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Grace stood in front of her bedchamber window, watching the carriages arrive. The evening of their dinner party had arrived, and the butterflies had taken flight inside her stomach, fluttering her nerves into a jumbled mess. The people disembarking were neither her friend nor her foe. They were strangers invited to lure the person taunting her and her friends to the forefront of their game. Vivian and her husband had arrived early, accompanied by Flora, Sara, and Lord Somerville. They had finalized their plan before the other guests made their appearance.
Grace had excused herself to finish dressing for the evening and calm her nerves before she put on a performance she didn’t believe herself capable of. However, Calum helped to reassure her by never leaving her side. Even now he sat across the bedchamber, watching her in silence. Her fear weighed on both of them. Never once did he make her feel like a silly fool but offered comfort whenever she needed it, usually during the darkness of night while the manor waited in silence for the inevitable to happen.
Had she taken her fear of the unknown to the extreme? After all, the threat never suggested if the person meant to harm her physically. However, the emotional drama had taken its hold and festered into a panic out of her control, leading her to imagine the worst. If not for her, then for her friends.
“Come away from the window,” Calum urged, holding out his hand.
Grace glided across to Calum, needing his comfort. When she reached him, he rose and guided her to stand in front of the mirror. Grace raised her eyes and met Calum’s gaze in the mirror. The love shining from his depths left Grace speechless. He dropped a kiss on her bare shoulder before clasping a piece of jewelry around her neck. The necklace was a symbol with an emerald gleaming in the middle.
Grace reached up and rubbed her fingers across the stone. “’Tis lovely.”
Calum reached around and traced the symbols in between stroking Grace’s soft skin. “A Scottish symbol of everlasting love. My father gifted my mother one when they married. I found this in the shop we visited before we spoke our vows. I meant to present you with it on our wedding night. However, I waited to gift it to you for another more meaningful moment in our life together. The perfect moment is now. When we descend those stairs, I want our guests to see how much my family and I love you. To leave them with no doubt of our commitment to one another.”
Grace turned in his arms. “But I have no gift for you.”
Calum pressed his lips against hers in the softest of kisses. Each gentle pull of his lips spoke of how he needed nothing from Grace but her love. “Your love is all I will ever need.”
Grace brushed her fingers through his hair. “I love you, Calum. My heart and soul are yours for an eternity.”
“And mine are yours, my love.”
He pressed his forehead against hers as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes, drawing comfort from the peace they found with one another. Whatever lurked outside their door, they would conquer together. However, for now, they allowed their love to bind the strength they needed for the evening before them.
“Shall we attend to our guests?”
Grace nodded, linking her arm through her husband’s as Calum guided them along the corridor and down the stairs. The chatter filling the drawing room came to a halt once they stood in the doorway. She noticed her friends gathered together in a group with their encouraging smiles of support. Grace held the confidence to continue inside the room with her husband by her side. She touched her necklace as a token of luck that this evening would play out as they intended.
When Grace turned to him with a calm smile, a sense of pride settled over Calum. He was a lucky fool to have her for his wife. She had channeled her fear of the unknown into the spirit of a warrior. No longer did she cower in fear but showed him the tenacity she had as his governess when she fought against him at every turn. However, now they fought side by side against the evilness haunting their family and friends.
God, she was gorgeous. The elegant gown gracing her body showed everyone that she belonged by his side and they could either accept her or go hang. The emerald in the necklace complimented her beauty by shining under the firelight with an earthly glow. Her hair hung in waves along her back, enticing him to move this evening along so he could enjoy her in their bed later on.
His gaze raked the room. Those he considered his friends smiled on with their happiness at his union to Grace, while his foes sneered their envy. He had only invited them into his home for two reasons. The most important reason was to catch the culprit tormenting them. The other reason was to show them how much he loved Grace and how their opinion mattered naught to him and his family.
His stare prompted the conversation to flow again. A blight of a few whispers too. Calum guided Grace around the room, introducing her to their guests before his mother directed them into the dining room. He took his position at the head of the table with Grace seated next to him. Her proper place should’ve been at the opposite end, but he refused to part from her this evening. An enemy, whether among their guests or a servant, was in their midst, and he planned to protect Grace throughout this ordeal. Only her safety mattered.
And every moment from thereon.
GRACE SIPPED A CUP of tea as her friends discussed the evening’s event. While the evening wasn’t a success in capturing who tormented them, it had brought about Calum’s peers’ acceptance of her into their society. By the end of the party, the scornful glances had turned into admiring acknowledgement because of Calum’s attendance toward her needs. Also, Vivian’s calming presence had urged them to reconsider their stance with gracious comments about how Grace shared similar interests with the other ladies.
