in Eerde, supported by the Jagdpanthers. Itwas defended by Kinnard's 1st (US) Bat-talion of 501 Regiment. A line of outpostsestablished in the sand dunes outside theown was quickly overrun. Shellfire beganto burst around the windmill covering thedirection of advance, and mortar burstsbegan to straddle the western streets of theown. Nine tanks from the British 44thLoyal Armoured Tank Battalion were sum-moned to assist the hard-pressed Amer-icans in Eerde. German tank rounds hadalready begun to strike the church steepleas the first troop of Shermans began tojockey for fire positions. An 88mm shell
smashed into the turret of the first and setthe crew compartment on fire. Foolishly,the second tank sought cover behind theflaming wreck of the first. Another 88mmscreeched through this Sherman, setting offa secondary explosion that blew the hullapart. Only the commander of the first tanksurvived. Within minutes the third tank ofthe troop was enveloped by artillery fireand also burst into flames. Further Sher-mans moving up were reluctant to enter thesand dune area. American infantry counter-attacked and before long a savage hand-to-hand melee developed. Von der Heydte'sinexperienced infantry were once again
Within minutes the third tank of the troop was enveloped by artilleryre and also burst into flames.' A view from the German lines of one ofhe corridor battles in southern Holland. An Allied armoured vehicleas been hit and is wreathed in smoke. (Bundesarchiv)