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Eugene Ahn, Forage Restaurant, September 16, 2013

Kate Berridge, author, February 26, 2014

Elizabeth Bowen, Altadena Farmers Market, October 15, 2013

Kevin Carney, Mohawk Botique, September 16, 2013

Nancy Chin, professor, Department of Public Health and Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center, May 29, 2014

Paula Daniels, Los Angeles Food Policy Council, February 24, 2016

Juan Gerscovich, Industry of All Nations, October 9, 2013

Andrew Wallace Hadrill, professor of Roman Studies, University of Cambridge, March 17, 2014

Corky Harvey, The Pump Station, November 30, 2012

Marian MacDorman, senior statistician, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; editor-in-chief, Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, May 28, 2014

Laura and Jason O’Dell, Bucks and Does, October 23, 2013

Geoff Watts, Intelligentsia, October 30, 2013

Essie Weingarten, founder, Essie Cosmetics Ltd, December 1, 2012

Jen Williams and Derec Williams, founders, Pop Physique, July 9, 2015

Mark Zambito, Intelligentsia, October 2, 2013