Before everyone departed, the ladies had invited Grace to join the committees of multiple charities and asked for Grace’s advice on their children’s education. While the dinner party had strained Grace’s nerves, she could at least now hold her head high amongst Calum’s peers and not in shame of her past. Even though there was nothing shameful about her past except for falling in love with a man above her station. A person’s rank in the hierarchy of life should never matter where love was concerned.
Vivian held her cup in the air. “You were a success this evening.”
Grace smiled. “With your help. Thank you for every kindhearted comment.”
“I only spoke from the heart.”
“Nonetheless, thank you.” Grace turned to Sara and Flora. “Thank you for your warm support this evening.”
“We would never abandon you in your time of need.” Sara patted Grace’s hand.
“Also, it was fun to watch the ladies fall over themselves to win your approval.” Flora chortled.
Grace fought not to smile at Flora’s amusement but failed when her other friends laughed at how the evening had ended. While Sara possessed the kindness to never speak ill of anyone, Flora had the knack of voicing her opinion, as she saw people’s actions for what they were. She hoped no one ever altered Flora’s free spirit or that Sara’s innocence was ever at risk again.
At least with Lord Somerville as Sara’s employer, Grace considered her friend safe from the cruelties of people’s true character. The duke was a soft-spoken gentleman who looked upon Sara with tender care. Somerville took it upon himself to protect Sara’s welfare, even extending his protection to Flora while her employer remained absent from society. Even though Grace and Vivian were married to lords who offered their protection, she still worried about Flora’s and Sara’s safety. Also, Grace hoped they would find the same happiness one day too.
“Did Lord Lockhart notice anything suspicious during the evening?” Sara asked.
Grace shook her head. “I fear not.”
Sara glanced at Flora with a newfound dread. Flora wrapped her arm around Sara’s shoulder. “Do not fret. The gentlemen will find the culprit before he strikes again.”
“Flora, will you please reconsider coming for a visit?” Vivian pleaded.
“Nay. I committed my services to Lord Hepburn, and I aim to follow through with my employment,” Flora refused.
“At least stay with one of us through the holidays,” Grace tried to convince her friend.
Flora rose from her seat when she heard the gentlemen walking along the hallway. “We should be returning to town.”
Sara followed Flora’s leave, not wanting to trouble her friend. She understood that the same argument about where she lived bothered Flora whenever Vivian and Grace brought it to attention. While her friends’ marriages thrilled her, she also understood the differences between them. Vivian and Grace failed to notice, though. The same differences bothered Flora too. However, Flora would never mention a word because she cared for them too much. Flora and Sara didn’t want their friends to feel uncomfortable with their new standing in society. Flora refused to burden them with her insecure employment status and become an act of charity for them. Also, Flora’s independence was the source of her pride.
Sara bent to kiss Grace’s cheek. “Thank you for a lovely evening. I shall see you on our next visit to the park.”
Grace rose to follow them into the foyer. “I look forward to it.”
Calum slid his arm around Grace’s waist as the servants helped to hand over their guests’ coats. Grace relaxed at his side with the familiarity he had longed for when he watched her with his siblings from afar. He ached to carry her abovestairs and make love to her. To erase the fear surrounding them into the safety of their love.
The repeated sound of someone pounding on the door paused everyone in place. Calum clutched Grace against him while Courtland reacted in the same regard with his wife. Somerville placed himself between Miss Abbott and Miss Grant to offer them his protection. The pounding increased, and Lockhart nodded at Douglas to open the doors.
Wind and rain swept inside, along with a forceful gentleman wearing an overcoat against the elements. The man loomed over them, his height an intimidating presence. However, the amusing smirk across his face conflicted with his demanding entrance. He perused the party, standing in the foyer before his gaze focused on Flora. Then his smirk turned into a devious grin.
“You!” Flora snarled.
“Aye, lass. ‘Tis me,” the stranger answered, rocking on his heels.
Flora growled a very unladylike noise before she stormed out of Lockhart Manor. She didn’t wait for an explanation about the gentleman’s arrival nor offer how they were acquainted.
Sara bit her bottom lip, unsure if she should wait with Lord Somerville or follow her friend. While she wanted to learn the identity of the gentleman and how he and Flora knew each other, she owed her loyalty to seeing to her friend’s comfort.
“Please join Miss Grant. I will follow along shortly,” Lord Somerville whispered to Sara.
