David Wolfe’s Peak Performance Archives available at www.thebestdayever.com
(Warning! The contents of this web site may cause you to have The Best Day Ever!)
A special message from David Wolfe:
On this web site you will have access to a priceless amount of the most valuable information ever assembled in one place on peak performance and longevity, including nutritional seminars, documents, interviews, product reviews, and videos. As soon as you join you’ll immediately have access to hundreds of mp3 audio files, videos, PDF files, and much more. Even more importantly, inside www.thebestdayever.com is a community of individuals just like you. You can meet hundreds of new friends with the same passions for health, wellness, and success.
You’ll learn how to:
Achieve an extraordinary level of energy
Learn all about superfoods, superherbs, raw foods, and chocolate
Discover up-to-date information from America’s foremost healthy lifestyle authorities
Leap ahead of the curve in health, longevity, success technology, and peak performance
Radically rejuvenate yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually
Achieve a remarkable level of sensuality, charisma, and sex appeal
Enjoy every second of life and really experience The Best Day Ever!
Explode your creativity and imagination
Sleep 2–4 fewer hours each night, and wake up feeling better than ever!
Add years (if not decades) to your life span
This incredible web site gives you complete access to my text, audio, and video library containing hundreds of lectures and files on superfoods, superherbs, raw foods, chocolate, health, beauty, minerals, and rejuvenation programs, including information on how to heal some of the most stubborn ailments known to humanity. The web site also includes professional nutrition coaching forums where you can get answers to your questions. You will hear live interviews with me on a monthly basis, where I answer your questions and bring you up to date on the latest and greatest news. Also, if you are interested, you can tap into my monthly blog.
I am a BIG believer in saturating oneself with positive, empowering information, so www.thebestdayever.com has been designed to bombard you with inspirational text, audio, and video. Much of the material on the site you can download directly onto your computer or iPod and use whenever you want! All I do, all day, every day, is pursue and live the cutting edge of health, success, beauty, nutrition, peak performance, and superfood diets. This information allows you to leap miles ahead of the curve and create astounding rejuvenation and healing now without having to make the same mistakes tens of thousands of others have made. No more waiting by the mailbox. My web site was created to give you immediate access to cutting-edge information that helps you to instantly enhance the quality of your life. It is a constantly updated, ever-growing resource for you and your whole family to enjoy. This is the first time in the history of my career as a peak-performance consultant that I’ve packaged together so many compelling, life-changing programs into one jam-packed web site. Nothing like this web site is available on the Internet. This is truly a one-of-a-kind phenomenon.
If you are inspired to achieve an exceptional state of health, success, beauty, fitness, awareness, joy, sensuality, accomplishment, peak performance, and, most importantly, fun, then thebestdayever.com is for you!