Title Page
Barbie (1959)
Chatty Cathy (1959)
Liddle Kiddles (1966)
Beautiful Crissy (1968)
Baby Alive (1973)
Rub-a-Dub Dolly (1973)
Cabbage Patch Kids (1976 and 1983)
Strawberry Shortcake (1979)
My Little Pony (1982)
Care Bears (1983)
Rainbow Brite (1983)
Wiffle Ball (1953)
Frisbee (1957)
Slip ’N Slide (1961)
Jingle Jump (1964), Lemon Twist (1976), and Skip-It (c. 1987)
Super Ball (1965)
Big Wheel (1969)
NERF Ball (1969)
The Green Machine (1975)
Mr. Machine (1960)
King Zor (1962)
Big Loo (1963)
Operation (1965)
Simon (1978)
Teddy Ruxpin (1985)
Colorforms (1951)
Play-Doh (1956)
Crayola 64 Box of Crayons (1958)
Etch A Sketch (1960)
Vac-U-Form (1962)
Easy-Bake Oven (1963)
Creepy Crawlers Thingmaker (1964)
Spirograph (1967)
Lite-Brite (1968)
DoodleArt (1973)
Shrinky Dinks (1973)
Fashion Plates (1978)
Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine (1979)
Hula Hoop (1958)
Trolls (1959)
Wizzzer (1969)
Clackers (c. 1970)
Pet Rock (1975)
Rubik’s Cube (1980)
POGs (1991)
Tonka Trucks (1947)
Matchbox Cars (1952)
Johnny Reb Cannon (1961)
Air Blaster (1963)
G.I. Joe (1964)
Johnny Seven O.M.A. (1964)
Major Matt Mason (1966)
Hot Wheels (1968)
SSP Racers (1970)
The Six Million Dollar Man (1975)
Stretch Armstrong (1976)
Star Wars
Action Figures (1977)
He-Man and Masters of the Universe (1981)
Transformers (1984)
MicroMachines (1986)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1988)
Nok Hockey (c. 1942)
Cootie (1948)
Mouse Trap (1963)
Crazy Clock (1964)
Green Ghost (1965)
Mystery Date (1965)
Twister (1966)
Rock ’Em Sock ’Em Robots (1966)
Careful (1967)
Hands Down (1967)
Ker-Plunk (1968)
Uno (1971)
Dungeons and Dragons (1974)
Othello (1975)
Hungry Hungry Hippos (1978)
Trivial Pursuit (1982)
LEGO (1932; arrived in the United States in 1961)
View-Master (1940)
Magic 8 Ball (1950)
Little People (1950)
Silly Putty (1950)
Mr. Potato Head (1952)
Gumby (1955)
Uncle Milton’s Ant Farm (1956)
Show’N Tell (c. 1957)
Sit ’n Spin (1974)
Give-A-Show Projector (1959)
Thimble City (1964)
See ’N Say (1965)
Weebles (1971)