JULY 31, 1988


It appears that a considerable number of assigned tasks are dragged out for long periods and not completed. One reason is that agencies overlap: they tie each other down and buck-passing has become the norm. Another reason is that the main people responsible do not inquire into things and let them slide. I’m really concerned about this state of affairs at city government agencies—we’re not living up to the hopes of the people. At present, the problems of agencies are still hard to resolve, so we can only ask the General Office to reiterate:

(1) Everything personally signed off by me must be handled personally by the responsible officials [the first or second in command]. They may not simply delegate to others; more important, it would be intolerable if the directive does not reach the bureau chief. If there is a prolonged delay or a failure to complete, the first in command will be held responsible for dereliction of duty. I’ve already said that the matters I sign off on are all very important ones, but they are ones I’ve already looked into, so surely it isn’t asking too much to have the first in command at the units in question also look into them.

(2) Whenever vice mayors or deputy secretary-generals hold meetings to coordinate matters, they must come up with opinions on arbitration. If they feel uncertain, they can always directly ask the mayor for guidance. If they can’t solve the problems, if they can’t arrive at opinions, they shouldn’t hold the meetings. If things aren’t carried out thoroughly, nothing can be accomplished.

Zhu Rongji

July 31

Letter to Wan Xueyuan, July 31, 1988.



1. After Zhu Rongji was elected mayor of Shanghai on April 25, 1988, he signed off on a large number of agency reports, motions of the People’s Congress, and letters from the general populace. Because the General Office of the municipal government had not yet established an effective system to supervise tasks assigned by leaders, many such tasks were sent from one agency to another, often with no outcomes. This letter to Wan Xueyuan, deputy secretary-general and director of the General Office of the municipal government, was written by Zhu Rongji after he became aware of the situation. Thereafter the General Office established a system to supervise important tasks assigned by the leadership.