Discussion Questions
1. In the story, Heaven Wharton reaches for a rifle out of fear instead of using words. Can you think of a time when out of fear you reacted in the wrong way?
2. Heaven suffers from the burden of worry. She looks to the future and finds no easy answers. Why do you think she doesn’t turn to God immediately?
3. In the beginning, Heaven is overprotective of her sister, Angel. Is there someone in your life you’re trying to overprotect? If yes, what steps can you take to give them freedom to grow and trust God with their future?
4. Travis Logan no longer wants to use his gift of being a doctor, and yet time after time he is called upon to help someone. What gift has God given you? Do you embrace it or fight against using it? Why?
5. Why do you think Heaven has problems believing God will take care of them?
6. What is your favorite scene in the book? What made it stand out for you?
7. Which character did you relate to the most? Why? Was this your favorite character?
8. How does Angel’s story parallel Annabelle’s?
9. Talk about a time you had to make a choice between two things that meant a lot to you.
10. Do you think Heaven made the right decision to tell Jake she wouldn’t marry him?
11. The rocking chair is where Heaven retreats to feel safe. Where do you go?
12. Do you feel any sympathy for Jake? Would you like to know if he is able to forgive himself?