Chapter 5


He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.…He was despised, and we did not esteem him.


EVERY PERSON NEEDS love. God created us this way. You need the love of a family, the love of others, and the love of God. If you don’t get that love, you will either accept rejection or express one of its two manifestations: fear and pride. Rejection is a powerful tool of the enemy, as it opens the door for all kinds of demonic oppression to come in and destroy a person’s life.

Rejection is a pervasive spirit that is always present when I minister deliverance to people. This is because rejection is a wound that usually begins early in life, and a wound left untreated develops into an infection. Demons are like germs that are attracted to a wound and cause an infection. In other words, what begins as a wound develops into something much worse.

Not only does rejection wound, but it also affects a person’s identity. Because the rejected person thinks there is something wrong with him, he will reject himself. The spirit of self-rejection usually accompanies rejection. The enemy begins to set up false personalities within the person who has been rejected.

Rejection is the sense of being unwanted; it’s the pain of desperately wanting people to love you but being convinced they do not. Even if the people in your life are loving and accepting, when you are suffering from rejection, you are unable to believe or receive that love. You have an aching desire to be part of something but never feel that you are.

To compensate for rejection, some become withdrawn like a turtle retreating into its shell for protection. Others explode with anger and hatred, fighting bitterly against the pain and injustice. Rejected people often spend their lives seeking a meaningful identity outside a true relationship with God.1

Rejection often begins at a young age and can even start in the womb. Prenatal rejection is common and can occur with unplanned pregnancies; an unwanted child; rejection from the father, mother, or both; and rape. Middle children can be vulnerable if they feel the parents favor the elder or younger children.

Family rejection can stem from abandonment by one or both parents, whether intentional or perceived, abuse from authority figures (either emotional or physical), being adopted, having birth defects, birth order (middle child syndrome), favoritism shown to certain children, death of a parent, parental neglect, overbearing parents, or perfectionist parents.

Societal rejection includes rejection from peers, racial prejudice, social and economic differences, bullying, or mistreatment from authority figures (e.g., teachers, coaches).


Not only is rejection a demon; it is also a personality. The rejection personality comprises different spirits that join and strengthen rejection. Demonic spirits that may enter as a result of rejection include the following:

lust, fantasy, and perversion

insecurity and inferiority

pride, vanity, and ego




a feeling that life and people are unfair

guilt, shame, and confusion

sensitiveness and being easily offended

inordinate affection for animals





Rejection also links with rebellion, causing schizophrenia (or double-mindedness).

God wants us to identify the causes of rejection and come against the demons of rejection, fear of rejection, self-rejection, hereditary rejection, the roots of rejection, and the spirits that come in with rejection—hurt, anger, bitterness, rage, pride, fear, rebellion, and more—so we can be free and bring deliverance to our families, friends, and those around us.


Isaiah 53:3 tells us that Jesus was despised and rejected of men. Why? Jesus took our rejection upon Himself so He could deliver us from rejection. Now, because of Christ’s rejection, we are accepted in the Beloved (Eph. 1:4–6). We are accepted through the blood of Jesus. We are accepted by grace. We don’t have to be perfected through legalism or keeping laws. We can be accepted by faith. This is the tremendous blessing of Christianity. Break the chains of rejection by believing the truth of God’s Word.


Heavenly Father, I believe that I have been fearfully and wonderfully made. Lord, You created me—spirit, soul, and body. Lord, You desire for me to be healthy in all areas of my life—my spirit, my soul, and my body. And so, Lord, I ask You to heal me and deliver me from any negative image I might have in my life—any self-rejection, self-hatred, guilt, shame, fear, unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment that I might have in my heart toward my mother, my father, my siblings, any person who has hurt me, rejected me, abandoned me, or taken advantage of me—that has caused me to reject or hate myself.

Lord, forgive me if I have spoken words against my own life—if I had a death wish or if I have said things against my own self, I break the power of those words.

Any negative words out of my mouth against my life—I break the power of those words. Any self-inflicted curses of death, sickness, or destruction—I break the power of those words. Any demons that have come into my life through hurt, rejection, or bad relationships, I renounce you. You cannot stay in my life.

I forgive myself for anything that I have done in the past that I was ashamed of. I renounce all shame, all guilt, in the name of Jesus. I accept myself. I believe that You created me for a purpose. I am Your creation, and I will not reject myself. You made me a certain way. I will not despise it.

So today I renounce all self-rejection and self-hatred; all guilt, shame, fear, bitterness, anger, and resentment in my life that is affecting my immune system, blood system, skeletal system, nervous system, and glandular system, in the name of Jesus; my muscular system; anything that is affecting my bowels, bones, joints, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, liver, spleen, intestines, throat, and every organ in my body; my heart, in the name of Jesus.

Every spirit that would operate in my heart, intestines, belly, or any organ of my body that would cause it not to function properly—I command you to come out of my life.

All spirits of sickness, infirmity, disease, death, premature death, and destruction—in the name of Jesus I renounce you today, and I command you to leave. Any spirit affecting my blood, my blood sugar level, my blood pressure level—I renounce you in the name of Jesus.

All pain, swelling, infirmity, and rottenness in my bones, I command you to leave my body; any demon that dries my bones, in the name of Jesus; any demon that causes my blood to be unhealthy, in the name of Jesus; any demon that causes my body to attack itself and destroy itself, you cannot stay in my body. I command you to leave, in the name of Jesus. I command you to go by the power of God; by the anointing of Jesus Christ you cannot stay. I renounce and repent, and I command you to leave in Jesus’ name.


The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yes, I have a good inheritance (Ps. 16:6).


Lord, You are my light and my salvation. You are the strength of my life. I will not fear anything or anyone (Ps. 27:1).


Lord, You are with me. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me (Ps. 118:6)?


You were despised and rejected. You are acquainted with my grief and sorrow. But by Your stripes I am healed of rejection (Isa. 53:3–5).


I believe and receive what You have said about me. Your truth sets me free from the spirit of rejection.


You have nailed my rejection to the cross. I am set free.


I have been chosen by God from the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4).


I am holy and without blame (Eph. 1:4).


I have been adopted as Your child according to the good pleasure of Your will (Eph. 1:5).


I am accepted in the Beloved (Eph. 1:6).


I am redeemed through the blood of Jesus (Eph. 1:7).


I am an heir (Eph. 1:11).


I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6).


I am the workmanship of the Lord, created in Christ Jesus for good works (Eph. 2:10).


I am a fellow citizen with the saints and members of the household of God (Eph. 2:19).


I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises that I may be a partaker of the divine nature of Christ (2 Pet. 1:4).


My inner man is strengthened with might by the Spirit of God (Eph. 3:16).


I am rooted and grounded in love (Eph. 3:17).


I am renewed in the spirit of my mind (Eph. 4:23).


I am filled with the Spirit of God (Eph. 5:18).


I am healed (1 Pet. 2:24).


The Son has set me free (John 8:36).


I am born of God; therefore, I am victorious (1 John 5:4).



Through Jesus Christ and through His blood, by faith in Him, I have been made acceptable to God.


I have perfect righteousness because I have His righteousness.


God accepts me because of what Jesus did, not because of my works.


God is holy. His standard is perfection. Nothing less will do. I am perfected through the sacrifice of Jesus, and my lifestyle and works will show my faith.


Holiness and righteousness are God’s standards. I commit myself to a life of holiness and righteousness. If I make a mistake, I know His blood will cleanse me. But my goal is that in Christ I will live a crucified lifestyle. My prayer, my praise, my worship, and my life will be acceptable to God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
