
You’re stuck in another marathon meeting. Your back and neck are screaming; your brain is swimming. You come home stressed and exhausted, wanting nothing more than a pizza and a video before going to sleep to get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

How can you get relief?

Let’s face it: If exercise isn’t simple and easy, most of us won’t do it. If we can’t fit it comfortably into our daily routine, we’ll never stick with it.

Try a few of the yoga stretches in this book. They are designed so they can be done anywhere, anytime, whether you’re in your office, in meetings, on the phone, or even in bed. These stretches are gentle and relaxing; they will soothe aching muscles; they will ease your tension whether you have a spare twenty minutes during lunch or only two between phone calls.

The philosophy and practice of yoga comes from India. Yoga basically means union, bringing together the physical, emotional, and spiritual parts of ourselves. Yoga is not only about the well-being of our bodies; it is a path toward deeper meaning in life.

In the ancient Sanskrit language, yoga stretches or postures are called asanas, which means to sit or dwell quietly in a particular position. Asanas are said to bring steadiness, stability, ease, and happiness to one’s life.

Yoga asanas help you on many levels: They will strengthen you physically, assisting the digestive, immune, and other bodily systems, and they will empower your mind to be calm, alert, and focused. Once you begin to do them with ease throughout the day, you’ll be surprised how powerful these simple stretches really are.

This book integrates this age-old wisdom into the modern workplace. Yoga stretching is a natural fit in any office, becoming an oasis of calm in a hectic day, one that maintains your physical health and restores your vibrant alertness.

Give it a chance to work for you. Go ahead and select a position; imitate the figure, ease into the stretch, read an inspirational quote. Enjoy the good feeling. If you have a few nagging problems, turn to the Quick Help Guide.

Thanks for trying.