It’s fair to say that this book didn’t ‘happen’ at the best time. A brand-new baby had just arrived and, with it, this huge deadline. They say it takes a village to raise a child – well, I’d like to thank that village – namely, my inspiring, passionate and true husband and best friend, for being cook, wife, mother, cleaner, comic and even typist when I really ran out of time toward the end. Thanks to my sister, who is always, always there in body and heart, despite being one of the busiest people I know. To my brother who blows me away with his creative fire (his agni!); Natalie, whose balanced work ethic, incredible efficiency and unbelievable generosity got me through a major roadblock – and my beloved mother and father, on either side of my scales, setting the dial at perfect middle, my centre, my balancers, always.

And to the utterly awesome experts I’ve quizzed and wrangled copy from – who gave their time (and I’m sure sweat and tears) to me, so freely and generously, despite all being incredibly busy people: Annee de Mamiel, with her heart of gold and constancy – what a woman; to Margo Marrone, whose vital, positive company fuels me up for weeks on end and whose generosity of spirit takes my breath away; Selda Enver Goodwin, my soul sister, drawn to what is right and good and empowering like a moral moth to a flame – you inspire me always; the incredibly kind Sunita Passi, whose beauty brand Tri-Dosha inspires me with its authenticity and trueness of vision; Denise Leicester, the soulful, true and pioneering spirit behind Ila Beauty, who also sent my on that first life-changing Ayurvedic retreat to Landaa Giraavaru – thank you, forever; Eve Kalinik, for her humour, sincerity and giddily excited approach to good food – love your RAD spirit. Lastly, Sebastian Pole, a man in the midst of the busiest year of his life, who somehow found time to sit down and write the perfect foreword – so beautiful.

To the kind and wise Vasant Lad for letting me republish his taste table, and to my ever-patient and supportive editors, Sandra Rigby and Fiona Robertson, at Watkins, thank you for the words of encouragement just as my fire petered out . . . they got me over the finish line. And . . . BREATHE.