Table of Contents



Introduction 4

Emerich de Vattel: Voyages in the Microcosm, by a modern disciple of Pythagoras 19

Alfred Bonnardot: Archeopolis 30

René du Mesnil de Maricourt: All the Way! The Commune in 2073 51

Alphonse Brown: The Tell-Tale Insects 87

Claude Manceau: A Professional Scruple 129

Georges Bethuys: Cataclysm 140

C. Paulon: A Message from the Planet Mars 164

C. Paulon: The Blue Laboratory 181

Emma-Adèle Lacerte: Nemoville 202

Pierre Mille: Three Hundred Years Hence 277

José Moselli: The Eternal Voyage; or, The Prospectors of Space 294

José Moselli: The Planetary Messenger 319