East of Thirsk lie the Hambleton Hills and the border of the North Yorkshire Moors. If you take the A170, you’ll come across Sutton Bank, one of the steepest sections of A-road in the UK. This is a difficult, nasty stretch of road often clogged with struggling vehicles, which makes it horrible to ride. The best way to climb this ridge is to take the minor road north from Kilburn: Low Town Bank Road. The ascent starts smooth and steady in the shadow of the horse but soon corners left then right at a severe 20%. After that it eases slightly. The steep surface, damaged in places, twists and turns on its approach to a large car park on the left. The gradient abates briefly before turning right, becoming steeper once more as the now pothole-plagued, narrowing road brings you to a sharp left. It’s a final 25% kink left and then right before you can relax on the flat, smooth surface to reach the gliding club on the left.