Third Part of the Ethics93

OF The Origin and Nature OF THE EMOTIONS


Most of those who have written about the emotions and about the manner of living of human beings give the impression that they are discussing things that are outside of nature rather than natural things that follow the common laws of nature. In fact, they seem to conceive of man in nature as an empire within an empire.43 This is because they believe that human beings disrupt rather than follow the order of nature and that they have absolute power over their actions and are wholly self-determining. They then attribute the cause of the powerlessness and inconstancy of human beings not to the common power of nature but to some sort of fault in human nature. As a result they deplore, despise and ridicule human nature, and very often condemn it; and anyone who shows superior eloquence or ingenuity in denouncing the powerlessness of the human mind is regarded as a prophet.

But there have also been some outstanding authors (to whose labor and industry we admit that we owe a great deal), who have written many fine things about the right manner of living and have given advice full of prudence. However, no one has determined, so far as I know, the nature and strength of the emotions and what the mind in its turn can do to govern them. I am aware that the celebrated Descartes, despite his belief that the mind has absolute power 94over its actions, still strove to explain human emotions by their first causes and at the same time to point out a path by which the mind could have absolute sovereignty over the emotions. But in my opinion anyway all that he proved was the brilliance of his own genius, as I shall show in the appropriate place. For the time being I would like to return to those who prefer to abuse or ridicule human emotions and actions rather than understand them. They will certainly find it strange that I attempt to treat human faults and follies in geometrical fashion and that I should wish to prove by certain demonstrative reasoning these things which they constantly say defy reason and are foolish, absurd and abhorrent.

Here is my reasoning.44 Nothing happens in nature which can be regarded as natures fault. Nature is always the same, and everywhere there is one and the same virtue in it, one and the same power of action. That is, the laws and rules of nature by which all things happen and change from one form to another are always and everywhere the same, and therefore there must also be one and the same method of reasoning for understanding the nature of anything whatsoever, namely through the universal laws and rules of nature. Therefore the emotions of hatred, anger, envy, etc., considered in themselves, follow from the same necessity and virtue of nature as do other particular things. Accordingly they have specific causes by which they are to be understood, and they have specific properties which are as well worth studying as the properties of any other thing that we take pleasure in observing. I will therefore discuss the nature and strength of the emotions and the power of the mind over them using the same method I followed in the previous Parts in discussing God and the mind; I will consider human actions and appetites exactly as if I were studying lines, planes or bodies.


These things will be understood more clearly from what we said in 2p7s, namely that mind and body are one and the same thing which is conceived sometimes under the attribute of thought and sometimes under the attribute of extension. This is why the order or connection of things is one whether nature is conceived under the one attribute or the other, and consequently that the order of our bodys actions and passions is simultaneous in nature with the order of the actions and passions of the mind. This is also evident from the way in which we proved 2p12.

But although this is how things are and there remains no reason to doubt it, still I hardly believe that people can be brought to think about these things with a fair mind if I do not confirm the matter by experience, 98so firmly are people convinced that it is solely at the minds behest that the body is sometimes in motion and sometimes at rest and does all sorts of actions that depend solely upon the will of the mind and its skill in thinking. For no one has yet determined what actions the body can do, i.e. experience has not yet taught anyone what actions the body can and cannot do without being determined by the mind simply on the basis of the laws of nature insofar as nature is viewed solely as corporeal. For no one has yet achieved such an accurate knowledge of the bodys structure that he could explain all its functions, not to mention that we observe quite a few things in animals that far surpass human skills, and that sleepwalkers do many actions in their sleep which they would not dare do while awake. This is all good evidence that merely by the laws of its own nature a body can do many things by itself that strike the mind with wonder.

Then, no one knows the manner or mechanism by which the mind moves the body, nor how many degrees of motion it can give the body and how fast it can make it move. It follows from this that when people say that one or another of a bodys actions originates in the mind which governs the body, they do not know what they are talking about. They are merely admitting in plausible words that they are ignorant of the true cause of that action without wondering at it.

