The World of the Bone Witch: The Eight Kingdoms


• The coldest among the eight kingdoms

• Has gone to war with Tresea over the Heartsbane Islands in the past and still shares some animosity

• Separated from Tresea by the River of Peace


CURRENT RULER: King Rendorvik of House Petralta


• Composed of mostly dense woods and wide plains

• Population is concentrated mainly in cities, with small scatterings of villages throughout

CAPITAL: Highgaard

CURRENT RULER: Czar Kamulus of House Ambersturg


• Mild to moderate weather, most-populated kingdom

CAPITAL: Santiang

CURRENT RULER: Emperor Shifang


• The whole continent was originally the kingdom of Yadosha, but infighting among the royal descendants soon splintered it into several warring states and shrunk their dominion into only its upper continent

• While each city-state maintains a high degree of independence, all share one main government to foster ties and maintain diplomatic missions

• Each city-state has a second minister to govern them; every seven years, a first minister is elected among the second ministers to represent Yadosha as a whole


CURRENT RULER: First Minister Stefan


• Once a part of Yadosha; many kingdoms conquered and fought over this land before Kion was able to achieve its independence through Vernasha of the Roses, a legendary asha

• A melting pot of culture and the main headquarters of the asha

• Smallest land among the kingdoms


CURRENT RULER: Empress Alyx of House Imperial


• Composed of plains and forests

• Originally a part of the kingdom of Yadosha but was the first in the continent to rebel and break off into its own kingdom


CURRENT RULER: King Telemaine of House Odalia


• Large group of islands on the Swiftsea, near Odalia and Kion

CAPITAL: Hottenheim

CURRENT RULER: Queen Lynoria of House Imperial


• Desert kingdom

• Also notable for its austere and extreme perspective generally held in contempt by most of the other kingdoms, but tolerated for the runeberry cloth they provide

• Only the western continent of Drycht is heavily populated; the majority of the kingdom is made of sand.

CAPITAL: Adra-al

CURRENT RULER: King Aadil of the Tavronoo clan