Special thanks to all the women in the original Surrendered Circle, especially Lynnae Bennett and Christine Gordon, who were the first ones brave enough to take this plunge. Christine also has my eternal thanks for her expert editing. What would I do without her? Glad I don’t have to think about that!
Speaking of expert editors, I’m incredibly lucky that this book fell into the hands of Doris Cooper at Simon & Schuster, who was visionary enough to see its potential. She is wonderfully encouraging and motivating—and amazingly thorough.
Of course, I never would have met Doris if I didn’t have the best agent in the world: Jimmy Vines. Thanks, Jimmy!
I’m also thankful to my sisters Hannah and Katie, who let me draft them into surrendering and provided thoughtful insights. My brother, John, was a wonderful source of support and inspiration while I was writing this book.
Most of all, I’m grateful to my beloved husband, John Doyle. He helped me to become my best self, and made me laugh all along the way. I still say I’m a little luckier.