

Dedicated to all those courageous women who have overcome abuse, especially when they are able to give credit to our Lord.


To my wonderful, loved critique partners, Melissa and Yvonne, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work,” —Ecclesiastes 4:9.


Thanks to NRW and PRW members for brainstorming aspects of this story at writers’ retreats.


A special thank you to Sam Wilson, Nongame Mammal/Furbearer Program Manager with Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, for answering my wolf questions with thoroughness and patience.


And a profound thank you to Carol Eager, Lead Keeper, at Lee G. Simmons Conservation Park and Wildlife Safari at Ashland, Nebraska. She did much more than answer my questions; she became a friend. One of my 2010 highlights was spending four hours at Wolf Canyon, listening to her “talk” with the pack.