Marine Phytoplankton
The Basis of All Life

The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat.

  —Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Latin Names:
Major varieties: Nannochloropsis

Common Names:

Marine phytoplankton, phytoplankton, plankton, microalgae, Worfuhlun

Superfood Type:
Green phytoplankton (liquid, powder, paste)

History, Facts, and Legends

The future of nutrition is found in the ocean.

  —Jacques-Yves Cousteau

My first introduction to marine phytoplankton was a television program hosted by Jacques Cousteau when I was a child. The program featured Cousteau’s revelations about “plankton as the basis of the food chain.” This was so extraordinary to me because at the time our family lived on the New Jersey shore. I used to ride my bicycle on the boardwalk near the ocean and stare out into the waves, even during the wintertime, imagining all the marine phytoplankton out there.

For an estimated three billion years, marine phytoplankton have directly supported virtually all living creatures in the ocean and, indirectly, all those creatures on land.

There are an estimated forty thousand species of marine phytoplankton and microalgae in the oceans, lakes, rivers, creeks, and waterways of the Earth. Marine phytoplankton make up one quarter of all vegetation (land and sea) and according to NASA provide up to 90 percent of the oxygen in the air we breathe. Marine phytoplankton produce more oxygen than all the Earth’s forests combined. Scientific research indicates that marine phytoplankton may be the most important food on planet Earth not only because of the nutritional content of the phytoplankton, but also because marine phytoplankton is food for everything on Earth—these organisms represent the very meaning of food.

Marine phytoplankton also produce more sulfur than all of the world’s life-forms combined. Phytoplankton secrete sulfur byproducts known as DMSP and DMS—these compounds are nearly identical to DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) and MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane), and as they evaporate off the oceans they form clouds above the phytoplankton that protect the phytoplankton, protecting against excessive radiation from the sun. When clouds form, the phytoplankton slow and/or stop their production of sulfur. This closed feedback loop is very likely the basis of the Earth’s weather systems. Through ensuing rain this bioavailable sulfur is then spread around the world and distributed to all the land plants and animals. Not only is sulfur spread into the atmosphere and across the land in this way, winds and weather often lift the marine phytoplankton organisms themselves right into the atmosphere. Frozen marine phytoplankton cells have been found in clouds that have drifted over the Great Plains of the United States, far away from the oceans.

In one of the great ironies of the natural world, single-celled marine phytoplankton (the smallest plant organisms on the planet) support and feed the largest animal on the planet—the majestic blue whale. The blue whale is the largest mammal that has ever lived, and can weigh up to two hundred tons. This king of the ocean feeds exclusively on marine phytoplankton and select species of krill (krill eat only phytoplankton). A blue whale can travel hundreds of miles without rest, and consumes up to 1.5 million calories per day in order to meet its enormous energy requirements.

Overall, as a class of creatures, the whales eat a diet consisting mainly of marine phytoplankton, with the exception of the omnivorous whales. Whales produce the largest brains and healthiest nervous systems of any living family of mammals due to their consumption of this superfood. Their life span ranges between eighty and one hundred and fifty years. And, many of them remain sexually active until death.

Marine phytoplankton contain a unique and extraordinary combination of life-sustaining nutrients including omega-3 essential fatty acids (including docosahexaenoic acid or DHA), nucleotides, DNA, RNA, protein, chlorophyll, vitamins, major minerals, trace elements, and polysaccharides.

Of the forty thousand species of microalgae and marine phytoplankton, several dozen of the leading varieties useful to human nutrition are now being grown in various photobioreactor environments.


How does one procure marine phytoplankton? Of course, we could go out into the center of the ocean and procure plankton by skimming it off the top layers of the ocean with very thin nets but ship travel, erratic weather, lack of quality controls, contaminants, and poor collection techniques make it extremely challenging to accomplish this task.

