About the Author

Lorri Horn is the author of the Kirkus starred novel Dewey Fairchild, Parent Problem Solver, which was listed as one of the Best Middle-Grade Books of 2017 by Kirkus Reviews.

Lorri spent her childhood days in California and has been working with kids all her life. She got her first babysitting job when she was nine years old, became a camp counselor, and went on to be a teacher.

Fascinated by the origins of behavior, Lorri spent a few years studying cercopithecus aethiops (vervet monkeys) and thought she’d become a famous biological anthropologist. But it turns out there’s a decent amount of camping involved in that career. Plus, while it was fascinating to study and observe our little non-human primate brothers and sisters, Lorri found it much more rewarding to share a good book with a kid. Not once did those vervets gather round for story-time.

So Lorri became an educator and an author for humans, who, admittedly, sometimes monkey around. She has a degree in English, a teaching credential, has been Nationally Board Certified, and has taught public school for over 14 years.

She loves cheese (if she had to choose between cheese and chocolate on a deserted island, she’d have to say cheese—and that’s saying a whole lot, because she’s not sure how’d she live without chocolate), humor, baking, books, and spending time with her husband, son, and their dog—you guessed it—Wolfie.