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Grace pounded on Lockhart’s chest. “Put me down this instant.”
“Have you gone mad?”
Lockhart kept walking. “Actually, I believe I have regained my sanity.”
“You must stop. Everyone is staring,” Grace pleaded, her voice hitching in her distress.
“Everyone can go hang. I will stop once I settle you in the carriage out of the chill.”
Each person they strode by gasped in astonishment, then started whispering about the scandalous act. Everything she had tried to avoid now slapped her in the face. And to make matters worse, she couldn’t convince Lockhart to leave her alone. The threatening letter she had received loomed over her and frightened her. How would the culprit set out to destroy her? The destruction would leave her destitute, where her own family couldn’t help her without destroying their livelihood.
Each stare they passed became more intense, leaving Grace shaken. She buried her head into the crook of Lockhart’s shoulder, hiding away. She didn’t realize tears coursed down her cheeks in her humiliation. Grace wanted to rage at Lockhart for putting her in another scandalous situation. But if she acted on her outrage, it would cause more of a scene. She refused to encourage upper society with any more gossip. They would create their own stories, regardless. Each story would portray Lockhart as the victim and her as the harlot who attempted to escape poverty into a lavish lifestyle above her station.
Grace’s tears splashed against his neck, and he wished to comfort her. However, her body shook from the cold, and he needed to get her out of the elements.
The footman opened the door to the carriage, and Lockhart climbed aboard with Grace still in his arms. He settled them against the cushions.
“Take us home,” he ordered before the footman closed the door.
Soon they were traveling at a brisk pace, and Grace still hadn’t lifted her head. He grabbed the blanket next to him and wrapped it around them, hoping it would warm her up.
She beat against his chest. “Why? Why?”
He held no answer that would make sense to either of them. The drive to care for Grace had overcome him, and he had reacted without thinking of the consequences.
He raked a hand through his hair. “Because.”
Grace jerked her head up. “Because? How is that a plausible explanation?”
Lockhart caught his breath at the despair swirling in Grace’s glare. He had never meant to cause her any heartache. Yet, ever since they shared their first kiss, he had set them on a path headed either for destruction or everything he had ever dreamed of.
Grace pelted him again. “Answer me.”
Lockhart wrapped his hand around her fist and guided it under his suit coat toward his heart. He unfolded her fingers to lie against his chest. When she lifted her head higher, he pressed his forehead against hers.
“Because,” he whispered.
He never allowed Grace to question him again. With the brush of his lips against hers, he pulled her under the tidal wave of emotions engulfing them. One soft brush of his lips against hers became two, which became a kiss so profound it left them both shaken.
Grace’s fingers curled in his shirt as her body softened against his. He captured her soft whimpers as he deepened the kiss. The taste of her wrapped him in a cocoon of completeness. He had spent the past few days avoiding the emotions she stirred because he was a coward to admit how much he desired a life with her. Of course, they would always have obstacles in their path, but none of that mattered if Grace left him. He didn’t think he could survive without her.
Lockhart’s gesture had taken Grace by surprise. He implied he wanted her to hold his heart in her hand. If that was the case, then why avoid her only to place them in a scandal? Did he not understand how her emotions existed in a fragile state because of his actions?
Yet, she never protested once his gentle kiss took possession of her heart. With each stroke of his tongue against hers, he captured another part of her soul. She had missed him more than she wanted to admit. When she was wrapped in his arms, the world disappeared as if they were the only two who existed. She wanted to entangle herself around him and never let go.
Lockhart kissed the corner of her lips, then trailed up to press a kiss against her temple. “Just because,” he whispered.
Grace closed her eyes and laid her head against his chest. His kiss had softened her anger, and she refused to break the spell surrounding them. Her time to seek his comfort would soon end. She wouldn’t spoil this stolen moment with an argument they would never agree on.
While his actions prompted the rumor mill to speculate, the reason for his behavior touched Grace’s heart. He had acted inappropriately in public because he wanted to care for her and worried about her illness. If Grace doubted her love for this man, he showed her today how deeply he cared.
She would treasure this moment for an eternity. There would be no happily ever after for her. This was only a crazed moment where two souls no longer resisted the temptation between them. Once his family and peers surrounded him, reality would set in. However, when it ended, no one could ever steal away her memories. They were hers to keep forever.
Lockhart leaned his head against the cushion, his gaze locked on Grace. She had drifted to sleep after their kiss. However, she still clung to him in desperation. Something troubled her that went deeper than the scene he had caused by carrying her through the park. He felt like more of a bastard than ever. She deserved better, but he refused to allow another man anywhere near her heart. It was his to claim.
He brushed a curl away from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. Her soft sigh echoed in the carriage. When they reached home, he wanted to lay her in his bed and take care of her until she was well. But his wishes were hopeless. If he lived alone, he would not care what the servants thought. However, living with his mother and siblings made it impossible to act upon his needs.
