Sleek Vinyl Drill



It is also interesting of dollars

a year

neither election nor

pissant severance package

your heath, my

sustenance, ballast of

thon hindmost grace

Eiderdown conflict but not for

manly yearnings of many years.

There’s goats in

the Bible, (capricious rome

of traducious venom and bathetic foam)—but THIS is

the boy with the crumpled horn

that vexed the maiden

—all forlorn

that worries the cow

—all shaven and shorn

—that studies the house that Jack built.

& where is the boy

who attends to The Word?

He husbands, engenders and butters the herd


ur-domesticulate, spurious, may’st I espy

such-like as distantly predicative

but, like a poem

well-thought-out, worked-on


linking shot subjects

to tree farms system’o’neglect …

badger’d wheatfields

reflected behaviours received mighty

in holds of blood

he be fen-faced tho’ cack-handed

electorate pulsing, loving up some sylph-on-the-dole

I also thought uptown wer’st several

planets about

big shaman circumstance & keep your mouth quite picklish


half-grown slug along the pebble-dash stucco’d must

be, that is to say UP in the morning. I won’t.

Be that as my intention remains, muster grubbly manifold.

Inherent poetics will our.

A worldly circumstance,

that likeliest nest of nettles

—I must abound at hooves behest, a sufferance

of naval barracks. beans. & bars. & stripes without

a license. I chirp

& am left, bereft

& fecund

Are no further filmic cluttery

bits of feeling stalked and staked

there was an now is not.

   My liftless languor belies

an urgent musicaliry

underlies the agency of

obvious shifts

& clunky device.             A surfeit of contingency

blub blub blah blub blah

or post-labial fricative co-mangling restive

&/or confounded lassitude

of belly.