Imagine standing in the middle of a busy airport terminal and feeling completely at ease. It’s possible! With the help of yoga, you can teach yourself to stay calm, no matter how stressful your surroundings are.

The enlightened traveler’s first reaction to all stressful situations is “No problem. I am calm.” When a challenge that seems to have no solution arises, the enlightened traveler thinks, “No problem. I am calm.” Because the enlightened traveler stays calm in all situations, she or he finds it easier to solve problems and let wonderful experiences unfold.

Remember that travel is more fulfilling when you manage your stress level. You can spend your travel time in either worry or wisdom. Think about this the next time you’re in line or delayed. If you feel anxious, a state of calm is just a stretch and a deep breath away. Make a commitment here and now that peace of mind will be your highest priority throughout your trip.

The rewards of the journey far outweigh the risk of leaving the harbor.