But they will argue that whether they do or do not know by what means the mind moves the body, they are nevertheless aware by experience that if the human mind were not capable of thinking, the body would be inert. Then they claim to know by experience that it is within the abilities of the mind alone to speak or be silent, and a host of other things which they believe to depend similarly on a decision by the mind. But on the first point, I ask them whether experience does not also teach them the contrary that if the body is inert, the mind too at the same time is incapable of thinking. For when the body is at rest and asleep, the mind remains asleep with it at the same time and does not have the ability to think that it has when it is awake. Then, I believe that everyone has experienced that the mind is not always equally capable of thinking about the same object, but the more capable the body is to have an image of this or that object aroused in it, the more capable the mind is of thinking about this or that object.

But they will argue that it is impossible for the causes of buildings, pictures and such things, 99which are made by human art alone, to be deduced solely from the laws of nature insofar as nature is considered as merely corporeal; and the human body would not be able to build, say, a great temple unless it were determined and guided by a mind. But I have already shown that they do not know what the body can do or what can be deduced from merely studying its nature. Also they themselves experience that a whole host of things happen simply by the laws of nature which they would never believe could happen without direction by a mind, such as a sleepwalkers actions in his sleep which even he wonders at when he wakes up. I would also mention the fabric of the human body itself which far surpasses in craftsmanship any structure ever made by human art, to say nothing of the point I proved above that infinite things follow from nature under whatever attribute it is considered.

Now on the second point, human affairs would certainly get along better, if it were as much within the abilities of a human being to be silent as to speak. But experience abundantly shows that human beings have nothing less within their control than their tongues, and there is nothing people are so bad at as governing their appetites. This is why many believe that we do freely only those actions that we pursue tepidly, because the appetite for those things can easily be countered by remembering some other thing that we frequently recall, but not those things that we pursue with a great emotion that cannot be calmed by recalling some other thing. But nothing would stop them from believing that we do all things freely, if they had not experienced that we do quite a lot of things that we later repent; for example, when we are assailed by contrary emotions, we often see the better and follow the worse.45 Similarly an infant believes he wants milk freely, an angry boy thinks he tries to get vengeance freely and a timid person thinks that he tries to run away freely. Then, a drunken person believes that it is from a free decision of his mind that he says things which later when he is sober he will wish he had not said. Similarly a delirious person, a chattering woman, a child, and lots of people of this sort believe they are speaking by the free decision of their minds, whereas the truth is they cant contain their impulse to talk. Thus experience and reason alike clearly show us that people believe they are free merely because they are conscious of their actions but are ignorant of the causes by which they are determined. They also show us that the minds decisions are nothing but the appetites themselves, which vary as the disposition of the body varies. For every person governs everything by his emotions; and those who are assailed by 100contrary emotions do not know what they want. Those who are not moved by any emotion are driven this way and that by the slightest of influences.46

Surely this all clearly shows that the decision and appetite of the mind and the determination of the body are simultaneous in nature, or rather they are one and the same thing. When it is considered under the attribute of thought and explained through that, we call it a decision, and when it is considered under the attribute of extension and deduced from the laws of motion and rest, we call it determination. This will become clearer later from what we have still to say.

But there is another thing which I would like to stress above all. It is that we can do no action by a decision of the mind unless we recall it. For example, we cannot speak a word unless we recall it. Then, it is not within the free abilities of the mind to recall something or to forget it. So the only thing that is believed to be within the abilities of the mind is, by the sole decision of the mind, to be silent or to speak about a thing which we recall.

But when we dream that we are speaking, we believe that we are speaking by a free decision of the mind. However we are not speaking, or if we are, it is happening as a result of a spontaneous motion of the body. Then we dream that we are hiding certain things from people and that we are doing this by the same decision of the mind by which, when awake, we keep quiet about things that we know. We dream finally that we are doing certain actions as a result of a decision of the mind which we dont dare to do when we are awake. Thus I would very much like to know whether there are two kinds of mental decision, one of dream things and the other of free things?

But if we are unwilling to stray so far into nonsense, we must necessarily admit that this decision of the mind which is believed to be free is not distinguished from imagination itself or from memory, and that it is nothing but the affirmation which an idea, insofar as it is an idea, necessarily involves (see 2p49). Therefore these mental decisions arise in the mind by the same necessity as ideas of things that actually exist. Therefore those who believe that they speak or keep silent or do anything whatsoever as a result of a free mental decision are fantasizing.


