cum-fla-wid-me the skies choose symbiotic booze cruise wid me
transparent sway see thru gown shadow derrière sidewise flooze
cum-fla-wid-me the skies disguise our lives up size down prize
don drive dat car under influence go home alone let chauffeur
in slink white limo drive girl fla cruise fla low fla away ride way
lose exotic blues buzz pimp da hide pimp da pride height flight
just one commercial sets off fantasia an underclass entertainment
spree a black suited charlatan pours his alcohol beverage charm
invaded by his seductive chimerical stance transforms desire
croon da tune fla da moon mobility flair self fancy
fla da lady buzzard queen tiara envied by whirl
chancy girl shakes flamboyant headdress legacy
privileged plumes vary light stripe to dark rainbow
don’t boast aloud or boast heart uppity comes round
manny booz ho cannot help notice wants her vanity to fly up his
ass his airline motto message to spread pleasure cum-fla-wid-me
crass for tricks sake he has to expose his prideful bum propel
brown cheeks stage a fatal attraction she cums slow circle wing
calculated to drop gently beside how beautiful dead he looks
delicious from behind rump saddle cause for celebration hold up
silver chalice to toast initiation of corpse composure such reeky
aroma from arsehole makes her look up close take quick peck
while her beak slides smoothly around the stink even still he does
not move but to semi relax sphincter extra calm porno pleasure
he’s bit aroused she massages tiny little circles before her beak
inserts full tilt play and penetration so perverse shaman anus is
clued so cued sacred mischievous rite to suck absorb her entire
delicate head he must adjust her thrust inside surprise when bald
birdy wiggles free of snap shut buttock hold an all star wrestler
never that bold warn tease us to celebrate life responsible grasp
the turntable arm play record music humbly show off elegance
with minimal risk her crown us wrinkled anus like the one she
flew in to inspect without a cautious glance at expensive menu
stranger friction is how manny booz ho did not once let giggle
escape extent invasion caused her onset of baldness for
culture vultures he entraps infamous fembot domination