Sara’s gaze lingered on the overwhelming man dripping all over the foyer as she nodded and rushed after Flora. The wink he directed at her sent her scurrying away. The gentleman held the traits of a rake of the highest order. His appearance only emphasized how he probably broke girls’ hearts wherever he traveled.
Grace noted the gentleman held the ability to irritate Flora but also held the charm to fluster Sara. No girl’s heart remained safe while in his presence. Even though Grace’s devotion lay with Calum, she was not immune to the sexual prowess emanating from this gentleman. His ruffled hair, which was a shade of red mixed with streaks of blond strands, only emphasized his masculinity. His height and the breadth of his shoulders and chest offered protection to any willing female. The stranger’s breathtaking beauty left Grace to wonder about the impact of Flora’s reaction to his arrival.
It was more than obvious they held an acquaintance with one another, but how?
“I did not mean to intrude. However, I learned my governess attended a party here this evening.” His heavy Scottish brogue broke up the quiet atmosphere.
Grace stepped forward. “You are Flora’s employer?”
The stranger bowed. “Aye, my lady. Lord Hepburn at your service.”
Lockhart stepped by his wife’s side. “Do you hold any proof of your identity?”
“Nay. I only hoped to see to Flora’s protection. The servants filled me in about the threats against her, and I wanted to confirm her safety. Also, someone delivered a letter addressed to Lord Lockhart at my home. Can anyone explain the matter of this?” He held the letter in the air.
“Why should we believe you are not the culprit behind the threats?” Somerville questioned.
The stranger’s friendliness vanished, replaced by a thunderous expression. “Because I would never harm a hair on the lass’s head, nor any of her friends. But I will once I find the fiend who threatens her.”
Lockhart nodded his acceptance of the lord and held out his hand for the letter. The stranger handed over the missive, and Lockhart tore it open to read the damaging words. Confusion marred his features as he read the letter again. He flipped it over, looking for more, but became disappointed once he saw the back was empty of any written words.
Lockhart cleared his throat before he read the missive aloud.
Lord Lockhart,
Well played, my lord. It appears as if you have thwarted me at my own game. Your marriage is now regarded as a success amongst your peers. Your wife is a charming lady who will only make your family proud. The necklace was a brilliant touch to convince them of your love for Grace. You have left me unable to tarnish her name. And for that, I will never forget.
However, since I cannot seek revenge at this moment, I will keep vigil until I can do so. I only hope in the meantime that your wife’s friends remember their place in society. If not, I will make it my mission to remind them.
Until a later date.
With my deepest sincere regret, I remain an enemy lurking in the shadows.
For now.
Lockhart finished reading the letter aloud. Their evening did not end as they predicted. However, from the culprit’s words, he wouldn’t continue to torment Grace. However, Lockhart didn’t care about the impending threat they might face in the future. It didn’t sit well with how the villain lurked in the background, waiting to strike.
“He will disappear again,” Courtland predicted.
“And wait to strike when we least expect it,” Somerville added.
“Who is this bloke and what are his intentions?” Hepburn growled.
“If you would like to join me in my carriage, I can explain on the ride back into town,” Somerville suggested.
Lord Hepburn glanced toward the door, rubbing the back of his neck. “Are you escorting the lass home?”
Somerville nodded.
Hepburn winced. “’Tis not a wise idea then. The lass will have worked herself into quite a snit. I would hate for you and your missus to witness the exchange.”
Somerville narrowed his gaze. “Miss Abbott is my daughter’s governess. Miss Grant is these ladies’ friend, and since your absence, we have taken it upon ourselves to offer her our protection.”
“My apologies. I only thought ...” Hepburn grimaced once he realized he almost spoke out of line again. “Perhaps I can call on you tomorrow for an explanation.”
“I will expect your visit.” Somerville turned toward Lockhart and Grace. “Thank you for an enlightening evening. If you and Courtland would like to meet tomorrow when Lord Hepburn calls, we can discuss our next course of action.”
Courtland placed his arm around Vivian. “An excellent idea.”
Vivian stepped forward and hugged Grace farewell, whispering in her ear, “We must plan a visit to the park.” She peeked a glance at the lord standing off by himself. “Flora will need our friendship now more than ever.”
“I will join Calum when he comes to town tomorrow.”
“I will join Maximilian too.”
A friend needed their support. For what, they held no clue. Flora’s reaction to Lord Hepburn’s arrival told a story that drew upon their curiosity. It might explain why she had fled Scotland for London and her reason for not wanting to return to Scotland. Would his arrival cause her to run away again?
Who was Lord Hepburn to their friend?