Particular things are modes by which Gods attributes are expressed in a specific and determinate way (by 1p25c), i.e. (by 1p34) they are things that express in a specific and determinate way the power of God by which God is and acts, and no thing has anything in itself by which it may be destroyed or which may take away its existence (by 3p4). To the contrary, it is opposed to everything that can take away its existence (by the previous proposition). Therefore, it endeavors as far as lies in itself, to persevere in its own being. Q. E. D.


We see therefore that the mind can undergo great changes. Sometimes it passes to greater perfection and sometimes to lesser perfection. These 105passions provide us with an explanation of the emotions of joy and sadness. By joy therefore in what follows I shall mean the passion by which the mind passes to greater perfection. By sadness I shall mean the passion by which it passes to lesser perfection. Also when the emotion of joy is related to mind and body simultaneously, I call it delight or cheerfulness. When the emotion of sadness is related to mind and body simultaneously I call it distress or melancholy. But note that delight and distress are attributed to a person when one part of him is more affected than the rest; cheerfulness and melancholy are attributed to him when all parts are equally affected. Then, I explained what desire is in 3p9s. These three are the only primary emotions I recognize; in what follows I will show how all the other emotions arise from them. But before I go further, I should like to explain 3p10 more fully; I want to give a better understanding of how one idea may be contrary to another idea.

In 2p17s I showed that the idea that constitutes the essence of mind involves the existence of body for so long as the body itself exists. Then, it follows from what we proved in 2p8c and its scholium that the present existence of our mind depends solely upon the fact that a mind involves the actual existence of a body. Finally, I showed that the power by which the mind imagines and recalls things also depends on this (see 2p17 and 2p18 with its scholium), because it involves the actual existence of a body. From these things it follows that the present existence of a mind and its power of imagining are taken away as soon as the mind ceases to affirm the present existence of a body.

But the reason why a mind ceases to affirm this existence of a body cannot be the mind itself (by 3p4), nor can it be that the body ceases to be. For (by 2p6) the reason why a mind affirms the existence of a body is not because the body has begun to exist. Therefore by the same reasoning, neither does it cease to affirm the existence of the body itself because the body ceases to be. It arises (by 2p8) from another idea which excludes the present existence of our body and consequently the present existence of our mind and which therefore is contrary to the idea which constitutes the essence of our mind.

Proposition 23

Anyone who imagines that something he hates is affected by sadness will be joyful; if conversely he imagines it as affected by joy, he will be sad; and both these emotions will be greater or lesser as the contrary emotion is greater or lesser in the thing he hates.


Insofar as something we hate is affected by sadness, it is to that extent destroyed, the more so, the greater the sadness by which it is affected (by 3p11s). Therefore (by 3p20) anyone who imagines a thing he hates as affected by sadness, will in contrast be affected by joy, and the greater the sadness with which he imagines the thing he hates to be affected, the greater his joy will be. That is the first point. Then, joy posits the existence of that which is joyful (by the same 3p11s), and all the more so, the greater the joy is conceived to be. If anyone imagines a person he hates to be affected by joy, this imagination (by 3p13) will restrain his endeavor, i.e. (by 3p11s) the one who hates him will be affected with sadness, etc. Q. E. D.


From our imagining that people love something or hate it, we too will love it or hate it (by 3p27), i.e. (by 3p13s) we shall be made joyful or sad by the mere presence of that thing; and therefore (by the previous proposition) we shall endeavor to do whatever actions we imagine people love or view with joy, etc. Q. E. D.


By good here I mean every kind of joy and anything that contributes to it, especially anything that satisfies a longing, whatever that longing may be. By bad I mean every kind of sadness, and especially that which frustrates a longing. For we showed above (in 3p9s) that we do not desire a thing because we judge it to be good, but on the contrary what we desire we call good; and consequently what we are averse to, we call bad. Therefore it is by his own emotions that every person judges or estimates what is good or bad, what is better or worse, and what is the best or the worst.

