it’s either a fire or a false alarm

either a flash flood or showerhead

it’s a black velvet band or death metal collar

an oil peak or a lone star ranger

it’s a hot-air balloon or a raft of dead jellyfish

the trail of crumbs or the toasted sandwich

it’s the green flash or black spot

the hook or the parrot

the gavotte or the pogo

the marque or the logo

the belt-tightened airway

the snitch in the beltway

hold or sell

kiss or tell

stare or blink

hood or wink —



my air-guitar

your whammy-bar

8my shell-less crab

your snatch and grab

I gargle you

you hector me

I pluck your carcass


you stitch me up

I dress you down

you hook my eye

unpick my gown

you stuff me with horsehair

upholster my armchair

I censor your letters

then tip off your betters

now you’ve puzzled my bruise

and I’ve tripped in your shoes

to the beat or the moon

the cow or the tune

so we split down the middle

my dish trumps your fiddle

we’re glued then we’re broken

all’s said and
