AC | Aircraft Commander (Army term) |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder |
AFB | Air Force Base |
AFTP | Authorized Flight training Period |
AGL | Above Ground Level, i.e altitude above the surface of the Earth |
AH-1 | Bell Cobra or Sea Cobra, Army and Marine Corps Attack Helicopter |
AHRS | Attitude Heading Reference System |
AIM | Airman’s Information Manual |
AMTRAK | Amphibious Assault Vehicle used by the Marine Corps |
APC | Armored Personnel Carrier |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
ARVN | Army of the Republic of Vietnam |
ASHB | Assault Support Helicopter Battalion |
ASE | Automatic Stability equipment |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
AWS | Amphibious Warfare School |
Blackhawk | Sikorsky-built US Army Utility Helicopter, UH-60 |
BOQ | Bachelor Officer’s Quarters |
BRC | Base Recover Course |
C&C | Command and Control |
CCA | Carrier-Controlled Approach |
CG | Commanding General |
CH-46 | Boeing-built Sea Knight, Marine Corps Medium Lift Helicopter |
CH-47 | Boeing Chinook Army medium Lift Helicopter |
CH-53 | Sikorsky-built SeaStallion Series Helicopter |
Chalk | Army term for aircraft position in a multi-aircraft flight, i.e. the second aircraft is “Chalk 2,” the third “Chalk 3,” etc. |
Chinook | Boeing CH-47 Series Helicopter |
CO | Commanding Officer |
CQ | Carrier Qualification |
CWO | Chief Warrant Officer, Grades 2–4 |
DA | Density Altitude |
Dash 1, 2, etc. | Marine Corps term for aircraft position in a multi-aircraft flight, i.e. the second aircraft is “Dash 2,” the third “Dash 3,” etc. |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone |
DSSN | Director of Safe, Standardization, and NATOPS |
E&E | Escape and Evasion |
ELVA | Emergency Low Visibility Approach |
EMCON | Emissions Control |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulation |
FBO | Fixed Base Operator |
FFAR | Folding Fin Aerial Rockets |
Fox Mike | FM radio |
Frog | Boeing CH-46, used interchangeably with Sea Knight and Phrog |
FSB | Fire Support Base also called Firebase |
GCA | Ground-Controlled Approach |
GED | General Educational Development—high school completion certificate |
H&I | Harassment and Interdiction (a type of artillery mission) |
HAC | Helicopter Aircraft Commander (Marine Corps term) |
H2P | Helicopter Second Pilot (Marine Corps term) |
MHH | Helicopter, Marine, Medium—designation of tactical CH-46 squadrons |
HMT | Helicopter, Marine, Training—designation of initial training squadrons |
Huey | Bell UH-1Series helicopters |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICS | Internal Communication System |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
IP | Instructor Pilot |
KIAS | Knots Indicated Airspeed |
KIA | Killed in Action |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
LPH | Landing Platform Helicopter, a US Navy Helicopter Carrier |
LPD | Landing Platform Dock, A class of US and British Navy Amphibious Ships |
LSD | Landing Ship Dock, A class of US Amphibious Ships |
LF6F | Landing Force, 6th Fleet |
LOACH | Light Observation Helicopter Hughes-built OH-6 Cayuse Series Helicopters |
LSE | Landing Signal enlisted, a “Yellow Shirt” |
LZ | Landing Zone |
MCAS | Marine Corps Air Station |
MEW | Marine Expeditionary Unit |
MEW (SOC) | Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) |
MRE | Meal, Ready to eat |
NATOPS | Naval Air training and Operating Procedures Standardization |
NAVAIR | Naval Air Systems Command |
NCO | Non-Commissioned Officer |
NCOIC | Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge |
NDB | Non-Directional Beacon, a homing radio that allows the pilot to fly to a navigation beacon or a commercial Am radio station |
NEO | Nationals Evacuation Operation |
NOE | Nap-of-the-Earth |
NVA | North Vietnamese Army |
NVG | Night Vision Goggles |
OAT | Outside Air Temperature |
OCS | Officer Candidate School |
OD | Olive Drab |
ODO | Operations Duty Officer |
OH-6 | Hughes Cayuse Observation Helicopter, a LOACH |
OH-13 | Bell Sioux Army Observation Helicopter |
OH-23 | Hiller Raven Army Observation Helicopter |
OH-58 | Bell Army Observation Helicopter |
Ops O | Operations Officer |
PA | Pressure Altitude |
PAX | Passenger(s) |
Phrog | CH-46, used interchangeably with Sea Knight and Frog |
PMC | Portuguese Marine Corps |
PSP | Pierced Steel Planking |
PX | Post Exchange |
PZ | Pickup Zone |
R&R | Rest and Relaxation |
RLO | Real Live Officer, i.e. a commissioned officer versus a warrant officer |
RMI | Radio magnetic Indicator |
RN | Royal Navy |
RON | Remain Over Night |
RPG | Rocket Propelled Grenade |
RPM | Revolutions per Minute |
SAS | Stability Augmentation System, a semi-autopilot |
SDO | Squadron Duty Officer |
SEA | Southeast Asia |
Sea King | British version of the Sikorsky H-3, The mark IV Commando |
Sea Knight | CH-46 |
Sea Stallion | CH-53 |
Shitter | CH-53 |
Snake | AH-1 |
SOCEX | Special Operations Capable Exercise |
SOI | Signal Operating Instructions |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SWAT | Special Operations and Tactics |
TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation System |
TAD | Temporary Additional Duty |
TDY | Temporary Duty |
TERF | Terrain Flying |
TH-13t | Bell instrument flight trainer version of the Army OH-13 |
TOC | Tactical Operations Center |
TRAP | Tactical Recovery of Aircraft and Personnel |
U-6 | de Havilland Canada Beaver, Army Utility Airplane |
U-8D | Military Version of Beechcraft Twin Bonanza |
UH-1 | Bell Huey, Army and Marine Corps Utility Helicopter |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency Radio, used for communications |
VC | Viet Cong |
V/STOL | Vertical/Short Take-Off and Landing |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VH, VK, etc. | Royal Navy 846 Squadron Aircraft Identifiers, e.g. “Victor Hotel” |
VIP | Very Important Person |
VMC | Visual Metrological Conditions |
VNE | Velocity Never exceed |
WO1 | Warrant Officer, Grade 1 |
WOC | Warrant Officer Candidate |
WTI | Weapons Tactics Instructor |
XO | Executive Officer |