On dry land in several places around the world, giant photobioreactors (PBRs) have been constructed to grow marine phytoplankton in a completely controlled environment. Because of the presence of so many other organisms, the open ocean cannot be used to grow a controlled culture of marine phytoplankton. Photobioreactors replicate the natural growing conditions found in the wild ocean, but with the added benefit that one can restrict the exchange of gases and water, as well as completely control contaminants between the culture and the outside environment. PBRs have several advantages over open pond systems for the cultivation of microalgae:

For some applications, these advantages justify the increased cost of PBRs compared to open ponds. Open ponds are used, for example, to grow spirulina, but they do not provide the conditions necessary for high-density algal biomass production because of the variation in light intensity and temperature throughout the seasons of the year.


The makeup of marine phytoplankton is exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism. Research indicates that marine phytoplankton contains every nutrient needed for the creation and maintenance of new cells.

Board-certified family Integrative Medicine practitioner and author Dr. Hugo Rodier comments on marine phytoplankton:

The problem is that we need ALL of them [nutrients] at the same time for things to work. One of those rare products that contain almost everything you need for life is marine phytoplankton. It contains all nine amino acids that the body cannot make. The essential fatty acids are also present (omega-3 and omega-6). Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D, and major trace minerals are all present in phytoplankton.

Since marine phytoplankton is the basis of the Earth’s entire food chain, it provides extraordinary nutrition to all life at all ages—it’s beneficial for you, your children, your parents, your pets, your trees, your plants, and more. Marine phytoplankton is:

Phytoplankton is 100 percent bioavailable to the human body; when you eat it, not a single part of it is wasted. (This is astounding, because even the healthiest foods contain less than 50 percent absorbable and available nutrition.) The benefits of using marine phytoplankton are:

People who include marine phytoplankton in their diet are known to enjoy enhanced brain function, improved immune function, antiviral/antifungal/antibacterial effects, improved cellular repair, radiation protection, detoxification support, anti-inflammatory support, antioxidant support, improved circulation, improved heart function, allergy/asthma relief, suppression of symptoms stemming from degenerative disease, and a residual “grounding energy” overall. There are hundreds of references in scientific journals detailing the vast array of health benefits gained through the consumption of marine phytoplankton and microalgae such as spirulina, AFA blue-green algae, and chlorella.

Mike Adams, chief editor of, stated in an article on marine phytoplankton that phytoplankton is beneficial in helping improve the following conditions:

Rheumatoid arthritis

Type-2 diabetes

Autoimmune disorders such as lupus

Eczema and skin disorders

Breast cancer, prostate cancer, and other cancers

Heart disease and atherosclerosis

Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Parkinson’s disease and other neuromuscular disorders

Liver disease and hepatitis

Depression, mood swings, and behavioral disorders

Eye disease

Infertility and reproductive system disorders

Infections and common colds

Asthma and respiratory disorders

Kidney and bladder disorders

Osteoporosis and skeletal disorders

Chronic pain and joint pain

Gram for gram, marine phytoplankton is likely the most nutrient-dense, alkaline superfood on Earth. This is a superfood that contains all known minerals, all known amino acids—almost everything you could name that could be potentially missing in our nutrition!

Improve Omega-3 Fatty Acid Absorption

Omega-3 fats are essential to human health. Continuing research has demonstrated that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids leads to a reduced risk in developing cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders, neurological problems, and behavioral disorders. The better the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids into the brain and nervous system, the more efficient and swift will be the healing results.

In general, marine phytoplankton is superior to fish oil as a source for phospholipids that help us absorb long-chain, omega-3 fatty acids. It is these phospholipids that should be taken with fish, krill, and/or algae oils to make the fish and algae oils more effective in reaching the brain, nervous system, and eyes. In essence, the efficacy of fish oils, including cod liver oil, krill, and algae oils, will be improved when taken with marine phytoplankton. Not only that, like fish, krill, and some algae oils, marine phytoplankton contain one or both of the key omega-3 fatty acids: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Therefore, not only is marine phytoplankton helping to potentiate omega-3 fatty acids, it also contains them.