For example, an avaricious person judges a pile of money to be the best thing and a lack of it to be the worst thing. An ambitious person desires nothing so much as glory and fears nothing so much as shame. Then to an envious person nothing is more pleasing than another persons unhappiness and nothing more irksome than someone elses happiness. Thus each of them is judging by his own emotion whether a thing is good or bad, useful or useless.

In addition, the emotion by which a person is of a disposition to refuse what he wants and to accept what he does not want is called timidity. Timidity thus is merely fear insofar as a person is ready through fear to avoid something bad which he foresees in the future by means of a lesser evil (see 3p28). But if the bad thing he fears is shame, then timidity is called modesty. Finally if the desire of avoiding a future evil is restrained 127by timidity in the face of another bad thing, so that he does not know which he would rather have, then the fear is called consternation, especially if both of the bad things he fears are very serious.


This proposition can also be proved from 2p17c. Whenever we recall something, even if 132it does not actually exist, we still see it as present, and the body is affected in the same way. Therefore insofar as the memory of the thing is vivid, to that extent the person is determined to regard it with sadness. While the image of the thing lasts, this determination is of course restrained by the memory of the things that exclude its existence, but it is not taken away. Therefore the person is joyful insofar as this determination is restrained.

This is also why this joy, arising from the harm done to a thing we hate, comes back whenever we recall the thing. For as we have said, when an image of the thing is aroused, the image, because it involves the existence of the thing itself, determines the person to regard the thing with the same sadness with which he used always to see it when it existed. But because he has combined the image of this thing with other images that exclude its existence, this determination toward sadness is immediately restrained, and the person is joyful again. This happens whenever this is repeated.

It is for the same cause that people take joy in recalling some bad incident from the past, and why they are relieved to tell of the dangers they escaped from. When they imagine a danger, they see it as being still in the future and are determined to fear it, but this determination is restrained once again by the idea of the freedom which they combined with the idea of danger once they had escaped from it. This makes them feel safe all over again, and thus once again they have joy.

Proposition 51

Different people may be differently affected by one and the same object, and one and the same person may be differently affected at different times by one and the same object.


We see therefore that it may happen that one person may hate what another person loves; and that one person may fear what another does not; and that one and the same person now loves what he previously hated and now dares to do what he was afraid to do before, etc.

Then, because everyone judges by his own emotion 135what is good and what is bad and what is better and what is worse (see 3p39s), it follows that people can vary52 as much in judgment as in emotion. This is why when we compare different people, we distinguish them solely by difference of emotions. We call some people intrepid, others timid, and we have different terms for other people. For example, I will call a person intrepid who makes light of something bad that I am inclined to be afraid of. If I also notice that his desire to do harm to someone he hates and to benefit someone he loves is not restrained by fear of something bad which would tend to hold me back, I will call him courageous. Then, a person who is afraid of something bad that I habitually make light of will seem timid to me. If on top of that I notice that his desire is restrained by fear of some bad thing that cannot deter me, I will say that he is cowardly. Thus each one of us will make his own judgment.

Finally, from this inconstancy of human nature and human judgment, it follows that human beings often make judgments of things purely by emotion, and that the things are often purely imaginary that people believe make for joy or sadness and which (by 3p28) they therefore endeavor to bring about or to get rid of, to say nothing of the other points we made in part 2 about the uncertainty of things. As a result, we easily conceive that a person can often be the cause of his own sadness as much as of his own joy, or of his being as much affected by sadness as by joy accompanied by the idea of himself as the cause of them. And thus we easily understand what repentance is and what self-contentment is. For repentance is a sadness that is accompanied by the idea of himself as its cause, and self-contentment is a joy that is accompanied by the idea of himself as its cause. And these emotions are very vehement because human beings believe they are free (see 3p49).


