Ambris straightened the quilt and stood back to appraise the neatly made bed. Satisfied that his work was finished, he moved to the window and stared out. The wildflowers that had overrun the cottage’s little garden were in full bloom, and the forest around it was full of life. Above the treetops, the lavender-blue sky was clear and bright, and the early evening sun shining into the bedroom was warm on his skin.
Kian was working downstairs, but Ambris realized suddenly that he hadn’t heard the sound of sweeping for some time. He crossed the room to the loft railing and looked down. There, he saw Kian leaning on his broom with a dreamy expression on his handsome face.
Three days ago, the little cottage on the outskirts of Aeyr’s Grove had been dark and neglected, full of cobwebs and dust. Today, with the midsummer sunlight streaming through the windows, it gleamed. He and Kian had worked tirelessly to set it to rights after the headman of Aeyr’s Grove had agreed to let them live there in return for the promise of healing services to the village.
Kian’s mother, overjoyed at her son’s return, had sewn pretty curtains for the windows from the bolts of cloth Garrik had sent from the castle as part of his handfasting gift for Kian and Ambris. The Wytch King himself had offered to hear the vows that would bind them to one another before all the people of Aeyr’s Grove. The ceremony would take place tomorrow, on midsummer day, in the town square. Ambris could hardly wait to make his promise to the man who had risked everything to give him his life back.
With a satisfied smile, Ambris looked about the place. The table was big enough to seat Kian’s entire family — soon to be his family, too. Two rocking chairs sat before the hearth, and he could imagine the two of them sitting before the fire on cold winter nights, sipping tea and talking quietly about their days.
Like many shifters, Ambris had proved to be an adept healer. He and Kian had spent the past three months working with Master Ilya at his school in the Stonehall. There, Ambris had learned the basics of healing, and Kian continued his own lessons in the more advanced techniques. Master Ilya had agreed to fly out to Aeyr’s Grove on a regular basis to continue their instruction. Once Ambris was finished training, the village would have two healers, not just one. Which was just as well, for by that time, Kian would be spending at least some of his time helping his father at the forge.
“Kian!” he called.
With a guilty start, Kian turned his attention back to the broom he was supposed to be pushing across the floor. “Ai?”
“Come up here and see.”
Kian turned toward the loft and their eyes locked, Kian’s widening for a moment as he stared up at Ambris. It was his hair, Ambris was certain. It had been far too unusual — and memorable — to leave long. The Wytch King’s own valet had cut it short, so that none of the shading showed. It was now a uniform pale gold, just long enough to frame his face in soft waves.
He knew Kian mourned the loss of that beautiful hair, but they had decided it was a small price to pay for the anonymity that would keep them safe from the Wytch Council.
Now, Kian set the broom aside and climbed the stairs to the loft. Ambris stepped back and surveyed the room once more, proud of his hard work. The windows gleamed, the floor was polished to a soft golden sheen, and the quilt Kian’s mother had stitched was the crowning glory, covering a neatly made bed.
“You’ve finished,” Kian said, looking about. “It’s lovely.”
“I thought we should break it in,” Ambris said, glancing meaningfully at the bed and giving Kian a sly grin.
“What, before the ceremony?” Kian widened his eyes in mock horror. “I’ll have you know, sir, that I intend to be handfasted to you with my virtue intact.”
Ambris couldn’t suppress a snort. “After the things we’ve gotten up to in the bedroom, and the tales I’ve heard from Garrik and Melli, I find myself wondering if you and your so-called virtue were ever more than passing acquaintances.”
“Why, sir,” Kian said, fluttering his eyelashes and widening his dark eyes, “I’m as innocent as the day is long.”
“Ai, we’ll just see about that, shall we?” Ambris said with a growl. “Come and show me how innocent you are, then, hmm?”
Kian wrapped his arms around Ambris and tumbled them both onto the bed. It was soft and comfortable, and the thought of spending every night here with Kian, and waking every morning in those strong arms made Ambris shiver with delight.
He shoved Kian over onto his back and began working at the laces of his breeches.
“Eager, are we?” Kian murmured.
“More than eager.” Ambris’s voice was rough with need. “It’s been three days, and while your parents were very kind to let us sleep in the loft with the children, I fear I shall explode if I must exercise my restraint for very much longer. I want my hands on you, Kian.”
His words had the desired effect, and Ambris noted the swelling in Kian’s breeches with satisfaction. He paused in his unlacing to press his mouth to the hardening flesh between Kian’s legs.
“Ready for me, are you?” he breathed, scraping his teeth lightly over the fabric.
Kian groaned, and Ambris returned to the laces. Moments later he was hauling Kian’s breeches off. Kian wriggled out of his shirt and lay there waiting while Ambris quickly shed his own clothing and returned to the bed to kneel between Kian’s legs.
Without a word, he bent forward and captured Kian’s cock between his lips, flicking his tongue across the head. Kian’s hands settled on his shoulders and he let out a low moan of pleasure.
Ambris lapped at Kian’s cock, listening to the groans and pleas and incoherent words falling from his lover’s lips. The thought that he had the power to reduce a strong man like Kian to a moaning, writhing mess was most satisfying.
Spending the rest of his days with Kian was the sort of future Ambris had never dreamed he might have, and every day they spent together seemed like a gift from the Dragon Mother.
“Ambris, please,” Kian begged. “I can’t…”
Finished teasing, Ambris let Kian’s hot, rigid shaft slide into his mouth, all the way to the back of his throat. Kian cried out and flexed his hips, and Ambris let his hands wander over Kian’s body while he worked.
When Kian came, Ambris swallowed every drop. The climax left Kian limp and panting. Ambris crawled up his body to lie at his side, and once Kian had recovered, he pulled Ambris into his arms and those big hands began to roam over Ambris’s body.
“I love you, my dragon-prince,” Kian whispered.
“I love you, my healer and my friend,” Ambris whispered back. “With all of my heart.”
The kiss they shared was both tender and passionate, and in that moment, Ambris was so happy, he thought his heart might burst. Against all expectations, he’d gained his freedom and found a home and a lover to share it with. The future, which had once seemed so grey and bleak, stretched out before him, shining with the promise of possibility.
With a happy sigh, Ambris pressed himself closer to Kian and kissed him again.
~ The End ~