If you are a strict vegan or vegetarian and do not choose to consume any animal products whatsoever, then marine phytoplankton is strongly recommended. This will supply you with the essential long-chain forms of omega-3 (DHA and EPA). Importantly, these forms of omega-3 fatty acids are different from the medium-chain omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) found in flax oil and hempseed oil. ALA may or may not be converted by the human body into the more needed long-chain DHA and EPA. This conversion depends on numerous factors, including the presence of B vitamins, minerals such as magnesium, the presence of phospholipids, the presence of coconut oil, and metabolic factors in each individual’s biology. Marine phytoplankton’s phospholipids, B vitamins, and minerals help convert ALA to DHA and EPA. Marine phytoplankton itself also contains ALA.

Phospholipids are needed to transport fat-soluble nutrients into our system and then, potentially, into our brain. The ALA-, DHA- and EPA-bearing oils, when taken with the phytoplankton, can more easily cross the blood-brain barrier into the brain. This blood-brain barrier protects the brain from most foreign substances blocking their entry. In essence, the transfer mechanism to the brain (where we need ALA, DHA, and EPA the most) is more efficient with phytoplankton.

ATP and Energy

With the smallest nanoparticulate size of all microalgae, marine phytoplankton delivers vital life energy at the DNA and mitochondria level and also penetrates the blood-brain barrier, feeding the higher master glands located deep in the brain and stimulating significant mental clarity.

Normally our bodies have to break down everything we eat into little packets of protein, sugar, fats, and oils, which are put into one end of the mitochondria factory, and come out the other side as tiny energy units called nucleotides (ATP, ADP, AGP, etc.). These nucleotides are the currency of the cell—the biological battery packets that are used to produce cellular energy. The nucleotides in phytoplankton actually bypass the mitochondria production factory altogether because phytoplankton nucleotides directly feed the cell with energy. This means that the cell can produce energy quickly and effectively without having to go through all the energy of digestion.

Marine phytoplankton products also help to produce cellular energy without containing any significant calories because they bypass the mitochondria (the energy powerhouses of the cell). Taking medium-to-high doses of marine phytoplankton produces energy with no stimulation. The ATP and other nucleotides turn directly into energy once in the human body, which makes marine phytoplankton the leading superfood product in the world for those needing to work extra hard in high-stress environments without sleep and who require long-term energy and focus without stimulants. In this department, marine phytoplankton is unsurpassed.


Marine phytoplankton is rich in antioxidants such as chlorophyll as well as rejuvenating, immunizing, and cancer-fighting carotenoids including yellow- and red-pigmented xanthophylls.

Chlorophyll is one of the planet’s most widely utilized antioxidants. Antioxidants protect us from excessive radiation including x-ray screening at airports, ultraviolet rays from the sun, radioactive debris in the atmosphere and in the food supply (depleted uranium), reactive oxygen (free radicals), airplane travel, chemtrails, and more.

The intense chlorophyll content in marine phytoplankton also increases oxygen uptake, which means more fuel to the muscles for improved performance and endurance.

What to Look For …

Marine Phytoplankton Types

Ocean’s Alive Liquid Marine Phytoplankton: Ocean’s Alive is truly in a class all of its own. The availability of this product is proof that tremendous advances are being made in the field of superfood nutrition allowing individuals to feel better, get healthier, and rejuvenated faster than ever before.

As we have seen, raw products always have more nutritional potency than cooked or dried products because heat quickly destroys or degrades delicate phytochemicals. So raw spirulina is better than dried spirulina; raw AFA algae is better than dried AFA algae; and raw Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton is better than dried or pasteurized marine phytoplankton.