This affection of the mind, or the imagination of a special thing insofar as it is in the mind all by itself, is called wonder, and if it is aroused by an object that we fear, it is called consternation, because wonder at something bad keeps a person so fixated on it that he becomes incapable of thinking about other things which might enable him to avoid it. But if what we wonder at is a persons wisdom or industry or something of that sort, then our wonder is called veneration, because we immediately see the person as far superior to ourselves. Conversely, if what we wonder at is a persons anger, envy, etc., it is called horror. Then, if we wonder at the wisdom, industry etc. of a person we love, our love (by 3p12) will be greater just because of that; love combined with wonder or veneration we call devotion. In this way we can also conceive of hatred, hope, assurance and other emotions in combination with wonder; and thus we will be able to deduce more emotions than the ones that are normally singled out in our usual vocabulary. It appears from this that the terms for the emotions have developed more from common usage than from an accurate knowledge of them.

Disdain is opposed to wonder. But its cause is largely our being determined to wonder at, love, fear etc. something because we see someone else 137wondering at it, or loving or fearing it etc., or because at first glance something looks similar to things we wonder at, love, fear etc. (by 3p15 with its corollary and 3p27). But if we are forced by the presence of the thing itself or by a more careful scrutiny of it to deny everything about it that can be a cause of wonder, love, fear, etc., then the mind remains determined by the very presence of the object to think more about what is not in the object than about what is, whereas in the presence of an object the mind normally thinks about what is in it. Further, just as devotion arises from wonder at a thing that we love, so derision arises from disdain for a thing that we hate or fear, and scorn arises from disdain for stupidity just as veneration arises from wonder at wisdom. Finally, we can conceive of love, hope, glory and other emotions in combination with disdain, and from this we can conceive yet other emotions that likewise we do not normally distinguish from others by any specific terms.


This sadness, accompanied by the idea of our own lack of power, is called humility, while the joy that arises from thinking about ourselves 139is called self-love or self-contentment. The latter is restored whenever a person thinks about his own virtues or his power of action, and consequently everybody is eager to talk about his own achievements and to make a show of his strength both of body and spirit; for the same reason other people find this irksome.

It also follows from this that human beings are envious by nature (see 3p24s and 3p32s), or are glad about the weakness of their peers and conversely are saddened by their virtue. For whenever a person imagines his own actions, he is affected by joy (by 3p53), which is all the greater, the more perfection he imagines his actions express and the more distinctly he imagines them, i.e. (by what we said in 2p40s1) the more he can distinguish them from others and see them as special things. Therefore everyone will most enjoy thinking about himself when he is regarding something in himself which he denies of other people. He will not be so glad if what he affirms of himself belongs to the universal idea of a human being or an animal. And conversely he will be saddened if he imagines that, in comparison with other peoples actions, his own are rather weak. He endeavors to get rid of this sadness (by 3p28) by misinterpreting the actions of his peers or by embellishing his own as much as possible. It appears then that human beings are prone to hatred and envy by nature, but how children are raised also comes in to it: parents tend to encourage their childrens virtue solely by the stimuli of kudos and envy. But a nagging thought may still remain that we quite often wonder at and venerate other peoples virtues. To banish this thought, I will add the following corollary.


Joy and sadness, and consequently the emotions compounded or derived from them, are passions (by 3p11s). But (by 3p1) we necessarily are acted on insofar as we have inadequate ideas, and (by 3p3) we are acted on only insofar as we have them. That is (see 2p40s) we necessarily are acted on only insofar as we imagine, or (see 2p17 with its scholium) insofar as we are affected by an emotion that involves the nature of our body and the nature of an external body. Therefore the nature of each passion must necessarily be expressed in such a way as to explain the nature of the object affecting us. For example, the joy arising from object A involves the nature 141of object A itself, and the joy arising from object B involves the nature of object B itself, and therefore these two emotions of joy are different in nature because they arise from causes of a different nature. So too the emotion of sadness arising from one object is different in nature from the sadness arising from a different cause. The same goes for love, hatred, hope, fear, wavering of spirit etc. Accordingly, there are necessarily as many species of joy, sadness, love, hatred, etc. as there are species of objects that affect us.

