needed to take drastic measures to keep her. Her son may not realize it yet, but he had fallen for the lovely governess. Lady Lockhart had enjoyed watching the spark between them, and she wasn’t blind to how the two regarded each other with a softness when they thought no one watched.
“Was he too harsh with your punishment?” Lady Lockhart asked.
“Aye, Ma,” Finlay answered.
Geordie pouted. “We have to wash the mud off the stones in the garden.”
“’Tis better than having to scrub our clothes clean,” Gayre complained.
Hugh kicked the table. “All for nothing because he dismissed Miss Penrose anyway.”
“Mama, can Grace stay as our friend?” Effie asked with all the innocence of a child who didn’t understand the rank of a person in society.
Lady Lockhart shook her head. “No, poppet, she cannot.”
“Why?” Effie started crying.
Lady Lockhart gathered her youngest child in her arms and settled in the rocking chair. “‘Tis not acceptable.”
“Hang it all,” Finlay cursed.
“Finlay.” Lady Lockhart gave him a disapproving stare.
“I agree with Finlay. Who cares what any toff has to say on the matter?” Hugh stated.
Geordie stood and copied his brother’s stance. “Hang them all.”
Lady Lockhart sighed. “Settle down, children. All is not lost. I will convince your brother that Grace must stay until the new tutor arrives. In the meantime, we will sacrifice ourselves until your brother realizes he loves Grace and makes her his bride.”
“Then Grace will stay with us forever?” Effie looked up at her mother with hope in her eyes.
Lady Lockhart wiped the tears off Effie’s cheeks. “I promise, my love.”
“How?” asked Gayre.
“With a clever strategy, we will sabotage your brother’s agenda. I have asked Cameron to visit so he can assist us. You must stay on guard to follow my directions. For now, you will return to your bedchambers and prepare for the evening meal. We will enjoy a quiet family dinner, and you will show Calum your remorse for your behavior today. Do not fret, my loves, but take pleasure from today’s successful attempt to keep your brother on his toes.”
Lady Lockhart followed the children to their rooms and directed the servants to help them dress for dinner. With one last gentle reassurance to each child, she returned to her bedchamber. She pulled Grace’s letter from her pocket and read the missive meant for Lady Courtland. She cringed at the broken promise she’d made to Grace, but she couldn’t help it.
After her son married the governess, she would admit to how she had destroyed the letter. It would be part of Calum and Grace’s story to their children and grandchildren when they described how they fell in love.
She tossed the letter into the fire and watched the flames lick at the vellum. A cunning smile lit her face at the plans she had made to bring the two together. Before long, her son would find himself engulfed in the flames beckoning him toward Grace.
Flames of love he would find impossible to deny.