A team of European doctors, microbiologists, and botanists spent many years and millions of dollars researching forty thousand species of marine phytoplankton to determine the best species in each category to use for biofuel, aquaculture, exotic fish food, and ultimately, human consumption. Several dozen species of marine phytoplankton were found to be beneficial for human consumption and based on nutritional profiles, a leading beneficial species was chosen for Ocean’s Alive.

As a result of this extensive research, technologically advanced commercial facilities have now been constructed to produce pure, uncontaminated marine phytoplankton in large volume using sophisticated photobioreactors (PBRs). PBRs consist of extensive tubing interconnected in a horizontal grid the size of a football field. A “spring plankton bloom” environment is created that allows natural photosynthesis to occur, using sunlight to grow the marine phytoplankton biomass. The purified seawater solution in which the marine phytoplankton grows ensures that there are no other species contaminating the biomass. This method produces a pure, “beyond organic” super-concentrated biomass of phytoplankton.

Essentially, PBRs create a controlled, chemical-free environment that makes the end phytoplankton product consistently free from environmental contaminants. It takes an enormous amount of PBR space, ocean water, and sunlight to make just a single ounce of marine phytoplankton.

The natural life-force of phytoplankton is contained in Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton. The plankton biomass is harvested directly from the PBR into a sophisticated centrifuge that spins out the water from around the plankton. The result is a product the consistency of thick peanut butter.

This living biomass is then gently vortexed into a totally pure and natural solution of concentrated 100 percent ocean-derived trace minerals. This concentrated mineral solution is highly beneficial to human health as it contains more than ninety absorbable trace minerals and is produced using a natural evaporation process employing the sun and the wind that naturally eliminates 93 percent of the sodium. This purified ocean-water concentrate has the power to preserve the marine phytoplankton in suspended animation, protecting the original life energy, allowing it to be bottled and stored at room temperature with no deterioration. The product is then super-charged by running the liquid through sophisticated vortex technology.

All of these steps prevent any intrusion or growth of bacteria, fungus, and mold. The freshly harvested marine phytoplankton preserved in this manner retains its aroma, nutritional value, and quality for years. The moment this whole, live, liquid, raw food is mixed in water and ingested, it releases its full life energy and is completely assimilated by the body.

Note that during this entire process, the product is never heated, cooked, pasteurized, or dried so virtually 100 percent of the original nutrition (the phytonutrients) in the marine phytoplankton remains intact. This is as good or better than eating the phytoplankton right out of the ocean, which is of course what whales do.

Powdered marine phytoplankton: This is also a very good freeze-dried product. It has a powdered consistency similar to spirulina. In my household we consider it an essential component of our powdered superfood collection, in which all items are ready to include in superfood smoothies, concoctions, elixirs, and treats.

Bottled beverages containing marine phytoplankton: Several companies offer combination beverages of superfoods and herbs with marine phytoplankton added. These companies have done a tremendous job of educating people about the power of marine phytoplankton.

How to Use Marine Phytoplankton

Like all the other superfoods, marine phytoplankton is highly concentrated compared to most other human foods, so only a relatively small quantity is required in order to achieve useful health benefits.

Liquid or dried marine phytoplankton may be added to spring water, superfood smoothies, fresh juices, elixirs, and raw chocolate (cacao) concoctions or, in the case of prepared phytoplankton beverages, it can be consumed as delivered. Consume marine phytoplankton with “hyper oils” such as fish oil, krill oil, or vegan-friendly algae oil, or with coconut oil for enhanced effects. Using Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s MegaHydrate™ super-antioxidant product along with both the marine phytoplankton and any of these oils is extremely effective in enhancing the rejuvenating effect of all these products on the nervous system.

Due to phytoplankton’s natural biological relationship with sulfur, I recommend that you also try using MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) powder in your beverage when you add marine phytoplankton. Start with a small amount, a teaspoon for example, and increase from there. This appears to amplify the potency of both products, especially the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

After experimenting with marine phytoplankton for just a few days, you will notice how powerful the energizing effects of this superfood can be.