But desire is the very essence or nature of each person, insofar as it is conceived as determined by his given constitution whatever it may be to do a certain action (see 3p9s). Therefore just as each person is affected by external causes with one or another species of joy, sadness, love, hatred, etc., i.e. just as his nature is constituted in one way or another, so his desire is necessarily one or the other, and the nature of one desire necessarily differs from the nature of another as much as the emotions from which each one arises differ from each other. Therefore there are as many species of desire as there are species of joy, sadness, love, etc., and consequently (by what we proved above) as there are species of objects which affect us. Q. E. D.


Notable among the species of emotions and (by 3p56) they must be numerous are gluttony, drunkenness, lust, avarice and ambition, which are simply notions of love or desire, which explain the nature of both emotions by the objects to which they are related. For by gluttony, drunkenness, lust, avarice and ambition we mean simply an immoderate love or desire of food, drink, sex, wealth and glory. Further, insofar as we distinguish these emotions from others solely by the objects to which they are related, they do not have contraries. For temperance, sobriety and chastity, which we normally oppose to gluttony, drunkenness and lust, are not emotions or passions, but denote a power of the spirit which governs these emotions.

But I cant explain here all the other species of emotion (because they are as many as there are species of objects), and it is unnecessary even if I could. For the purpose we have in mind, which is 142to determine the strength of the emotions and the power of the mind over them, it is enough for us to have a general definition of each of the emotions. It is enough, I say, to understand the common properties of the emotions and of the mind, in order to be able to determine what sort of power the mind has and how effective it is in governing and restraining the emotions. Therefore although there is a great difference between different shades of the emotions of love or hatred or desire for example between love for ones children and love for ones wife there is no need to sort out these distinctions and pursue the nature and origin of the emotions any further.


I attribute to fortitude all actions that follow from the emotions that are related to the mind insofar as it understands, and I divide fortitude into spiritedness and generosity. By spiritedness I mean the desire by which everyone endeavors to preserve his own being by the dictate of reason alone. By generosity I mean the desire by which each one endeavors to help other human beings by the dictate of reason alone and to unite them in friendship with himself. Therefore I attribute to spiritedness actions which aim only to be useful to the person doing the actions, and I attribute to generosity actions that aim to be useful to another person as well. Therefore temperance, sobriety and presence of mind in danger, etc. are species of spiritedness; consideration, clemency, etc. are species 145of generosity.

With this I think that I have explained the most important emotions and waverings of spirit that arise from compounding the three basic emotions desire, joy and sadness. And I believe I have shown them through their first causes. It is apparent from all this that we are driven about in many ways by external causes, like the waves of the sea driven about by opposing winds, ignorant of our future and of our fate. But I stress that I have shown only the most important, not all, of the conflicts of spirit there may be. For by proceeding in the same manner as above, we can easily show that love has been combined with repentance, disdain, shame, etc. In fact I believe that what I have said establishes that the emotions can be compounded in so many ways with each other, and so many variations arise, that they cannot be numbered with any precision. It is enough for my purpose to have enumerated just the most important ones; the others, which I have omitted, would be more curious than useful.

Nevertheless, something still needs to be said here about love, because it very often happens that while we are enjoying the thing we were pursuing, the body acquires a new constitution as a result of that enjoyment. Its new constitution determines it to go in a different direction and arouses different images of things in it, and at the same time the mind begins to imagine other things and to desire other things. For example, when we imagine something whose taste has always pleased us, we want to enjoy it, i.e. we want to eat it. But even as we are enjoying it, the stomach fills up, and the body is given a different disposition. Therefore if now that the body is otherwise disposed an image of the same food is offered because the food itself is now in front of us and an endeavor or desire to eat it is also aroused, the new constitution will conflict with that desire or endeavor, and consequently the presence of the food which we previously wanted will be distasteful; we call this disgust and satiety. I have also not dealt with the external affections of the body that are observed in emotions, such as trembling, pallor, sobbing, laughter etc., because they are related only to the body without any reference to the mind. Finally, we need to take note of a few things about the definitions of the emotions, so I will go over them again here in a systematic manner and make some observations on each one.

