
I would like to thank the following individuals for their direct or indirect contribution to the extraordinary project that became this book:

Mike Adams

Rick Blair

Brian Bowers

Sandy “Chocolate Face” Brzozowski

Greg Cipes

Ian Clark

Kerrie “Dancing Butterfly” Cushing


Groovinda Dasi

Len Foley

Juliana Garske

Lucien Gauthier

Michele Gauthier

Rebecca Gauthier

Nick Good

Angela Hartman

Aaron Howard

Vance Logan

Larry Ostrovsky

Eric Pasimo

Camille “Super Goji Girl” Perrin

Aarona Pichinson

Jay Pope

Kimberly Reschke

Andrew Rhodes

Erin Sojourner

Sara Thompson

Chad Ashley Vandenberg

Mitch Wallis

Robert “Ra” Weismandel

Richard Grossinger, Doug Reil, Philip Smith, Anne Connolly, and the entire team at North Atlantic Books