Warning: Marine phytoplankton, like nearly all microalgae, contains significant amounts of vitamin K, which some studies have shown to interfere with blood-thinning medications.

Ocean’s Alive Liquid Marine Phytoplankton Usage Recommendations

Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton is extremely powerful; a little goes a long way. One drop of Ocean’s Alive is effective enough to feel results. Beginners should start with one, two, or three drops and build up to seven drops. I really do mean “drops” and not “droppersful.” Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton is a highly concentrated and potent product. One can always take more, but a small amount will still do the trick!

Intermediate users of Ocean’s Alive should take three to four drops two or more times each day. An intermediate user is someone who has benefited from this product for two to three months.

Advanced users of Ocean’s Alive may take up to two to three droppersfuls per day. These are individuals who have enjoyed this product for over three months. Ocean’s Alive may be taken more frequently and in even greater amounts based upon your personal needs as you become more familiar with the product over time.

As we are all aware, marine phytoplankton is an extremely potent food from the ocean and is made even stronger in the form of Ocean’s Alive. There are several ways to consume Ocean’s Alive, some of which will be more enjoyable than the rest. The methods explored thus far have been:

  1. Droppering Ocean’s Alive directly into the mouth or using Ocean’s Alive sublingually are the most direct methods. Most people will find this method to be very powerful, as Ocean’s Alive has a very strong, mineral-rich taste and homeopathic response.
  2. Dropper Ocean’s Alive directly into a glass of water, add several drops or even a dropperful of Ocean’s Alive, stir, and drink. Ocean’s Alive gives a calm, clear, and balanced energy when simply consumed in water. When Ocean’s Alive is diluted properly, such as one dropper to one quart (one liter) of water, it has a very pleasant and mild taste, much like that of dark, leafy green vegetables. If you feel bold and want to increase the effect of your drink, a pinch of cayenne pepper or MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane) powder will expedite the absorption of the beverage.

    Ocean’s Alive can be added to a water jug and consumed throughout the day. It would be wise to consume this mixture before the day is up, because once put into water, the Ocean’s Alive is no longer held in suspended animation by the concentrated sea minerals and will begin to lose potency.

  3. For ease of use and a gentler, time-released effect, mix Ocean’s Alive with your favorite beverage. You can add Ocean’s Alive to fruit juice, vegetable juice, coconut water, or your favorite beverage. Any will do; it just depends on your taste preferences. Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton may be taken at the serving size levels listed above, when mixed into beverages.

    There are some special mixtures that have been found to have more zest than the rest. In particular, fermented juices such as apple cider have an excellent taste when augmented by Ocean’s Alive. Even better still is coconut kefir. The combination of these two powerful foods is a tremendous energy boost.

  4. Just as adults need minerals and super-nutrition, so do children. If a child has pure taste buds and already loves the delightful tastes of raw, living foods and/or superfoods, it is very likely they will also enjoy the taste of Ocean’s Alive in water or juice. Children should start with beginner dosages. If they don’t care for the taste, a few drops can easily be added into a fruit smoothie, which will carry the essential trace minerals and nutrients to the child without offending the palate. The same can be done for adults who find the taste unpleasant.
        Ocean’s Alive appears to be most effective when consumed with liquids and on an empty stomach to allow the body to fully absorb the nutrients.

Sublingual Use of Ocean’s Alive

Due to the nanoparticulate size of the marine algae species, absorption can be dramatically enhanced by taking Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton sublingually (under the tongue) in combination with any one of a wide range of nutrient-rich supplements. In this way, all of the essential nutrients of the chosen combination are absorbed directly into the body, bypassing the digestive system.

