Sincere thanks to:
Bruce Davidson, who encouraged me to write about “the gang” for his own book, which inspired me to continue writing the rest of Bobby’s story.
Dan Simon and Gerhard Steidl for believing in this project.
Bonnie Kassel, who with her intelligence and patience has helped me see this book through to the end.
Amy Robbins for her expertise and literary knowledge.
Gabe Espinal for helping to finalize the book.
Julia Griner, who was there at the start.
Amina Lakhaney, who has been good enough to respond to my occasional pleas for help.
Dr. Carol Fink, a college cohort who was generous with her razor-sharp mind.
Joe Lelyveld, a dear friend who was kind enough to read the manuscript and share his insights.
Martin Garbus, an attorney and friend who has led me through safely.
My friends and family who haven’t abandoned me for my lack of attention during this long episode.
—Emily Haas Davidson