146Definitions of the Emotions


We said above in 3p9s that desire is an appetite with consciousness of itself, and that this appetite is the very essence of a human being, insofar as it is determined to act in those ways which serve his preservation. But in the same scholium I also noted that in truth I recognize no difference between human appetite and desire. For whether a person is conscious of his appetite or not, it still remains the very same appetite; and so to avoid the appearance of tautology, I avoided explaining desire by appetite. But I very much wanted to define it in such a way as to comprehend together all the endeavors of human nature which we indicate under the names of appetite, will, desire, or impulse. I could have said that desire is the very essence of a human being insofar as it is conceived as determined to act in some way. But it would not follow from this definition (by 2p23) that the mind can be conscious of its desire or appetite. In order to include the cause of this consciousness, I had to add (in the same proposition) insofar as it is conceived as determined to act in some way as a result of any given affection of it. For by any affection of the human essence we mean the constitution of that essence, whether it is innate or adventitious or conceived solely through the attribute of thought or solely through the attribute of extension or whether it is related to both at the same time. Under the term desire therefore I mean here any and all endeavors, impulses, appetites and volitions of a person, which vary with the varying constitution of the person and are quite often so opposed to each other that the person is pulled in different directions and does not know which way to go.


In 2p18s we showed the reason why the mind instantly switches from thinking of one thing to thinking of another thing. It is because the images of those things are so arranged and connected with each other that one follows another, and this cannot be conceived when the image of a thing is novel. The mind will continue to think about it until it is determined by other causes to think of other things. Therefore the imagination of a new thing, considered in itself, is of the same nature as the others. This is why I do not include wonder 148among the emotions. I see no reason to do so, since this captivation of the mind does not arise from a positive cause drawing the mind away from other things, but only arises because there is lacking a cause to determine the mind to move on from thinking of one thing to thinking of others.

Therefore (as I noted in 3p11s) I recognize only three basic or primary emotions: joy, sadness and desire. The only reason I discussed wonder is because it is usual to designate some of the emotions derived from the three basic emotions by special names when they are related to objects which we wonder at. The same reason also prompts me to add a definition of disdain.


Pride thus differs from adulation because the latter refers to thinking too well of an external object, whereas pride refers to a person thinking too well of himself. And as adulation is an effect of love, so pride is an effect or property of self-love. For this reason it can also be defined as love of oneself or self-contentment insofar as it affects a person so much that he thinks too well of himself (see 1543p26s). There is no emotion contrary to this one. For no one thinks too poorly of himself because of self-hatred; moreover no one thinks too poorly of himself because he imagines that he cannot do something or other. For whatever action a person imagines that he cannot do, he necessarily imagines it, and is so disposed by this imagining that he cannot in reality do what he imagines he cannot do. As long as he imagines that he cannot do something or other, he is not determined to do it; and consequently for the time being it is impossible for him to do it.

However we will be able to conceive of the possibility that a person thinks too poorly of himself if we focus on things that depend on opinion alone. For it may happen that as someone in a sad mood is contemplating his own weakness, he imagines that he is disdained by everyone, even though others could not be further from disdaining him at all. A person may also think too poorly of himself if in the present time he says something negative about himself in the future, of which he is uncertain. For example, he may say that he can conceive nothing certain, and that he can desire or do no action which is not wrong or base, etc. Then, we may say that a person thinks too poorly of himself, when we see that, from an excessive fear of shame, he does not dare to do things that his peers dare to do. Therefore we can oppose this emotion to pride, and I will call it abjection. For as pride arises from self-contentment, so abjection arises from humility, and accordingly we define it as follows.


A person who runs away because he sees other people running away or who is afraid because he sees that other people are afraid, or again a person who sees that someone else has burnt his hand and draws his own hand back and turns his body away as if his own hand were being burnt, is certainly imitating the other persons emotion, but we will not say that he is emulating him. This is not because we recognize one cause for emulation and a different cause for imitation, but because it is normal to say that someone is emulating another person when he imitates something we judge to be honorable, useful or pleasing. See 3p27 with its scholium on the cause of emulation. For the reason why envy is very often associated with this emotion, see 3p32 together with its scholium.


