If you’re heading out this way for a ride and looking for a climb you may notice the double gradient arrows on the B1249 rising out of Staxton and be tempted to head up. Avoid this road; it’s claustrophobic and thick with traffic. Head instead to the next village to the west – Ganton – and ride this climb. Starting from the junction of the A64 the road is level as you pass a few houses on the left. Then comes the 16% gradient sign warning of trouble ahead. It’s a while before the action starts though, the road bending right then left and into the woods. But now it gets hard. It’s a solid test under the cover of trees, easily the 16% advertised with a couple of gentle bends thrown in to add some spice. Rounding a right-hand corner the sky opens and you see the summit, but it’s not, it’s a fake. There are still 100 metres to go before you finish adjacent to a 17% gradient sign. Maybe it’s steeper down than it is up!
