Leave Feetham in Swaledale and head straight up a nasty 17% stretch into a cover of trees. The surface is pitted and continues hard until you bend left and cross a cattle grid. Lessening slightly, the tarmac is now broken and scarred from a series of sub-standard repairs. Ahead you will see a lone tree on the left, which marks the end of the opening section. The stiff climb out of Feetham is behind you, but you’re still far from the summit on Turf Moor. Next you roll for a while, sweeping down a couple of short 16% drops, the first over a bridge but the second leading to a formidable double obstacle. Your challenge is to cross a ford, then, with wet tyres, a cattle grid. However, if you are at all unsure, there is a footbridge you can use to avoid the ford. You’ll need to build up your momentum quickly now in order to ride the cattle grid, launch straight up into two tight bends, and reach the final section of 16% that leads you to the top.
