Also known as Goose Eye, Game Scar Lane came to my attention thanks to its inclusion in the inaugural Tour de Yorkshire. Seeing pro riders weave and crawl up its steep slopes convinced me to go and check it out for myself. I can confirm that it’s a very nasty little road. Drop down into the gully to start, cross over North Beck, pass the Turkey Inn, and then bend left to hit the first ramp. It skyrockets upwards – click down to find a suitable gear then force yourself up its 20% slope. There’s a slight right-hand kink to focus your attention on for a moment and then it continues on its steady, steep gradient to the first of two corners. Bending right in the shadow of a tall stone wall, the gradient relaxes just a touch on the last 50 metres to the final left-hand corner. 25% at the apex, it delivers you to the steep, straight line to the top where the climb finishes as abruptly as it started at the junction.