Branch of Science: Chemistry
Concept: Properties of Elastomers



Build a rubber band launcher to bring some fun and excitement to your day! A rubber band’s ability to stretch and spring gives this launcher its gusto. Whip up this project, and see the science behind a rubber band’s power.

You’ll Need:

Safety First: Have an adult help out when using hot glue and sharp tools such as a utility knife. And never point your launcher at people or animals.

Put It Together:

  1. Overlap the ends of two sticks by about 1 inch (2.5 cm). Hot glue them to make a longer stick. Repeat with the remaining two sticks.
    image of step description
  2. Use the utility knife to slice one of the corks in half. You’ll have two shorter corks.
  3. Sandwich one of the cork halves between the ends of the sticks from Step 1. Sandwich the uncut cork between their other ends. Glue the corks in place.
    image of step description
  4. Place the launcher on one of its flat sides. Glue a flat side of the clothespin near the end with the uncut cork. Its legs should face up the slope.
  5. Loop one end of a rubber band through the other. Tuck it inside its other end to form a knot. This will connect the rubber bands.
    image of step description
  6. Wrap one of the rubber bands several times tightly around the end of the launcher opposite the clothespin. Leave the other rubber band trailing toward the clothespin.
  7. Pull this rubber band back, and snap it into the mouth of the clothespin.
  8. Place the remaining half cork near the mouth of the clothespin. Place it inside the rubber band loop.
    image of step description
  9. To launch, press open the clothespin.

Fast Fact: Rubber is harvested from the sap of rubber trees.
