Branch of Science: Physics
Concept: Lift Versus Gravity



Test this project outside or in a room with high ceilings. Your helicopter sails high, giving you a peek at the science behind helicopter propellers.

You’ll Need:

Safety First: Have an adult help out when using hot water and hot glue.

Put It Together:

  1. Place the stick in the boiling water for about 10 minutes. With the tongs, pull out the stick, and hold it for a few seconds while it cools.
  2. Twist the ends in opposite directions. Place one end between upright books. Set heavy books on the other end to hold the twist in the stick. Allow the stick to dry for several hours.
    image of step description
  3. Snap the skewer in half. You will only need half. Use the sandpaper to make the broken end of one half smooth and flat.
  4. Use the hot glue to glue the flat end of the skewer piece to the center of the twisted craft stick.
  5. Wrap the string around the skewer about 2 inches (5 cm) from its pointed end. Place this end into the center of the spool.
    image of step description
  6. Holding the spool, grab the loose end of the string and pull it to launch the helicopter. (Now wind the string in the opposite direction. Does the winding direction make a difference in how it flies?)

Fast Fact: Helicopters have one propeller on top and one on their tail. Why? The tail prop keeps the helicopter stable. Otherwise the helicopter would spin with the rotations of the main propeller.