Potential sublingual combinations with Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton include:

1–4 drops with 1 dropperful of colloidal gold in the morning

1–4 drops with 2 droppersful of angstrom zinc in the morning, and another in the evening with 1 dropperful of angstrom copper

1–4 drops, morning and night, with 1 tablespoon of Orgono Living Silica Liquid

For all of these combinations, place the requisite amount of the supplement sublingually (under the tongue), and then carefully dispense 1–4 drops of Ocean’s Alive marine phytoplankton on top of the minerals. Higher rates of absorption are possible if this mixture is held in the mouth for 2–3 minutes before swallowing. Any of the combinations listed above are best taken in the morning before food and/or at least thirty minutes before a meal, on an empty stomach.

Also consider sublingually adding to the Ocean’s Alive several drops of any of the following: Agaricus blazei (liquid extract: one great variety is AgariGold with H1X1, a superherb medicinal mushroom product for enhanced immunity), goji berry liquid extract, or cacao bean liquid extract.

Experiment and have fun while you create your own nutrient-dense liquid superfood combinations for maximum energy, increased immunity, or heightened awareness!

How to Store Marine Phytoplankton

Once the Ocean’s Alive bottle or the freeze-dried marine phytoplankton powdered product is opened, they should be (but do not have to be) refrigerated in order to maintain maximum freshness. It is recommended that these products be used within three months after opening.

Marine Phytoplankton Recipes

Spring Water, Honey, Plankton Cocktail

1 quart (liter) spring water

1–2 droppersful Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton

2 tbsp. raw honey

1–2 pinches Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt

Blend or shake all the ingredients together. This is a phenomenal energy drink for long hikes on hot days.

Super Brain, Eye, and Nervous System Rejuvenation Drink

water and flesh from 2 coconuts or ½ liter of spring water

2 heaping tbsp. coconut oil

1–2 tsp. freeze-dried powdered marine phytoplankton

1200 mg. (3–4 gel caps) krill oil, fish oil, and/or algae oil

2–4 capsules Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s MegaHydrate™

1000 mg. (2 vegetable capsules) lion’s mane mushroom (powder)

2 tbsp. raw honey

1 cup blueberries (preferably fresh, although frozen is fine)

1 cup raspberries (preferably fresh, although frozen is fine)

Open the two coconuts and pour out the water into a blender. Spoon the coconut meat out and put in the blender. If you have no coconuts, use fresh spring water. The MegaHydrate™ and lion’s mane may be encapsulated; open the desired milligram amount of capsules and pour the powder into the blender. If the oils are in gelatin capsules, poke a hole in the oil gel capsules and squeeze the desired milligram dosage into the blender. Add the remaining ingredients. Blend and enjoy.

This drink has the power to rejuvenate difficult-to-reach nerve tissue. It improves eyesight, memory, and helps alleviate neurological problems. The coconut oil, marine phytoplankton, and MegaHydrate™ help improve the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids.

Marine Phytoplankton Sulfur Electrolyte Lemonade

1 quart (liter) spring water

1 handful goji berries

1–2 droppersful Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton or 2 tsp. marine phytoplankton powder

1 whole skinned lemon with the seeds removed

2 tbsp. MSM powder

2 tbsp. raw NoniLand™ honey or Manuka honey

2–3 pinches Celtic sea salt

1 squirt Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s Crystal Energy

Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend briefly. Serve chilled. This beverage is excellent for blood-rejuvenating electrolytes and for tissue hydration. The sulfur (MSM), electrolytes, and trace minerals also improve the skin, hair, and nails.

Ormus Phytoplankton Happy Electrolyte Lemonade

1 quart (liter) spring water

1–2 droppersful Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton or 2 tsp. marine phytoplankton powder

1 whole skinned lemon with the seeds removed

2 droppersful of David Wolfe’s Ormus Gold

2 tbsp. raw NoniLand™ honey or Manuka honey

2–3 pinches Celtic sea salt

1 squirt Dr. Patrick Flanagan’s Crystal Energy

Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend briefly. Serve chilled. This beverage is excellent for providing blood-rejuvenating electrolytes, tissue hydration, and digestive system rejuvenation. The Ormus Gold helps stimulate serotonin and the “feel good” neurotransmitters.