
Chapter 49





“You got the GPS working?” Combs couldn’t help grinning. What do you know, the old man came through. Maybe something finally would go right. “Man, you’re a freakin’ wizard.”

“Not so much.” Teddy’s frustration made his voice crack. “Thing is, the cat’s moving, and going fast. Gonna to be out of range soon, if I sit here and wait for you.”

“What? Why?” He pressed harder on the accelerator. “The cat’s moving? There’s a range?”

“I’ll explain later. Had to jerry-rig the system, and it’s like hitting the lottery to even get a reading. Macy goes into a tunnel or behind a hill, and we’re screwed. What you want me to do? Wait for you or go after the cat?”

Combs considered the options. “Go after the cat. Odds are Macy’s with September. They’re making a run for it. Try to get eyes on the vehicle.” Whoever the guy was, he hadn’t wasted any time racing from the restaurant to collect his victim.

“Won’t work, Detective. The GPS isn’t following the road, not the way a car or a person would travel. The signal’s heading cross-country. I think Macy got away or was dumped. Something must have scared him to death, he’s really moving.” He sounded anguished. “Have to track him on foot. Don’t know if I can catch him. My joints don’t listen to me these days.”

He didn’t have to think. “Do it. Whatever it takes. Get that cat. Maybe September got a message on him.” That’d be like her. And if the cat started running, that meant September might be close by and running, too.

Behind him, Shadow pawed his arm and yawned. “We can find the initial location of the signal, and from there do a ground to ground search. I’ll call it in. The guy must have some out of the way place to hold September.”

“That could take hours! I don’t think we have much time. And besides,” Teddy added, “There’s no way to know if the first GPS location came from where she’s being held. Macy could have been on the run for a while. That’s the first spot we registered once I got it going.”

“Go after the cat, Teddy. You handle that, and when I get there with the dog we’ll see if he can’t point us in the right direction.”

Shadow woofed, as if he understood every word. Combs hoped he did.