This desire for intercourse, whether moderate or not, is usually called lust. Also, these five emotions (as I mentioned in 3p56s) do not have contraries. For consideration is a species of ambition (on this see 3p29s); then I have already pointed out that temperance, 159sobriety and chastity designate a power of mind and not a passion. Though it may happen that a person who is avaricious, ambitious or timid will refrain from excessive food, drink or sex, nevertheless avarice, ambition and timidity are not contrary to gluttony, drunkenness or lust. For an avaricious person often longs to indulge himself with other peoples food and drink. And an ambitious person will not show restraint in anything provided he expects it to stay secret, and if he lives among drunken and lustful people, he will be all the more prone to the same faults precisely because he is ambitious. Finally a timid person does things he does not want to do. Even if, to avoid death, an avaricious person throws his riches overboard into the sea, he still remains avaricious. And if a lustful person is saddened because he is unable to have his way, he does not therefore cease to be lustful. And absolutely, these emotions are not so much concerned with acts of feasting, drinking etc. themselves as with the appetite and love itself. Nothing therefore can be opposed to these emotions but generosity and spiritedness, which we will discuss later.57

I will not give definitions for jealousy [zelotypia] and other waverings of the mind, both because they arise from a compounding of emotions we have already defined, and because most of them have no names, which shows that it is sufficient for practical life to have only a general knowledge of them. But it is clear from the definitions of the emotions that we have explained that they all arise from desire, joy or sadness, or rather that they are nothing but these three, each of which is accustomed to be given a variety of names according to their various relations and extrinsic characteristics. If we would now care to focus on these basic emotions and on what we said above about the nature of the mind, we will be able to define emotions, insofar as they are related to the mind alone, as follows.

General Definition of the Emotions

An emotion, which is called a passion [pathema]58 of the soul, is a confused idea, by which the mind affirms a greater or lesser force of the existence of its own body or of some part of it than before, and an idea given which the mind itself is determined to think of this thing rather than of that.


I say first that an emotion or passion of the soul is a confused idea. For we have shown (see 3p3) that the mind is acted on only insofar as it has inadequate or confused ideas.

Then I say that it is an idea by which the mind affirms a greater or lesser force of the existence of its own body or of some part of it than before. For all the ideas of bodies that we possess (by 2p16c2) indicate the actual constitution of our own body more than the nature of an external body. But this idea, which constitutes the form of an emotion, must either indicate or express the constitution of the body or of some part of it which the body itself or some part of it possesses because its power of action or the force of its existence is either augmented or diminished, assisted or restrained. But note that when I say a greater or lesser force of existence than before, I do not mean that the mind compares the present constitution of its body with its previous constitution. I mean that the idea that constitutes the form of the emotion affirms something about the body which in truth involves more or less reality than before. And since the essence of the mind consists (by 2p11 and 2p13) in affirming the actual existence of its own body, and since we understand the essence of a thing through its perfection, it follows that the mind passes to a greater or lesser perfection when it happens that it affirms something about its body or some part of it which involves more or less reality than before. When therefore I said above that the minds power of thought is augmented or diminished, I meant simply to say that the mind has formed an idea of its own body or of some part of it which expresses more or less reality than it had previously affirmed of its body. For the excellence of ideas and the actual power of thought is judged by the excellence of the object.

Finally I added and an idea given which the mind itself is determined to think of this thing rather than of another in order to express the nature of desire as well as the nature of joy and of sadness which the first part of the definition explains.

End of the third part

44 Spinoza uses the same phrase at 4p45c2s. See Terence, Adelphi, 68.

46 This line is adapted from Terence, Andria, 266.

48 See 3p27.

49 Spinozas footnote: N. B. understand here and in what follows, people for whom we have entertained no emotion.

51 See DOE13ex.

52 Spinozas footnote: we showed in 2p13s that this can happen despite the fact that the human mind is a part of the divine intellect.

53 Most of Spinozas Latin terms for the emotions are given in the 1650 Latin translation of Descartess Passions of the Soul, a copy of which was in Spinozas library.

54 Spinoza mentions shamelessness again in 4p58s, but he does not show that it is not an emotion.

55 See DOE 20.

57 See 3p59s.

58 Spinozas term for passion here is not his usual passio. Pathema is Descartess term for passions in the Principles of Philosophy IV, 190.