Lockhart was well aware of how he referred to Lockhart Manor as their home. He had never wanted to settle in a marriage of unhappiness. Ever since Grace stepped through the door, she had made it more of a home than it ever had been before. Why he had resisted her for so long was beyond him.
Now to convince her to call Lockhart Manor her home.
GRACE ROLLED OVER, tugging the pillow into her arms, lost in a dream of Lockhart sweeping her across a ballroom floor. A loud thud outside her bedchamber jerked her awake. She sat up quickly, glancing around her. The last thing she remembered before falling asleep was Lockhart’s tender kiss. She lay back against the pillow, trying to calm her heart.
She traced her lips, hoping his warmth still lingered on them. She wanted to capture the memory and sear his heat into her soul. Her gaze traveled across the bedchamber she would need to leave soon. Not to join the family for dinner but to depart for London. She couldn’t stay a day longer. Nor could she risk Vivian’s reputation by staying with her. After today, she needed to return home and hope her family would stand by her side while she weathered the scandalous rumors spreading about her.
A folded letter caught her eye on the nightstand. She sat up on the bed, reaching for it. She thought it would be from Vivian, checking on her. However, after she pulled the vellum apart, she saw it wasn’t from her friend. But another letter filled with more threats.
Miss Penrose,
Or should I address the letter to Grace? It would appear you are very free with your favors. Not only have you charmed Lord Lockhart but his brother too. My, how the drama must unfold at Lockhart Manor. I am sure their mother is in shock at your immoral display of indecency. Or does she not know?
Either way, after the scene in the park today, Lady Lockhart will learn what a trollop you are. Such a shame, since she welcomed you into her home to care for her children and this is how you repay her kindness.
Since you did not take the threat I sent you earlier this morning with serious regard, I must take further action to guarantee you no longer threaten my fellow peers with your agenda. Once I am finished, you will find no position but the one where you must sell your soul to survive.
I warned you. Now you must face the consequences.
Best of luck.
Grace scrambled off the bed, backing away from the threats spewed in the letter. She searched the bedchamber in frenzied panic. She dropped to her knees and dragged out her portmanteau from under the bed. Grace tossed her belongings into the bag with no care, then moved to the vanity and gathered only the essential items she needed for her trip. She would send for her belongings once she settled wherever she escaped to.
After receiving two threatening letters, she could never return home to her family. They didn’t deserve to suffer from the shame of having her as a daughter and a sister. Nor could she rely on her friends. No. She must travel abroad for any hope of escaping the scandal attached to her name.
A knock sounded on her door before Lady Lockhart opened it. “Grace, dear, are you well enough to join us for dinner?”
Grace shook her head. “No. I must leave.”
Lady Lockhart noted Grace’s distress and urged Grace to sit on the chaise. “What is troubling you?”
Grace glanced at the letter she had dropped on the floor. “I need to return home.”
Lady Lockhart bent down to pick up the letter. After reading it, she slid it into her pocket. Her son had overstepped himself again with the governess. There was only one outcome for them. However, to appease Grace, she must agree with her plan to leave. After an appropriate amount of time had passed, she would share Grace’s departure with her son.
Lady Lockhart pinched her lips. “Yes, that would be for the best considering the circumstances. Will you allow me to arrange for your departure while you finish packing?”
Grace nodded. She had no other choice. She must leave. The kisses she had shared with Calum only fortified her decision. She refused to be the cause of a scandal for his family. None of them deserved the ill-treatment because of her poor choices. She would not bring shame to their door.
“Only pack enough for the journey. I will ship your belongings to you once you settle.” Lady Lockhart turned toward the door. She needed to leave before she offered the sympathy she longed to give Grace. She wanted to wrap her in her arms and assure her that all would be well. However, she must send Grace on her way so her son would chase after her. For her plan to become a success, she must make Grace believe she found Grace’s behavior distasteful. She promised to make Grace feel welcome once her son returned home with her as his bride.
“I hope one day you can forgive me,” Grace whispered.
Lady Lockhart paused at the door before sweeping away. She heard the despair and almost crumpled. She rushed belowstairs to direct Grace’s departure. Lady Lockhart only hoped her other children weren’t so impossible to make matches for.
“Prepare the carriage for Grace’s departure. I do not want my son to hear of this until I tell him. Make sure enough footmen ride along to protect Grace. Order the driver to stop in Gretna Green with the excuse to trade horses or repair the wheels. Anything to keep Grace from growing suspicious and for Calum to reach her,” Lady Lockhart ordered the servants.
The servants rushed off to do her bidding. The entire staff had helped her throw Grace in Calum’s path since the day she arrived. They wanted her to become the next marchioness as much as her family did. Since fate took its sweet time in throwing the two together, they would help them with their destiny, with one scheming plan after another.
After all, a nudge never hurt when it came to love.